
Chapter 2: Kuuro and Pokemon

"Well then... First thing first.."

He takes out his PokeNav from his bag.

"The closest city is.. here! Polaris City. A city that was renowned because of its foods"

Hearing those words, both of his Pokemon jumping in happiness.

"Ahaha! Yea, I know. Polaris City here we co--"


From the direction of the school, a young boy with a young girl come rushing to him.



Behind them, professor Sophia chasing them while riding a bouffalant.

"*Sigh* Get out of there! Hino!"

As per Kuuro's command, both of them get out of cyndaquil's line of sight leaving only Bouffalant heading straight to where Kuuro is.

The cyndaquil then release its flamethrower.

Before hitting the bouffalant, professor Sophia jumps off of it.

"So. You're the renown Kuuro, huh?"

"And you're Professor Sophia, right?"

"Well, glad to meet'cha! Bouffalant! Zen Headbutt!"

Bouffalant heading straight to cyndaquil while engulfed in its technique

"Cyndaquil, dodge it! Then use quick attack"

Cyndaquil dodges it effortlessly and then launch the quick attack and hit bouffalant on its right side.

"Good! good!"

"*Huff* *huff* Be careful, Kuuro! She.. she was dangerous!"

"Luke is.. right.. Kuuro. Be careful!"

The boy and the girl who was chased by the Professor come to Kuro's side while still catching their breath.

"Care to explain what happen? Luke, Mio?"


Just before Mio answer Kuuro's question, professor Sophia interrupt her

"Bouffalant, Zen Headbutt!"

The Bouffalant then rushed to cyndaquil and the attack landed succesfully.


Kuuro dashed to where his cyndaquil is and take out a potion from his bag before giving it to his cyndaquil.

"Hmph. I thought you were really talented since you're the top grade and even have two Pokemon but it seems I was wrong."

".... *Sigh* A person who suddenly come here rushing and screaming and attack me out of nowhere suddenly badmouth me... What a really rude person, huh? Hahaha!"

Hearing those words makes professor Sophia even angrier.

"Do you really think people like you will become a champion?! People who didn't take their responsibility and--"

"Who says I wanna be a champion?"

"... Huh?"

"This is why I hate people like you. I don't want to be a champion. I just want to explore this world with my Pokemon. Whether they want to fight or not it's up to them. Right?"

Both of cyndaquil on his arm and buneary beside him give an agreement.

"Pfft. Please. Explore the world? You can't even do anything besides defense and dodging against my bouffalant"

"So, if I can defeat it, can you leave me alone?"

"Yea whatever. Do you really think you can beat me?"

Hearing those words bring smile to Kuuro's face.

Luke and Mio only sighing at each other and smiled.

"He will do it, huh?"

"He will, Mio... He will.."

English is not my native language. Sorry in advance if there was misspell or gramar error

Homura_Yuucreators' thoughts