
Pokemon Au: Deep sea Shinobi

I was boring in my last life so I can't be a cliche average trainer especially when people have to battle with their Pokemon and invidual strength matters as much as your companions ________________________________________________ I own nothing but my OC's

Sleepyheadedauthor · Video Games
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11 Chs

My Starter is...... Wimpod! We all saw it coming

After Mr.Jonhsons speech and getting my PokeBall I sprinted with my backpack and tent on my back to the part of the forest I know leads to the ocean. I was on a mission.

After making it to the beach I quickly set up my camp. While most would camp near the teachers you don't have to. You just have to be present during dinner where the teachers teach us to use berries and herbs in the jungle to prepare a meal. If you learn quick and make a decent meal with things only found in the jungle you get extra points on the test which is the tournament at the end of the trip.

After camp was set up I hoped inside the tent and put on my swimming trunks and goggles that luckily came with a snorkel.

Along the beach there were a good few pokemon but none were the one I was looking for. All that was there were Krabbys and Crabrawlers pretty common pokemon. The reason I was so quick to start looking is that Wimpod are considered pretty rare as they are quick to run away from humans and not many can tame them to be fight ready as they are usually cowardly pokemon.

Luckily I know someone who did and how they did it. Ms.Beatrice said that the key to getting a Wimpod on your side is to have it look up to you. If you do it becomes a loyal companion that wants to fight alongside you.

So yours truly is gonna have to do something impressive to make a Wimpod look up to me but at the same time not fear me.It depends on how I find it.

Without any more of my mental rambling I dive into the water. Going deeper down I see a beautiful scene of Corsola playing with each other and schools of Magicarp and Baskulin. I shook my head and got back to focusing on my objective. I swim farther out until I reach an underwater cave. Wimpod like dark places like this so it should be a good spot to find them.

Golisopod usually leave the den after laying a few eggs so there hopefully won't be a behemoth like that here. I enter the cave and see nothing but a damp space and a few lumps of rocks. It isn't until my goggles clear up that I realized they weren't rocks but Wimpod just chilling.

I observe everything in the cave an find one lone Wimpod in a corner. He was a loner too so I decided he'll be the one that I catch. I approach the horseshoe crab looking creature an its eyes snap open.

It darts out into the ocean to try and lose me but as soon as it comes out of the den a group of Baskulin start charging at the little guy with a dark glow manifesting into a jaw on each one of them. ' bite.' I thought immediately.

Without thinking I dive in front the Wimpod and punch the first fish face in the side. But because I'm under water the punch only stunned the fish before the other two bit my shoulders. ' Arghh holy shit that hurt, it don't matter I need to get him outta here can't let them eat my starter. I ripped the fish off of my shoulders and moved towards Wimpod.

The salt water stung the wounds on my shoulders but nothing I couldn't handle. I grab Wimpod and start swimming with him clinging onto my hand like he's life depended on it. He looked back and saw they were gaining on us.

Wimpod looked at me with resolution in its eyes and jumped of my arm. I turn back in a panic but then a wide grin stretches across my face. His claws glowed green on one side of his body and he swung three times, one for each Baskulin and the last one had been sliced open. The remaining two swam away to recover from their wounds.

Wimpod swam over to me and hoped on my arm and a look of respect was all he showed towards me. After a few minutes of swimming together we got back to shore.

I walked over to my tent which had my PokeBall in it as under water I wouldn't have anywhere to carry it. And I'm not strong enough swimmer to only swim with one arm in the ocean.

I looked Wimpod in the eyes an asked. " Wimpod, do you want to join me on my adventures and become the strongest Golisopod to ever live?"

" Wim~pod!" He said as he jumped into my chest and I tapped the PokeBall on his back. After the PokeBall shook three times in my hand it made the ding sound confirming a successful capture.

I released Wimpod from his PokeBall and seeing how my shoulders aren't in the best shape I put my new best friend on top of my head and started the trek to the teachers camp to get some first aid.

They were shallow wounds but they hurt like hell. I also got lucky as hell because my Wimpod has [Fury Cutter] as an egg move and can use it decently well.

Soon enough we arrive at the main camp and soon all eyes are on me as I'm in swimming trunks with two bleeding shoulders and a rare pokemon on my head.

The nurse that was mandatory on the trip came running out with her Audino and a first aid kit.

" Jaxon right? What happend to your shoulder looks like you were bit into?" She questioned with a panicked look on her face. She had already pulled out the alcohol before I answered.

" Two Baskulin used [bite] on my shoulders but Wimpod up here took care of 'em." The alcohol might've burned like hell but I still had a cheeky grin on my face when I think about how I got my starter.

" See brats," Mr. Johnson yelled to all of us first years. " That's what it means to go and get something you want ahahaha."


" Wimpod show me all the moves you know." Wimpod did just that. So from what I gathered he knows [Struggle Bug, Sand Attack, quick attack and Fury Cutter]

Great starting moveset only one thing is missing a water type move. He has good versatility but his only real fire power is [Fury Cutter]. I do have a training plan which I wrote down for him to learn razor shell, aqua jet, and U-turn.

" Okay little guy let's work on razor shell first. Use the same type of motion as Fury Cutter but use your water energy." I instruct. He tries but he can't quite make his water energy do what he wants as he hasn't used it before.

I sit the little Wimpod down in front of me. I shouldn't call him little as he isn't exactly tiny he's almost as big as my torso. But potata potato it doesn't really matter.

" Pay attention," I plan on connecting him to his water energy like he is to his bug energy. " I want you to think of controlling water inside you and make it flow however you want. Then I want you to make it flow into the same shape as this." I say as I drew the blade of a sword in the sand.

He did as I said but as soon as the sword was shaped it fell apart. He looked a little downtrodden still not being able to do it. I rubbed his head and giggled a bit " Your not gonna get it on the first try this is your first step into the grind, let's do it, together Ok buddy?"

"Wimp, pod pod!" He yelled with vigour.

" Then let's get to it!" I holler back and we ended up training deep into the night so we made quick work of some pecha berries I found then hit the hey.