
Pokemon Path to the top

PS: Not my cover contact me if you want it down the owner of it. MC died because of a college shoot out as he was the only victim that died in the incident. Where armed men came and shot out the school but only he died as for the others were alive. The MC not caring was happy to be reincarnated into a world he would say he loved since it was an anime he always loved to watch since he was a kid. He will meet people he dreamt of meeting and will do things to meet his goals. But for some reason he got a glimpse of something terrifying and that's the end the world he reincarnated to. He must do something about it seemed fate has a job for him to accomplish. As if wanting him to save the world from destruction as many events from the anime he watched will happen which will involve with the protagonist of Pokemon ash. Our MC who will have to watch out for the danger he brings knowing full well what will happen around him and those that accompany him. But those are not just part of the problem new threats never seen before in the anime will appear. . .

AmNotnuttyy · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

First Pokemon!

"Hello but what is your name?"

"Oops I Haven't told you my name...."

I was forgetting about that my name wait...

I don't have one since, I just reincarnated here out of nowhere meaning. I have no parents pretty much by myself so thinking about it deeply.

"My name is Erik Lazeron"

This is my new identity for the rest of my life and to the day, I die so for now hopping for some good news on Absol.

"Great Erik i'm nurse joy as you know about the absol you brought in it is yours?"

"No found the absol in the forest injured"

"oh.....but good news is that she needs rest now and she won't be able to do much with her being tired"

She!? The absol is a she? I didn't know but it seems they can know what gender is which on pokemon's sometimes it's weird to tell if a pokemon is a male or female. In pokemon from my perspective when I watched it in my tv or laptop the anime. It was hard to differentiate which pokemon is male or female. There was some pokemon you can tell is male or female like nidoran and nidoqueen.

"A she?"

"Yes Absol is a female since we examined her thoroughly and it's not hard for me to tell which pokemon's are males and females just like chansey"


Chansey cheerfully said as it was saying that it for sure is proud of itself.

"I see well when can I see her?"

"Tomorrow she'll be in tip top shape so come back in the morning!"

"Ok! Thanks nurse joy!"


Nurse joy smiled and Chansey said "Chansey as if saying bye" and I smiled happily so going out of the pokemon center. Reality struck me, I have no money and no place to call home this was something that just occurred to me.

What now?...

So I got back and talk to nurse joy to let me sleep in a room since they have like an apartment attach to their main building on the ground floor. It's weird never seen it before but this is pokemon so the people that made it probably never added such a thing.

"Nurse joy!"

"What is it Erik?"

"Can you let me sleep for one night I don't have money please"

Pleading to her which work in my favor.

"Sure! Just one night though"

"That's fine!"

"Wait here let me get the keys to a room you will stay in"


Waiting on a chair for Nurse joy and looking around many people with pokemons coming in and out is making interested to know more about this world. Even though I know about the world but not the whole behind the scenes shit. Because sure it showed us viewers about Ash and him defeating trainers and gaining new pokemon as well make new bonds with others. I should maybe get a pokemon to help me start my life as a trainer and gain money from there from battles.

Since, Absol is a rare pokemon that probably won't be with me and go to the wild. So it's better to think which pokemon should be my first.

"here you go this is the key to the room 13"

"thank you!"

"no problem, I must go now to attend to the others!"

She left to do her job but not minding it one bit as, I go to my room to sleep. Going up the stairs and finding the guest room, I would sleep in for the night.


Opening the door and then laying my self flat on the bed feeling sleepy. Looking at the ceiling and thinking what to do. I need to now have a plan for the future me and since i'm in a new world many things will be different from this world and my old world.

- Get Pokemon

- Become strong with pokemon

- overcome the dangers that lie ahead

Honestly, I'll probably meet ash or not but seeing so many novels and anime's it might be the will of the world that would want me to meet the protagonist or instead want me to be the true protagonist. Who now's I have so many theories right now maybe the will of the world like many anime's sometimes has the world having a will. Will want me to be someone great.


Do I want that?

For real who wants to bear the burden to save the world and knowing many dangerous things that, I have seen from the anime it wouldn't surprise me. If I become a victim to that certain event as a witness of the dangers. I want to become stronger than anyone and explore what the world has for me.

Such excitement, I can feel it in my veins because I really want to go on with my adventure. Of course, I want to at least see ash Ketchum just one time because who knows what troubles he might bring if, I linger any longer with him. Though he is at Kanto not Unova like me so it's far away between each other as one would need to take the plane to go there.

Instead of going there at Kanto after tomorrow is not something I should do. I'm new and need to to talk to nurse joy to get me a trainer ID at least help me with it. Not desperate right now to see ash I'll go do that after, I go to Kanto and defeat all the gym leaders here in Unova getting stronger is top priority!

