
Pokemon: Moving Forward

A young man dies, and is invited by Arceus to be their Champion. But he's not going to be the only one. All of the Major Legendaries have their own Champions that are competing in this competition. What differences will there be in a Pokemon World that is more realistic than either the games or the show? How many people will get upset over the MC having a Chikorita? I don't know, but it's amusing to find out. I do not own Pokemon, and I am not related in any way to the Pokemon franchise. That said, this is my fan fiction, and things won't necessarily go the way people think it should. I'm not doing the whole Harem thing, and if you think pokemon exist outside of the food chain, you might want to move on. Also, KEEP ALL PROFANITY OUT OF MY COMMENT SECTION!!!! I do not mind criticism, nor do I mind people having their own opinions on different things. However, as I want to keep this story at least PG- 13 I do not want profanity in the comments to be read by possibly children. For all others, welcome. Currently updates on Mondays and Thursdays.

Smileykiller2797 · Video Games
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30 Chs

Chapter 20 "Starting School/ Pokemon Nutrition"

Finally, I'm settled in at Oak Academy. We traveled back to Pallet Town the same way we took when I went to camp. My dad was the only one with me this time though as my mom had some work to do in getting 'recognition to create a World Gym'. I know there is going to be a big announcement about it sometime soon, but I'm not exactly sure when.

Doesn't matter that much to me right now, as I'll be in school for about five years anyway. Then if I'm remembering everything right, I'll need to participate in at least three conferences. Granted, it could be the same conference three times, but mom won't let me take that option. Not that I would.

No, things there are still very much up in the air, especially since the requirements for going on a journey are that I need to have at least two other people with me. Also, we aren't allowed to travel with girls until after our first conference. I know the reason for that one at least, though it's a bit disappointing to me. Essentially, one guy and two girls were doing there journey, and both girls ended up pregnant. Not only did they have to stop the journey and essentially stop training their pokemon, but both of them said that the guy was the father (Which was true). All parties involved had counciling and some other things, and it was some serious bad press.

Anyway, the dorms at the Oak academy are rather impressive. They aren't luxurious, so I know that they spoiled ones that decided to come here won't be thrilled. However, the rooms are split up into groupings. Essentially, five rooms share a common room. It's our responsibility to clean and maintain the rooms, and the common room and the bathrooms. That's another nice part. With each of our personal rooms there is a bathroom with all amenities. We also have a bed, obviously, and a desk and dresser.

Awesomely enough, I got roomed with Andrew, John, and Gary. We also had a guy named Curtis, but he was a year ahead of us. Apparently, he was supposed to be a kind of mentor to us during our time at the Academy, but with the four of us I think he just decided not to rock the boat. When I actually think about it, it does make sense. Each of us has some serious backing, and while that's not important here at the Academy I'm sure it's not easy to think about what will happen after the Academy. Plus, Curtis doesn't exactly strike me as a serious battler and his only pokemon is a Natu. Pretty good for him honestly, as part of what he wants is to become a lawyer.

We decided to head to the classes together. We have our main courses about twice a week. Math and Language on Giratiday, then Math and History on Dialday. History and Language on Kyoday, and on Palkiday and Grouday, we have Science and Fitness. We are also expected to do some physical fitness on at least one of our free days, those being Arcday and Mewday. However on top of that, we have our elective courses. Those we have different schedules on. I have Pokemon Nutrition on Palkiday, Survival Basics after fitness on Grouday, and Battle Theory on Kyoday.

Gary joined me for Survival Basics, but the rest of his early electives are different than mine. John's as well, though he has Advanced Battle Theory, due to his placement test and Oak saying it was okay. Andrew took both contest basics and Battle Theory, and is in Survival basics with me, though from what he said, he's also going to be taking Pokemon Nutrition next semester. He just has to pass the Survival Basics class and he'll be covered.

Math and Language were pretty easy. I've never had a problem with math, and while writing isn't easy for me I'm fine with my reading. We had lunch in between the two classes, and that was it for the first day. Me and Danu did some training, but we kept it easy, at least until we are more familiar with the area.

Palkiday is of course when things got strange for me. More specifically, my Pokemon Nutrition class.


I walked into the class and saw that at least I would be having one class with Lucy. I quickly went over and sat next to her, and we talked about what this class might be about. Several other people were talking about the same things of course.

That's when the teacher walked in. A tall black man, with short frizzy hair and a heavyset build, he looked around the class for a moment before saying, "Hello class. My name is Mr. Johnson. Before we get started, I would like to note that in this class, you shall have your pokemon out at all times. This is the only class that first year students are allowed that."

