

Now our heroes has decided to head towards the forest in vermilion City or pewter city, as they can get rock and ground type Pokemon in pewter city and  and in Vermillion he could get electric or water and they are still cost effective compared to other types in terms of expenditure. Then if we can't decide then let's toss. John took out a pokecoin if head then pewter city if tail then vermilion City. "Sure"said Alex. They tossed the coin .... heads. And they headed towards M.T. moon. For pewter there were two ways shorter one through Mt moon and longer one through the forest surrounded it. they chose the longer route as it could give them time to train his Pokemon and it was much safer for the pokeegg to keep safe.

Also the other reason was they were not strong enough to pass through it safely. So taking into account the time taken to reach the pewter city they stock their inventory for a month travel as they decided to train in the way.

As they started heading for about two hours trekking they stood at the clearing and called out Gastly. And Alex said ,"ghastly let's see what moves do you know. "

After hearing it's trainer it used all the moves it knows such as




"night shade"

" confuse Ray"

and lastly

"poison gas"

" wghastly all are good moves for you" hearing this ghastly smiled

," but they are too amateur . You should know all are ghost moves and won't work on normal type and only poison will work. so we should try moves which are practical too so we will work on your psychic and poison power. "

You use poisoning on the tree. Hearing it it used poison gas seeing a purple fog heading towards the tree . After impact there was nothing happening except a few dry leaves falling.

"your poison aren't that strong too."

Hearing this ghastly was angry as it was one of the strongest among all the Pokemon in the starter package. Seeing him angry, Alex explained," it might work but think about the stronger ones . the more you fight the more one gets resistance to that move. So if we fight a Pokemon which had experienced poison it will be comparatively less effective. Ghastly if we want to reach the top we should not think about mediocrity, think of abnormal things. Well first we will camp here and you should try to stimulate you poison core meaning dense it with poison to do so there are two ways we could think of , Do you wanna hear it"

Now ghastly lets watch your moves




"night shade"

" confuse Ray"

"poison gas"


sucker punch

shadow ball



and lastly

clear smog.

John :wow these are some good moves. But still not enough, your ghost power is good but poison power is still not enough. Still their are moves that you know but he doesn't know so can you please teach him how to use it. Ghastly nodded in agreement sayinf gas..gastly.


John's gastly already tought all moves to the other gastly. "So now gastlys you both will have to enhance your poison power by these to methods. They're :-

" the first way was have poison surrounded your poison core in the body densen it increase it's toxicity by feeding on poison or things having toxic matter well this is quite costly though." as Alex said.

While ghastly looked at it's trainer amazed to know such methods of training and vowed to listen to his commands while Alex thought," I got it from battle through heavens for how yi xian' .

"And the second method is quite bloody and ruthless and it is the most effective way too. and it will help you get some battle experience too."said John.

Seeing Alex and John looking at them seriously they thought for a while but later agreed as in the world weak are eaten by the strong. This is the current way of the world, so it agreed

." the way is you devour the poison present in the body of poison type pokemon and by integrating their core in your by doing so you increase your toxicity and make your poison deadly even to poison type themselves."said John.

After hearing this method he was too stunned as it was not killing but crippling them as without poison they lose their way of protection but still agreed.

"Well then now you two should try to combat the Pokemon here nearby and so you could get battle experience and don't be dull after that we should again head out."

After that they fought many wild Pokemon such as Rattata, Pidgey, Spearow and against all of these it fought using it's ghost form and hiding while using poison gas and smog to poison and defeat them. As he was doing so Alex and John took note of it's action and command it as well as ask it to control it's ghost form more and more.

Suddenly they saw a group of ekans with Arnold infront. "Gastly it will be a good match use illusion make many zangoose and gengars in front of them." All of them were scared by seeing the amount of zangooses and gengars." Gastly use hypnosis and shadow ball defeat it with astonish (it was an egg move)All of them fainted.

" Now ghastly enter it's body and devour it's poison core and mix it with you." As ghastly started devouring the core Ekans and Arbok started writhing in pain and when ghastly was out of it's body it fainted in pain now. And now it appeared Gastly grimacing in pain .

Alex and John encouraged them and said," Ghastly it is only the start you will later devouring more poisonous type then it and their poison may be more hurting if you could not hold in the pain then you could forget your dream. So for your dream endure."

Hearing it ghastlys roared and then after few minutes of enduring it responded slowed, " Ghaaa... " as if saying it did it and it too fainted. seeing it he recalled ghastly in the pokeball and headed away as he was sure it may attract some Pokemon or Ekans may attack it in anger if he stayed for what it did to him as even bite or it's wrap was deadly to them.

As for success of the experiment it succeeded as they saw Ghastly body appearing more purplish than earlier probably from the increase in toxicity. after running for a while it once again pulled out ghastly and gave it normal energy medicine effective for all.

After eating it Ghastlys slowly woke and after seeing around sleepily they happily greeted Alex and John as it could see the second way worked and he felt stronger and excitedly without his trainers command it used poison fog on the tree nearby and this time.

Some younger fresh leaves too fell and some had poison veins in them. Seeing the results they both were happy and Ghastly wanted to do more as they did to Ekans but John stopped him by saying," Ghastly you just accumulated the poison you still aren't controller of it. Densen the core and become more control of your power meaning both poison and ghostly one or you could not defeat other easily. This Ekans was pretty immature in fighting or how could you a new Pokemon defeat it so.

If we want to win we still have much to do so let's continue to work and then we will do so together now rest. No don't be overexcited. Working hard and resting is also important. Think like this as you empty your energy resting will help and then you could have slightly more energy after every cycle of rest and work . Also you should be watching over us at night while we sleep or how will we survive the night here. So Ghastly will you protect us?"

Thinking what Alex and John said it too agreed and just floated around as Alex and John pitched the tent and cooked themselves food as their mother taught them before travelling. And as night came they slept with Ghastly overseeing him.

And this way the first day of the adventure of our little heroes came to an end.

to be continued...

Next chapter