
We can do life later okay?

In a big room filled with all kinds of technology and gadgets, there were lots of rocket grunts hanging around, some were just chatting some were arguing some could be seen at a counter talking to a receptionist

There seems to be a grunt currently talking to one of the 5 receptionists.

The Shining Star, hot shot rookie himself Odin.

Okay, sir, this is the TR mission center

Since this is your first time I will be explaining the functions of our center.

There are 5 counters here in total as you can see. All 5 counters have a number assigned to them from 1 to 5

And each number presents what they offer

Starting with number 1.

1: Here you can take on missions provided by the organization to earn TR points.

You can also post a mission yourself

But that's not important for you right now

Since you are only a grunt and only team rocket captain and above have the right to post self-created missions.

2: Here you can spend your TR points to buy items, potions, poke balls, food, Pokemon, and other daily necessities, etc.

3: Here you can sell your items and the Pokemons that you have caught

Please note that the Pokemon that you sell, their values are based on their potential value, their level, and the Pokemon's rank.

4: This is the help and information center.

Here you can buy and sell information

And that is also where you new grunts need to go for their next step when acquiring their Pokemon, honestly, you should be paying this beautiful lovely young lady for even bothering to waste her precious time and effort to explain something that isn't even her job with some TR points. Wink wink.


Anyways moving on to number 5

5: This is the exchange center, here you exchange money for TR points or vice-versa

100 pokedollers for 1 TR points

And 1 TR point for 1 pokedoller.

And if you haven't figured it out yet

The exchange ratio is unfair because it's designed to be this way

So you rich fuckers can't just flaunt your money and buy yourself in.

And instead, you are encouraged to be fucking useful and put out some work and contribute like a good lil rocket you are.

"Oh god I just want to shove my dick up her mouth, she is starting to get unbearable"

Yeah, thanks for the info receptionist number one, Next time you want me to tip you I'm afraid you have to do a bit more than just this

And also keep your attitude to yourself.

The only time you're allowed to have an attitude is when I'm fucking your brains out, and oh believe me it will happen way sooner than you think. Take it as a compliment trust me... Wink wink.


Thank you for your time receptionist number one, I will be on my way, cya

Alright let's get this over with

I can already see that this is gonna be a long day.

Hmm, she said number 4, right? Ah, shit I ain't going back. That's just gonna me look retarded. Let's just go to number 4, the worst I can get is a no.

As I walked to the fourth counter, I noticed that I may have just been overthinking as there was a board at the top of the counter saying "4, Information Center". So let's just ignore all that, besides, this receptionist is quite the looker... Well so was the other one but this one has red hair.

What's up? Is this the Reception center? I was told I had to come here as my next step.

She looked at me deeply for a while

Before she answered yes you're at the right place.

Alright, I don't like wasting time so let's get straight to the point.

Oh baby trust me any time spent with me is not a waste of time, but a blessing.

.... *sigh*

Anyway, the first thing we will be doing is getting you your own Rocket League card, or in other words your TR ID card.

We need to go through a step-by-step-

Baby, I was hoping the first thing we be doing would be getting to know each other on a romantic Robbery. But I guess that's just me.

We need to go through a step-by-step process to form your ID card.

I would love to form your cards too baby.

That's it you fucking asshole, cut me off one more fucking time and I'll make sure your romantic robbery date turns into a romantic dick-cutting date!


So you were considering the date?...




Okay I'll stop, sheesh have it your way

You didn't stand a chance anyway.

*ahem!* we need to go through a step-by-step process to form your ID card

Please, follow me to the ID room.

"damn that's a fine ass, I'll follow that ass anywhere",

Sir, I can feel your gaze.

What gaze? Must be your imagination.



Okay, we are here.

I need you to stand on top of this pressure plate device.


As I was walking toward the strange device I noticed a lot of weird-looking gadgets and toys

Also a lot of clutter, it was kind of annoying me to see everything this messy

But I must prevail.

As I stood on this strange device

A holographic light engulfed me and started scanning me. I panicked for a bit but I noticed the receptionist was sitting at the computer and was focused on doing something. So I figured this must just be normal and it's how it's supposed to go I guess.

After some time the device turned off and everything went back to normal.

Um, is everything alright?

I said confusedly.

She responded with a simple "yea" And said I got it.

Name: Odin Shiro

Gender: Male

Height: 188cm

Age: 18

Nationality: Kantonian

TR number: #46698008

Your face has also been registered

But fear not, we didn't put it on your ID

But simply register it on your personal data which is deeply confined within the system, so don't be afraid of getting exposed.

That's good I guess?

So you all got that just from a scan? Crazy.

Like I was wondering why no one asked me for my name and height or age or anything really.

Also, what's the TR number for?

Sir your TR number represents your recruitment number.

So if it says 1000

That means you are the 1000th recruit

So when the next person registers

Their number would be 1001 and so forth

Ahh makes sense... Damn, you guys have a lot of people then.

Not as much as you think.

A lot of them are dead, in prison, or on the run.

Oh really? What a bunch of losers

I the great Odin will never end up like them

My genius far surpasses anyone's imagination, trust me on this one me baby.

Yeah... Let's just hope you don't go missing within a few days...

Eh? What was that?

Oh, nothing sir

I said we are done, let's head back to the counter.

Uh alright?... By the way, sweetie you don't have to call me sir, you can just call me Odin

I think we are past the formalities now

I mean we've spent quite a time together

I say that makes us close enough

Wouldn't you agree baby?

The counter is this way, please follow along sir.


Alright now you have an ID card

We can proceed to the more important information.