Though the question would be should, I let myself be revealed to the world when getting strong?

Or should I take the route of hiding my identity well, I should not really hide it unless going in those gym's. I'll walk around showing my face outside but not in the gyms just like those tournaments ash participates in.

"Time to sleep"

Sleep takes over me and all, I see is darkness.

--------------1 day later--------

Waking up feeling much better as, I stretch my limbs nothing better than a good night sleep. Good thing, I asked for a room for the night or I would be sleeping in the forest. Well, I can sleep in the forest without a tent since, I have experience in the wild.

Going to the bathroom to take a shower and after I finish the shower looking at myself. I don't look to bad honestly, i don't look nothing like my old self. Blue short hair and red eyes not fat or skinny. But still I don't like this physique and thats why i'm going to train my body just in case. Even though in the anime you never see fist fights only pokemon fights when someone has a problem with another.


I will love to solve people that have problems with me with fist. It makes my blood boil since, I was quite the delinquent. Scratch that, I was a criminal playing the normal citizen life but people hunted me down so now I'm here living a new life. Those days were the best I love fighting a lot and was feared in all japan and south korea. Experiencing being rich, fame and other things like banging a lot of beautiful chicks.

I loved pokemon since little since it helped me cope with many things in life like having two parents always fighting with each other. Father drinks a lot comes every day drunk and does nothing but gamble. My mother always abuses me taking her anger not on my father but on me thinking it was my fault.

Only having two good pals back in my old life that, I would lay my life for them and so they would do the same for me.

I wonder how they're doing....

Enough of my past, I should be calm and chill just like being in college life. Of course I don't mind cracking some teeth out. Seeing new clothes on top of the drawer probably left by chansey or nurse joy. putting them on it made me feel new and fresh definitely liking it.

Going down to the main hall of the pokemon center. Sitting down on a chair and seeing like usual trainers and their pokemon come and go.


"What is it nurse joy?"

"Absol is fully healed and healthy now she could walk"

"Great to hear!"

Happy to know that the Absol is alright then, I see her coming to me.


It nudge it's head to my hand like it was telling me to pat it which so I did.

"it's nice to see you fully healed Absol"

Smiling at the Absol and not noticing that it made Nurse joy and the nearby girls slightly blush at my smile.


"Well let me talk to Nurse joy Absol"


it nodded to me so listening to me it sat on the ground waiting for me patiently.

"Could you help me with me registering as a trainer? Nurse joy"

"Of course!"

So she helped me on the ID and everything to becoming a trainer. Such a nice woman but always wondered how could Brock even tell which nurse joy is which because they all look the dam same.

"Thank you nurse joy!"

"Anytime! Here is the six pokeballs just so you know, I don't ever do this for trainers but since you look like you don't know your way to the professor from Unova, I don't mind helping you"

Smiling at her since it is true that, i should go to the professor of Unova which is Juniper and nurse joy's don't ever do this only the professors. Actually I don't know if it's only the professors since the anime never shows much.

Nurse joy blushed a bit her heart fluttered at his charming smile but she smash her cheeks with her hands calming herself down.

"Cya Nurse joy!"

"Take care Erik!"

"Absol lets go"


Leaving with Absol by my side these stares though not bothering me since, I'm used to such things in my past life. But I know that they're looking at Absol since they probably never seen one in their life.

Checking my ID my age is fifteen and that's when all people can become trainers if they want to. They have to be fifteen to do so and when they hit that age they're considered adults. It's funny how people consider fifteen year old's adults in this world. Having on my waist the six pokemon balls strapped there and putting away my ID. Oh yeah I do have pokedex but that shit is useless as fuck.

Wait.....I forgot it can tell about the gender of the pokemon and the movesets of a pokemon. I know all the pokemon but not the movesets since, I can only guess each pokemon have a different abilities each.

"Absol you can go now"

Arriving to the forest and looking at her because she probably deserves to be in the wild than someone's pokemon.


"you want to become my pokemon?"

"Absol, Absol!"

It nodded in content as it smiled it made me excited quite a lot. Though in this world you don't fight with fist but with pokemon. So I got to get used to it of course my old ways will never be forgotten.

"Then from here on out you and me will have the greatest adventure!"


I touch Absol's head with my pokeball and it opened as a red light hit Absol making her disappear as Absol goers in the pokeball. It wiggled three times as it always does and the pokeball stops with a noise that Absol was captured. Nice my first ever pokemon is an Absol already knowing it's moves by memory.

Our adventure starts now.

For now he would have a slight childish behavior because he a pokemon world. But his old attitude and behavior in his past life will emerge when giving the circumstances

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