
Fast Forward x 4

With Brock leading, Vidal followed the group out of the Ilex forest.

Travelling with a group was a new experience for Vidal. The trio would always find something to batter about.

Vidal also stopped his Pokemon grinding. He decided to spend a laid-back time relaxing with the trio.

Having walked through the forest, it didn't take long to come across the first event. There was a boy who had trouble training his farfetch'd. Ash became an inspiration for the boy to learn.

Another eventful day was spent taking part in Pokemon Swap meets in Palmpona City and watching some Team Rocket shenanigans.

A day of babysitting Wooper, and another day catching some onix while passing through Onix cave.

Vidal gets to learn a few more recipes from Brock, and tried to create some specific recipes to the liking of all his Pokemon, even legendary and mythical.

Vidal made a rough comparison. In roughly four days, he would have reached Goldenrod city, catching Pokemons along the way. But three more days were needed while travelling with the trio.

Ash challenged the gym once he reached Goldenrod city. Ash got his ass whopped by gym leader Whitney and her Miltank. It was one hell of a Pokemon.

At last Vidal accompanied the trio to the Pokemon center and said his goodbyes.

Vidal hit the gym before finally continuing his grind for the Pokemon.

"You are Ash's brother. It is interesting to see two brothers travelling together." Whitney accepted the challenge from Vidal.

"Well I got to look after him from time to time."

"Why don't we begin with a 1 vs 1 battle?" Vidal suggested.

"I have no problem. I will be choosing Miltank." Whitney called out her Ace.

Vidal scanned through each Pokemon's moves set to choose a suitable Pokemon for the battle. "Starmie, I chose you."

Vidal started with a slow start, like he was trying to measure the water. But with time Miltank was chasing after Starmie, but it seems Miltank couldn't fill the small distance between Starmie and itself.

Finally, Starmie dealt a final blow with a tackle. Vidal won another gym badge and made preparations to leave Goldenrod city. He still has to go back to catch the Pokemon which he left behind.

As a result of seeing some Pokemon while travelling, his work was made easier.

Mareep was about to begin his basic training. Dragonite reluctantly let go of Mareep for the training. Vidal partnered Mareep with Starmie. Vidal allowed Mareep to practice basic electric moves like thunder shock, charge and tackle.

Mareep was exempt from physical training for the time being. Vidal wanted to evolve Mareep at least once before starting physical and stamina building training.

Vidal was able to complete most of the catches between Goldenrod and Azalea town in two days.

When he entered Goldenrod city to stock up on necessary items, he found out Ash had already left the city.

Vidal would have never guessed he would get to meet the trio again so soon. Professor Oak called Vidal to meet him at the nearby fossil research center. Vidal showed up there just to show his face and disappeared again.

But not long after he found the trio on his tail when he was catching some Pokemon on route 35. The trio was already on the way to Ecruteak city.

But this time Vidal was leading the way. Every now and then Vidal would send his Pokemon to different places to look for new Pokemons. As a trio, they also searched for some Pokemon on Vidal's hit list.

The trio soon find out the amount of Pokemon Vidal was catching wasn't normal. Seven Drowzees, two Abras, five Yanmas, six Snubulls, and so on were caught in just a single day. They were more surprised to find out Vidal didn't keep a single one among them.

The second day was the same, but on the third day Vidal decided to catch water type Pokemon. And the Sea King catching competition was a fitting venue for that.

The cup for the winner didn't concern Vidal, but a year's supply of chocolate bars was a good deal. Vidal entered the competition with Starmie.

The competition started normally. But when it was time for the final assessment only one person submitted the sea king. It turns out no one was able to catch sea king except Vidal.

He became the undisputed winner. And the number of sea kings sent to Professor Elm's lab flooded the entire shelf.

Vidal even got to try out Pokemon Jujitsu. The instructor instructed Vidal to use combination attacks in battle. Vidal didn't give it a try even once. It will be disastrous if anything goes wrong because his Pokemon are used to performing combination attacks on the legendary.

But finally they reached the Ecruteak city.

At first Ash challenged the gym leader of Ecruteak city, Morty. Morty was a ghost type specialist. Ash got a narrow victory and Vidal waited for another day to challenge.

Vidal with trio gathered at the Ecruteak city gym for the challenge. The trio was curious to see how Vidal actually battled in gym battles.

At the beginning, the trio was bored. Vidal used Alakazam against the Gastly.

Despite Gastly's constant disappearance from the field, Alakazam always dodged him at the very last second. This exchanged back and forth for some time, and Vidal ended with a psychic attack.

Morty's second Pokemon was Hanter. Vidal didn't change his Pokemon, but ended the match quicker than before with Psychock. And it shocked both Morty and the trio.

And lastly, Gengar was the ace of Morty. Vidal also changed into his own Gengar.

"Vidal, be careful." The trio said.

Morty started the battle, "Gengar use the shadow ball."

Vidal, "Gengar, play time," this confused Morty, he had never heard of such a move used by Gengar. But when the shadow balls reached Ash's Gengar, he caught the first shadow ball and threw up. After doing this for the rest of the shadow ball, Gengar started juggling.

"How is this possible?" Morty being a ghost type specialist hadn't seen nor heard of such action from Gengar.

"Morty, don't get distracted." Ash reminded.

Morty, "You don't worry. Gengar double team, and follow up with shadow claw."

Ash, "It is a very effective combination move. Pokemon with limited speed would have problems evading it. But as you are a ghost type specialist, let me show you something interesting. Gengar uses fire punch."

The shadow claw of Morty's Gengar met the fire covered fist of Vidal's Gengar. Having Arcanine as his training partner and Alakazam as opponent, Gengar was able to develop his fire punch.

*Boom* Morty's Gengar shot backward. Two unconventional moves from Gengar shocked Morty.

Vidal, "Finish with Dark pulse," ring shaped dark energy shot from Gengar's hand and struck Morty's Gengar who was still recovering.

The match ended.

After Ecruteak city, the trio decided to head towards Olivine city. Vidal decided to travel in the opposite direction to them, to the Mahogany town.

But after a few hours of leaving Ecruteak city, Vidal got a call.

"Vidal, we got an emergency message from Susan. Team Shadow has been spotted at Whirl Islands. Get there quickly."

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