
First Blowjob 18+

Insert crying gifs here. Most like wins.

"Tracy?" You plead, hands suddenly resting on the grass as you try to back up. "Tracy… Can we talk about this?" Her deep breathing continues, face bright red as she rises up on her knees and looms forward, cock lifting off of your stomach. "Please?"

"I'm… I'm going to do it… I'm gonna have sex… With such a cute girl." Tracy's eyes close, her hands rest on either side of your head, and all too soon you have to cross your eyes to see the rather large head of her cock hovering by your lips

This is close… It smells kind of… Herbal? Is it because she's a grass type? Should you really be thinking this right now? "Tracy, I'm a guy, we don't-" Ah, your last mistake, opening your mouth. "Mph?" And just like that the head is in, past your lips until the crown rests against your tongue.

There's a dick in your mouth. Tracy, a cute, nerdy girl, has her dick in your mouth. As you continue to protest, pushing your tongue against the underside of it, she begins to move it slowly back and forth. Not only is she in your mouth, she's now actively fucking it.

"Mm mph!" Your words fail to escape your lips as she slides in deeper, hands moving to your head to hold you in place as she begins to hump back and forth. Your own hands move to her hips, completely unable to stop her from thrusting, the head of her cock bumping the back of your throat over and over.

Your eyes water, but you don't quite gag as she continues to thrust, rubbing it against your tongue rather than going all the way to fucking your throat. Small mercies, you suppose. "Oh fuck… Alex… It's so good... Your mouth is so good… I want to fuck it every day! Please, please, can I fuck it every day?" She's leaking something, thick and syrupy, bitter and herbal. It coats your tongue, pulling in your mouth until you swallow instinctively.

You squeeze harder at her hips, feeling her plush flesh give way to your fingers as she continues to give off soft pants and groans. "Thank you! Thank you!" She whines, twitching softly in your mouth as her mouth hangs open. "I'm gonna… I'm gonna~!"

You know exactly what she's going to do. Dread pools in your stomach as the first spurt of something even thicker and stronger than the syrupy texture hits the back of your throat, causing you to cough. If the earlier flavor was slightly herbal, this fills your mouth and nose with the scent of strong medicinal tea. Your mouth quickly fills to the brim as Tracy throws her head back and gives an… Admittedly adorable, groan of release.

Her groan becomes a sigh as she hangs her head, looking down at you with adoring eyes as she continues to pulse, filling your lips to the point of overflowing. Her hands, no longer holding your head still, instead turn to gently stroking through your hair. As if a reward for good work.

She pulls out a moment later, the last spurts of her… Release, staining your cheeks as you keep your mouth open, letting it pool in your mouth. There's so much… So much more than you produce. Produced? Have you been… Changed? In any case, there's a lot of it, the smell and taste of medicine filling your senses as Tracy looks down at you, her blush remaining strong as she continues to gulp down deep lung fulls of air.

You want to spit it out. You really, really want to. It's just…

Your gut gurgles again, and you find yourself gingerly trying to close your mouth, only to feel some hot seed spilling out down your chin as you do so. You can't risk it. If sex is power for you, then… Who's to say what'll happen if you spit it out?

You're already swallowing down the first gulp before you really think it over further. What if it's only putting it in girls that counts? What if it's… What if oral doesn't count?

What if.

You're... Going to have to experiment, aren't you? Maybe just a hand job could work? But for now, there's no sense wasting this opportunity. The worst is over now, and… You really should feel worse about this, shouldn't you? You just got violated by this girl, and yet…

You take deep breaths through your nose, swallowing down as much as you can until your mouth just has the unfortunate after taste, and a texture like it's still clinging to your tongue. "That was... That was amazing... You were amazing." Tracy praises, still running her fingers through your hair. "It felt so good..."

You want to tell her off, for just... Shoving it in your face like that, but right now... All you can think about is how your stomach isn't gurgling anymore. Instead, that warmth that had pooled in your mouth and slid down your throat, is spreading outwards from your stomach. Is that a sign that you've gained some power? Or is it just a physiological thing? Or maybe it's just in your head.

Your thoughts are lost further as Tracy leans down and kisses your lips, getting hers stained with her own seed. She wrinkles her nose, but before she can withdraw you pull her into a deeper kiss, sharing some of your misfortune with her. "Not... Exactly what I had in mind."

"S-sorry... You're so cute though, and you said you wanted it and-" She whines cutely. "I got a bit carried away, huh?"

"A bit." You deadpan. "So... All girls have dicks?"

"Mhmm." Tracy nods, a dreamy smile on her face. Idly, you reach out with one hand towards the grass, trying the same thing you did earlier. It may be your imagination, but it seems like the grass bends quite a bit easier than before.

"What the hell have I gotten myself into?" You groan, laying back and letting Tracy cuddle with you.

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