
I Choose You

Author's Note

Thank you to those that have decided to give this book a chance from being honest I am only doing this for fun and this will be my first legit book since all the other books either have no chapter or I lost interest in I do not know if my writing skills are good since I am not a professional writer I am just a 16-year old that decided to do something for fun I would love to get some advice if you think I could have done something better and I will consider your advice but you have to understand that I am doing this for fun which means I will make the story how I want it to be my goal is to make this story extremely long just like the journey to Greatness maybe even longer or shorter not exactly sure.

I have only watched until the season before Sun and Moon since I can never get interested in Sun and Moon because of the weird animation so I do not know what is happening after that I have only played up to the game let's go Pikachu and I have not even finished that game and I've never played yellow red or blue so some information may be incorrect and you keep in mind this is a long time ago okay I won't hold you anymore let's get to the chapter

" " means talking out loud

' ' means thoughts


[ Chapter Title I Choose You ]

If you look closely you can see a young boy around 11 that is sleeping he has spiky white hair with a splash of red on his right side he is rather tan for his age if you look at his shirtless chest you can see a six-pack and muscles that an 11-year-old should not have. About (5 ft 12 in) tall & a slightly scary face.

Ryuga POV

"Ryuga! come down for breakfast before you're late today is the day you get your Pokemon"

grown "I'm coming" I get out of my bed and walk over to a full body mirror that I look over before having my monologue. ' it has been 11 years since I reincarnated into this world today is finally the day I get to have my Pokemon a lot has happened in these 11 years first it started with that hateful doctor now that I remember I'm still not a big fan of that doctor but it has been a long 11 years hasn't it?'


'Well here I am back in darkness again and it's not even that comfortable I feel so cramped I want to get out but I don't even know how long that will be but I have a good idea where I am. I am probably in my mother's womb' as I was thinking I heard voices. "Come on Mito continue pushing I'm right here with you" scream "I'm doing the best I can this is your fault for getting me pregnant first place just wait until we get out of here" screams ' Well that was quicker than I thought from what I'm understanding that should be my mother and father is that why I feel like again sucked somewhere this is such an uncomfortable feeling to be reborn while conscious' "keep pushing ma'am I see the head," said the doctor. The woman screams while giving one final push. baby cries are soon heard throughout the room. " it's a boy ma'am a very healthy boy if I might add a very healthy boy" said the doctor "Thank you, doctor, we couldn't have done without you now if you please let me see my son" said the woman

"Of course, it is my job I will give you and your family some time alone but afterward you need rest you are mentally and physically exhausted you should stay in the hospital for at least 2 days, and if you want you can keep the boy here so we can monitor him to make sure nothing happens" advised the doctor.

" Okay doctor thank you again for helping my family what shall we name him dear," said the woman. "Ryuga...Ryuga Senju shall be his name" and at last the legend of the Dragon Emperor was born.

<2 years time skip>

'It has been 2 years since I have been in this hell which is called being a baby. The only thing I have done so far is pissed myself sh*t and contemplate life or make some skills wonder what the skills are well they are... Wait! a moment why am I talking to myself again damn I guess all that time in the void made me have a habit of talking to myself well that is fine I like it anyway where was I? oh! yes, the skills are.

(Memory Library

Stores all the information and make sure the user does not forget any information and organizes it into a detailed Library.)

(Great Sage

it's a voice inside the user's head that can be commanded to do certain acts and is extremely smart.)

(Aura Manipulation

Allows the user to have an easier time manipulating / understanding / Feel - aura.)

'Pretty handy if I say so myself I have already told Great Sage to organize all of my information into the library which is currently still going on since there's quite a bit of information room door opens "Were you good? do you miss mommy I've missed you I brought some friends over for you to play with" mother puts a 2 baby beside me "Ryuga they are both one year younger than you the one with black hair is Ash Ketchum and the one with light brown hair is Gary Oak please take care and have fun" said my mother while she was leaving but I was too shocked to notice that right now I am sitting in front of the Gotta Catch Em All! protagonist and the future Pokemon Researcher of Pallet Town. 'This is pretty exciting even if they're just kids and it at least tells me where I am in the timeline so that I am one year older than them which means I could start my journey before them but I think I will hold off and wait until they turn 10 and it will give me even more time to prepare' "hello my name is Ryuga Senju it's nice to meet you" After that was the start of best friends forever.

<Time skip Age 7>

' it has been a pretty good couple of years Ash and Gary are good friends even though Ash and Gary always argue I know that they consider each other friends/Rivals well I considered the same thing too we would play outside quite often I think that now that I have a younger body my mind might have regressed a little bit. but the good thing is I have been practicing and learning a lot of stuff not just playing around and goofing I'm learning about the Pokemon world different Pokemon how to heal / battle/breed, and a whole bunch of other professions at Pokemon School, after all, you never know when they're going to be useful I have also started my aura training it has been fruitful so far I can not only sense people's & Pokemon emotions & tell their intention from good or bad. I can also use it in other ways like being able to see or sense things in a certain radius of me which is pretty cool I have not been able to use my conqueror aura I do not know how to unlock it or use it but I have come up with a game plan/goals for the future they are'

1 learn / Practice martial arts- 48%

2 Enjoy my Second Life- 68%

3 Save Serena at the camp- 100%

4 become the Dragon Emperor- 0%

'Those are my goals ever since I turned five I had been learning/ practicing my martial arts I used Great Sage to put together the strongest martial arts out of all the martial arts that I have. it was hard in the beginning but I eventually was learning I have also been doing exercises to make my body strong after all my body is full of potential so it would be idiotic not to use it. I have also been enjoying my life so far I have friends I have a caring family it's been pretty fun. but one of the most important goals that I have so far is to make Serena fall in love with me as she did with Ash it was completely by accident that it happened but you could say that I was extremely lucky haha haha.



Author Note

Gary Oak image

Ash Ketchum image

I wanted to get past this part as quickly as possible without skipping too many details I hope I didn't skip too much but I do not know anything about babies so I don't even know if they can talk or walk at 2 years old I'm assuming they can

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