

The black abyss was warm, squishy even; it made him think of being in bed. He tried opening his eyes and was surprised that he succeeded. He looked around and found that the area was instead a dark vibrant red. He had thoughts about where he was, he tried to distract himself by trying to figure out how to use his powers. He decided to start with aura as it seemed to be the easiest and least destructive.

All of a sudden a blue screen appeared in front of his face. {Welcome to the champion system, Host} The man didn't know what a system was, so he asked. "What is a 'system'?" he inquired. {David took all of your wishes and decided to combine them into a system, so they would be easier to use.} The man nodded, then he looked at his surroundings. "Alright, so I assume that I am in a womb of some kind?"

{The host would be correct.} The man was correct in his theory and was slightly embarrassed about where he was. "When am I getting out of here, sooner the better." {The host will be birthed in about 10 minutes.} The man was stunned, "that's good, don't wanna be in here any longer than I have to." Time passed by fast and before the man knew it, he was being pulled out of the space and into the world as a new person.

All he could hear was screeching, talking, and the sounds of machines; or was that a Pokémon, he couldn't notice. When his skin touched the exposed air, he felt like thousands of daggers were slicing him, he screamed as loud as his predeveloped vocal cords could. But then he was wrapped in a towel, the pain stopped and slowly, his voice became quieter and quieter. Suddenly he heard a voice, he turned to look at the disheveled woman holding him. "Damien, your name is Damien Brown."

Then everything went dark again, Damien was tired of everything going dark. He woke up in a crib, getting shook by what seemed to be his dad. Damien tried making sounds but his voice was hurt by what happened just days before. So instead, he tried crawling out of his crib, but ended in failure as his limbs weren't listening to him. Relenting to his suffering, Damien Brown went to sleep.

TIME SKIP(I don't think anyone wants 50 chapters about a baby.)

Damien was now 5 years old, about the time that one begins to form coherent sentences. But according to Damien's parents, he was crawling at 5 months, walking at 1 year, reading at 2 and even talking at 3. His parents knew Damien was special, but they didn't know of how their view at him being special would change into them viewing him as a prodigy.

Damien was in his room alone, so he thought that he would practice his psychic powers by lifting toys and books like weights. But Damien forgot to lock the door, that was his biggest mistake, but was also a correct decision. Damien's parents walked in as he was lifting the toys with his mind. Debra, Damien's mom walked into the room and squealed in a high pitched voice "Look who's birthday It is, Yo-" she stopped mid sentence and saw him lifting the toys and books effortlessly with nothing but his mind.

The books dropped immediately while the toys slumped against the wall, Damien tried to play it off by saying "Its my birthday!". The little boys mom looked at him in surprise, then looked back at the wall where the toys lay slumped. 'must be a trick of the light', "What do you want to eat for your birthday young man." she returned to her high pitched voice. "I want cake!" Debra nodded "Alright get ready to eat, come to the kitchen."

Damien walked out of his room and looked out the window, Pidgey's and Spearow's flying in the blue sky. "Whenever I get a flying pokemon, the first thing I'm going to do is fly, high in the sky." He continued walking until he reached the living room, then he turned to the left and walked into the kitchen where he saw his mom whispering to his father.

"I think Damien is a psychic, I saw him lift his toys and books, furthermore they had a pink sheen to them." His dad looked worried. "Are you okay, maybe you need to take a nap. There is no conceivable way our son is a psychic." Debra looked hurt "Yeah, maybe it was just a light reflection." Damien decided this was the right time to walk in.

"When are we eating cake, I'm hungry." Debra walked towards the fridge and took out the cake, she then placed it onto their dining table. Damien sat down and waited for Debra to cut it.

TIME SKIP-10 Minutes(I'm writing off the top of my head, so I'm coming up with this as I write. So its a bit scuffed.)

"Lets open your presents!" Debra said as she handed him a box. Damien started ripping off the wrapping and soon had a massive smirk on his face. In the box was a pokeball. "Go on, press the button, you'll have a little friend inside." Damien pushed his finger against the button and the pokeball expanded in his hand. A bright white light appeared and a pokemon popped out.


Should he get a charmander

Should he get a Sandile

Should he get a tyrunt

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