I could hear several nervous gulps, as all of us realized this guy had some kind of weird accent. Not obvious, but very distinctive. And me personally, I had no idea where that accent came from.

Releasing Danu, she chirps at me when she sees she is in the classroom with me. I shrug my shoulder at the implied question.

"This class is not quite what you all think it is!" the man says, loud enough to be heard over everything. "In this class we will be learning the most important lesson that the human race has ever learned."

"What can we eat."

"This goes for your pokemon as well. When a trainer is in the wild, how do you expect to eat? There aren't any restaurants or pokemarts around. No marketplaces to get bread or anything else either. And if you are hungry, so is your pokemon. Only rare exceptions like Ghost types, are able to survive without food. Even then, they are just surviving and if they start using moves they'll be using a lot of energy which means they need to eat."

"Now for quite a bit of this, berries and other fruits and vegetables are adequate for your and your pokemon's dietary needs. Unless you have specific requirements, foraging is always an acceptable option. But that's not what we are going to be talking about in this class."

He reaches under his desk and opens something. A moment later we are all stunned as he places a bag with three Oddish in it, clearly dead, on the table. He reaches down once again and lifts up a large kind of slimy looking pokemon that is also clearly dead and sets it on the desk.

"As everyone can tell, in the bag I have three freeze dried Oddish. On the table, I have just set a Pokemon some of you may know as Eelektric. Eelektric is an electric type pokemon from Unova, and is particularly liked among the communities that exist just outside of Unova proper. Specifically the islands to Unova's south."

"I won't get into the specifics on how to butcher one of these today, but I will cook this, and the Oddish for you, and we'll go over what this course will expect from you."

"Primarily," he says as he lets out a Machamp that heads over to the stove and starts actually cutting up the Eelektrik, "this class will focus on identifying what you can and can not eat in the wild, be it pokemon or fruits and veggies. If you stay in this class past this year, and yes this is a year long class so none of you will be getting out after just one semester. However, if you stay for next year, we will get into more recipes and start learning more about proper butchering."

One of the students to my left raises their hand shakily and he nods to them. The person, a boy, stands up and asks, "Why is this class called pokemon nutrition if it's about eating pokemon?"

"A good question," Mr. Johnson says, "to which I will reply with another question. Who is going to actively apply for a class called Butchering 101, or maybe how to slaughter Pokemon? Hmm?"

Most of us are surprised when we chuckle a bit nervously.

"It's okay," Mr. Johnson continues. "Pokemon Nutrition is one of the survival courses for a reason. Pokemon Butchers are to this day one of the most important roles in our society, as it is their job to tell us what we can and can't eat. I know all of you have probably eaten some meat before. Did you never ask yourself where it came from? As a culture, we don't actively talk about what we eat normally. But meat comes from living things and the only living things in this world besides humans are Pokemon."

"To continue on though, who can tell me the major restriction on Pokemon Meat?"

Lucy actually raises her hand for this one and he nods to her, "Only pokemon who do not have sapience."

"Perfectly correct. On average, pokemon achieve sapience in the late silver stage to early gold stage. Some, like most of the psychic types, can achieve sapience by the late bronze stage. But then again, most people don't want to eat psychic type pokemon anyway, other than maybe Slowpoke tails."

"The reason for this rule is actually because eating sapient pokemon has led to Pokemon tides in the past. It has also caused no end of problems for humanity. Of course, there are some exceptions to every rule. Case in point is the Pokemon Malamar. Malamar is psychic type pokemon that is routinely exterminated when any of them come near human territory. The owning of a Malamar is actually a Class B offense in every region under the Pokemon Alliance, and those regions that are not currently part of the Alliance."

"The main reason for that is because Malamar are powerful psychics who focus on mind control and brainwashing. While other pokemon may be capable of these things, it seems to be hardwired into Malamar to do it. Additionally, Malamar are quite delicious. Their tentacles can be chopped up and fried or grilled. And the main part of their body is quite nutritious as well. However, Malamar are one of the few pokemon that may be eaten even after sapience is established. Additionally, no matter what stage a Malamar has reached, if you killed it, you can eat it."

"Now let's get on with the rest of our first class," he says, as his Machamp starts to grill the Eelektrik.

Yeah, as I may have noted a few times, Chapter 20 is where certain concepts and thoughts will start to be expressed. This is why I have a Parental Guidance warning on this story. Well that and some other things but the other things are for later.

Smileykiller2797creators' thoughts