First, this is an ID card, a TR bank card, As well as a card used for accepting missions and transferring TR points to another TR card

So you'd do well to always keep it with you and keep it save

It's your lifeline, your blood, or whatever you want to call it.

You start with 10TR points on your card

Which have already been transferred.

Plus the bonus 25TR that you got for being the first to tame a Pokemon.

All in all, you have a current TR points of 35 TR points, so use it wisely.


The only way to become anything out here

Is to be useful. And there are only 3 ways to go about it. Complete missions and earn your way up, get noticed by the big shots, and last but not least be strong, so strong that you can start calling shots around here

And not be bullied

I would advise you to take on as many missions as possible build yourself and your TR points up, and spend it on something actually useful, like proteins and iron for example. And for love the of god please buy information don't be stingy with your points, knowledge will keep you alive a lot longer than you might think, trust me, sir.

And that would be all, the rest you can figure yourself out, we are not here to hold your hand 24/7 we are not a fucking charity but a crime organization, so act like one for fuck sake.

Ahh... Excuse my language sir that was by no means a personal attack.

"she could use a dick too"

Any questions sir?

Yeah, I do have one, what are Pokemon ranks? I don't speak nerd.

"the receptionist looked at me with a dead expression and started to explain"

Pokemon ranks are divided into 2 separate categories.

one is the Pokemon's species rank which is calculated based on their base stats.

It goes from:

175 - 300 base stat = F Rank

301- 350 = E Rank

351 - 400 = D Rank

401 - 450 = C Rank

451 - 500 = B Rank

501 - 570 = A Rank

571 - 600 = S Rank

The second one is divided by their potential,

Unfortunately, Pokemon like humans aren't born equally.

Recent studies have brought us a way to Find out our Pokemon's potential, We call it the IV Checker. It allows us to check each of their Individual value, a Pokemon's max potential is at an outstanding value of 186

And a Pokemon can have about 31IV in each of their stats across all 6 stats, totaling a number of 186.

The 6 stats are:




Special attack

Special defense


Good now that that's out of the way

Their potential rank is calculated by the total IV amount, It goes as follows:

0 - 90 Total IV = Bronze Rank

91 - 120 Total IV = Silver Rank

121 - 150 Total IV = Gold Rank

151 - 186 Total IV = Diamond Rank

As a little extra on top

When you sell a Pokemon, the amount you will get will depend on both of these rank

And the future potential these Pokemon can evolve too.

With that, your question should be solved.

God damn that's a mouthful...

Dammit, Mark! Are you nerds really into this type of shit?

"The receptionist looked at Odin weirdly, before questioning him", umm... Who's Mark? And why do you keep saying nerd?

"ah shit, I slipped up"

Uh nothing ma'am, uh well thanks for the info I'll try not to forget pinky promise and all that

Don't worry about anything I said

I'm just team rocket crazy ya know?

Anyways bye.

Hold up, sir! That would be a total of 5TR for all the info and tips.

You're charging me? This fucking bitch!

Aye yo listen here! This is your motherfucking job, hello? New recruit here? Your task was to guide me not charge me you fucking bitch.

*She smirks at me and points up*

Correct, this is my job.

I looked up and saw the board on top of the counter "Counter 4: Information Center"


Don't be stingy sir.

This is gonna be a long day...


Thank you, sir, anything else I can help you with?


I said as I angrily walked away from the counter.

Shit, I forgot to ask how to catch Pokemons.

Fuck... Well, I'm not going back.

How hard can it be? You just need Pokeballs right? Maybe talk some shit to them or beat them up?... Right?

Fuck you Mark for not explaining.

Man... I need a drink, it's been a long fucking day.


As I was walking around looking through any corner to see if I could find a bar or some sort to get me a nice drink

I noticed what was probably the most beautiful girl I've ever seen since coming to this world, mind you it hasn't been a day yet but don't fret the small stuff.

She had fair skin, an oval-shaped face, long black wavy hair, and blue eyes, her eyes were big and sharp. She was downright gorgeous, she looked around 18 to 20 and seemed to be at what I would like to call a model height around 172 - 175cm tall.

It seems she might be a new grunt as well

As she came from the door which the new recruits were in.

She's heading to the counter as we speak,

Damn it would have been nice chatting her up

But alas I have a mission in mind

And that's to get a fucking drink

If fate so desires it

I'm sure I'll meet her again soon.

As I was walking from door to door I finally came across what looked to be a bar.

I immediately went and took a seat and asked for a vodka.

The bartender charged me 2TR points for it

Which I consider very fucking expensive by the way, but whatever I just want a drink right now.


AAHHHH~ NOW THATS WHAT I FUCKING CALL A VODKA, that shit was good now I can sort out my mind properly.

Let's see first of all I need to buy some pokeballs, some food and drinks ummm

Probably a fucking map too, I don't even know where the fuck I am

And I bet that bitch is just gonna charge me for that info, so that's not an option.

I should probably take on a mission because my points are only going down

So I need money and points

I honestly don't care about going up the ranks, I just wanna live life as Team Rocket Grunt.

Going higher on the ranks would only end up giving me more headaches, and more responsibility, and people are only going to be shoving their dumb expectations on me

Hell nah, screw that!

So okay I got it.

Figure out pieces of information about where the fuck I am, make money, take on missions, try to fuck whoever I can, and let's see uhh right, And just enjoy life as a Team Rocket Grunt.

Fucking Solid!

Now let's get one more drink for this bad boy

The most important thing right now is having a drink

We can do life later okay?