

" Oh! Gary and Ashley. My, you both are late.

Two other Trainer had already taken there first pokemon. " Said Prof Oak.

Prof Oak is like Real grandpa to Ashley and Gary is like brother, I'n how he take care of her.

" Ehehe... Sorry, I was waiting for Ashley in Gate to come together. But Look like she was still sleeping till now " Gary said with slightly Embarrassed face.

" Hm.. That I can imagine by the dress, which this young lady is still wearing " Prof Oak did with smile. which cause Ashley to be red from embarrassment.

As she was still wearing her pajama of pikachu.

" Sor~ry " Ashley said.

Both Prof Oak and Gary just laughed it out and went towards the lab. Ashley also followed them.

In the lab there were plenty of equipment which use for research purposes and to get Pokemon back in health.

There were some lab and Pokemon groomer taking care of young pokomen in the lab of other trainer.

In the Center of the room there was capsule like thing in which three Pokeballs can be seen.

Although Gary was excited But he Control himself and behave like a big brother and experience trainer will have , which is clearly an act. But which Fooled Ashley.

When Prof Oak show them he just smile and thought ' How children'like behavior but it's good for them '.

" So this are the pokeballs, which contains Pokemon on it. Now select which every you one. So who want to go first? " Prof Oak asked and look towards them.

When Gary and Ashley heard that they bought though about letting other go first.

" Little Bunny, why not you go first "

" No. You go first, AND I AM NOT LITTLE BUNNY "

Like that both started to bicker to each other.

And it's prof Oak intervene that time.

" Okay Okay stop. Gary You Go first "

When prof Oak decided who to go first both just nodded.

Gary got in front And pick up one pokeball " I choose You " He said and a blue turtle like Pokemon came from the pokeball.

The turtle pokemon was little confused as there where two people. and he don't know who is it trainer from two person.

But Gary got in his knee and said " Hey, Little Guy! Wanna come in adventures with me and to be strongest then other "

When turtle like Pokemon which is Squirtle Heard that ,it's got happy and nodded it's head.

" Squir...Squirtle " And came to Gary leg and hug him.

When Ashley and prof Oak show that they were happy but for two different reasons.

First Ashley were cause Gary got one more new friends. And prof Oak is cause his grandson doesn't have any arrogant attitude even though he was taken cared like prince of kingdom and he still have emotions which will make Pokemon more good friend with there trainers.

" Ahahahaha.... Okay Okay ~ Now Ashley Go and choose your Pokemon " Said Gary.

" Okay ~ "

" Wait a minute " Said prof Oak.

""Yes? Gramp/grandpa Oak ""

" It's just that other two pokeballs are empty " ""EHHHHHHH!!!!!!! "" Both shouted.

" But Why gramp? "

" Cause other two Pokemon were taken by the first two Pokemon trainer who came first then you two. "

" But But..... " Gary look like wanted to say something but free feel some thing from his back and show that Ashley was almost in tears and was almost going to cry.

" Then * Sob* What about me * sniff *"

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