
Pokemon Path to the top

PS: Not my cover contact me if you want it down the owner of it. MC died because of a college shoot out as he was the only victim that died in the incident. Where armed men came and shot out the school but only he died as for the others were alive. The MC not caring was happy to be reincarnated into a world he would say he loved since it was an anime he always loved to watch since he was a kid. He will meet people he dreamt of meeting and will do things to meet his goals. But for some reason he got a glimpse of something terrifying and that's the end the world he reincarnated to. He must do something about it seemed fate has a job for him to accomplish. As if wanting him to save the world from destruction as many events from the anime he watched will happen which will involve with the protagonist of Pokemon ash. Our MC who will have to watch out for the danger he brings knowing full well what will happen around him and those that accompany him. But those are not just part of the problem new threats never seen before in the anime will appear. . .

AmNotnuttyy · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
8 Chs


Entering the building with Hilda and Absol as we are greeted by a waiter.

"Hello for how many?"

I'm hungry but after I finish my battle with the gym leader.




Hilda coughed with a blush on her cheeks as she turned her head away.

"How about after this battle we can eat"

"On you?"

This girl...

"I don't have much money.....but I can cook for you how about it"

"Yes! Your cooking is so good, It's a deal!"

Smiling at her and warm inside that she likes my cooking it feels good for me that people appreciate my food that, I make.

"Waiter I want to battle the gym leader"

The waiter who patiently waited nodded without a hint of annoyance as he was being ignored for a period of time.

"Follow me"

So, we followed him and we see people left and right eating delicious food but I wonder how good are the cooks here though battle comes first. Hilda with her hands on the back of her head as she whistles since she has already been here before many times. Though she is not really a trainer nor does she want to be one.

"Let me present you the way to the gym"

We entered a room whose office belonged to someone but the waiter pushed the wall which spined it was a secret entrance.

"Wait here"

We nodded to him but what surprised me was the gym that it was quite big for sure. I couldn't believe it was hiding from me like this. Turning around to see Hilda she had a smile on her face as she looked at my face and giggled.

"I already know the gym here so yeah my sister been here and I was the one to come and see her"


I'm confused as fuck

Before I could ask about this sister of hers because I was curious if she had parents or any other family members. I see a green haired guy with quite the interesting hair style with a uniform exactly that the waiter is using.

"Hello challengers my name is Cilan"

It was none other than the man himself the one that accompanied Ash in Unova and another cook just like brock. Ash always had good people to follow him on his journey but he is the most childish one out of all of them. That boy can be a man sometimes but he really fails to be mature than other characters.

"My name is Erik"

"Good to meet you Erik and Hilda"

"You too Cilan"

It seems they know each other probably because of her sister winning against him I wonder is she a strong trainer.

"Is that an Absol!?"


"Woah I never seen one!"

Cilan started to circle around Absol and observe her then he slowly reached his hand towards her but Absol just started for some reason using her wind power.

"Wait Absol don't"



Cilan backed away and so did Hilda as they both stared at Absol who had a slight aggressive look on her.

"Sorry for that, I guess she doesn't like to be touched by others except me or Hilda"

"It's fine well you want to do a gym battle?"


"Well this gym battle is quite special than others as its three of us that are gym leaders who are my brothers"

We walked right behind him as we went down the to the ground of the gym arena. Seeing two other people with unique hair color one red and the other blue. It was interesting to see that these three are brothers but hey it's anime logic.

"My brother over here with the blue hair Cress and the red hair one is Chili"

[A/N: AmNotnuttyy has a stroke fweoijgoiejgroeijgiorjgoi]


"It's my pleasure"

"Well who would you like to choose?"

I had to pick one of them and knowing that it's how they run their gym.

"You Cilan battle me"

"Well then Best out of one two how about it"

"Yep I agree"

Agreeing with Cilan on the conditions and I wanted to battle this man. I'm itching for a pokemon battle but with characters that are in the anime. Of course, that doesn't mean I don't mind any battle from anyone. If they want to battle me they can do so.

I go to my position while Cilan goes to his. As, Chili goes to the middle of the arena.

"I'll be the referee best out of two if no pokemon is unable to go any further then go with your next pokemon..."

Feeling a tap on my shoulder looking at Hilda who tapped me she winked at me and blew a kiss.

"Good luck handsome and I'll give you a reward kiss if you win~"

This girl was something else for sure giving me such a prize. Not like I'm desperate for such a thing but I know for sure that loosing here won't be possible for me. I will win this battle again Cilan and now Absol by my side with a battle ready face.

"Bring out your first pokemon"

"Absol go ahead"


Absol going on the Arena which still amazed the brothers that such pokemon is in the hands of a young boy like him. They were not jealous but in fact filled with admiration and awe that a young boy can have a pokemon like that under his wing fully tamed. Is like they can see that their bond is indestructible.

"Pansage go forth!"


A green monkey appeared which was pansage.

"Well then may the best win....battle!"

"Absol use Shadow ball"

"Pansage use seed bomb"




Both attacks collided with each creating a huge smoke that made everyone slightly blind but it dissipated in seconds.

"Vine whip!"

"quick attack!"

*swish* swish*

Absol dodged the incoming vine whips as she hit Pansage with a great force knocking pansage down. Pansage got up as it felt a lot of damage dealt on itself from that quick attack. Cilan was surprised to see such power from this Absol as he never really saw one in person but now, he did. He doesn't know what moves Absol can do so it's hard for him to battle but he will prevail.

"Grass knot Pansage then Seed bomb!"

"Shadow claw then shadow ball"

*swoosh* swoosh*

Absol cut down the roots that were coming below down the ground below her. As it wanted to trap her so then after she cut it down Absol jumped and shot a powerful shadow ball.

"Pansage dodge!"



But it was to late it hit pansage which made it unable to battle.

"Pansage is unable to battle win goes to Erik"

Announced Chili then Cilan retrieved his Pansage with his poke ball.

"You did good pansage now, Maractus come on out"

A cactus creature appeared that being Maractus it was nice to see other pokemon for real.

"Pettle dance!"




Maractus did so doing the pettle dance.

"Double team then use quick attack"


Doing so many Absol appeared as they all used quick attack some hit on other fake Absol's as they poofed.

Then the battle continued on and on as the last final moments were coming to a halt.

"Maractus use energy ball full power!"

"Absol use Shadow ball overpower that energy ball of his"


Absol shoots a shadow ball that is not colliding with the energy ball. But it overpowered the energy ball which came towards Maractus hitting directly on its target.


Smoke appeared from the shadow ball then it was cleared as they all saw the maractus being unable to battle.

"Maractus is unable to battle the winner of the match is Erik!"

"Nice one Absol"


Petting Absol as she did a good job when battling two pokemon but she did get some scratches from their attacks but above all she was good.

"Erik here is your badge you earned it!"

"Thank you Cilan it was a pleasure to battle with you"

"Pleasure was mines"

We shook hands as he handed me the badge which I took out a little case just for collecting badges and put it there then put the case back into my backpack.

"Yay you did it Erik!"

I got hugged by a incoming bullet none other than Hilda who was happy for me to win bringing out a smile on my face.

"I sure did lets go!"

"Wait! Before you two go why don't you eat here on the house"

"That'll be nice"

Accepting his invitation to eat here so it wouldn't be bad.

"Nice I would love me some food right now i'm hungry"

Hilda exclaimed making me chuckle at her.

"Follow me"

My first gym battle won it feels great, I'll tell you that for sure. Now my journey for real is going to be interesting.


Pokemon battles bro I keep forgetting the moves and I go to search it up D: It's just been to long since I seen pokemon or remember the moves of Pokémon's.