
Pokemon: A Real World

Waking up with no knowledge of himself Eren Jagger must make his way to civilization slowly picking up the pieces of his past while stumbling across opportunities and falling into adversity. the challenges are great and the rewards are unknown but this child is not as simple as one might expect. P.S I own only OCs and that's about it, thanks.

McTripp · Video Games
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10 Chs

Chapter 6: Training And A Professionals Guidance. (Part 1)

Hi Readers here's another chapter enjoy. p.s. i know I haven't given a time frame in which this story has been placed but I've been trying to etch it out by building the world around it as you come to understand more I think you will be able to figure it out yourselves. p.s.s. it's still set in the Pokémon world... just incase the Mt Silver and Johto references didn't give it away lol.


Eren brought Ekans out of his room after he got changed into a new set of clothes. in the past week Kasara had ordered multiple sets of clothes for him and they had all been delivered via the "Pidgey express delivery service." or (P.E.D.S) for short. Not to say that that was the only way they could get supplies out here ofcourse, there were other means of transportation, like the Tauros convoy that came once a week to deliver food and other supplies to the log house.

Right now Eren wore dark brown pants and a dark green shirt, he had brown leather boots on and had his trainers belt , the trainers belt had 6 fist sized pockets with a strip of leather the can clip over a Pokéball when in place. a small knife holder and pouch for emergency supplies. Eren didn't have any Pokéballs yet in fact he was on his way to go his first one now and he had another purpose for his destination.

Since Ekans was finally in Juvenile stage he could begin Training with her, there was just one thing though, he had no idea where to start!

As Eren reached the door to Kasaras office he knock on the door and waited calmly. Ekans who was coiled from his shoulders to his head was curiously looking around. though she had hatched a week ago she had never left Erens room and this was her first time going out so she was excited and Eren could feel it through their bond. he smiled and reached up to scratch her head when the door opened and a disheveled Marcus came out closing the door behind him.

"Ahh, Eren my boy! Nice weather we're having today am I right?" He said putting his hand out to turn Eren around, however just as hand was about to reach Erens shoulder Ekans hissed in warning. making his hand pause and slowly withdraw as he lowered it. the corner of his lips twitched a few times as said "it's okay feisty little one, I'm not going hurt him." he then sighed exaggeratedly.

Eren knew he had interrupted something so he just said. " It's okay if you guys are busy, I just came to get a Pokéball and some help with training. I can meet you guys down in the training grounds when your ready." he then turned and left to avoid any more awkwardness. Marcus however was not worried at all and shouted at his back. "that's my wing man! not a problem we'll meet you down there in an hour!" and re-entered the room. Inside the room Kasara shifted her body in her seat and asked." What hour? you can bearly last 5 minutes!"


Eren made it to the training grounds and told Ekan they were going to play for awhile, he didn't know how to train her at the moment but any exercise was better then nothing, so he began running from one end of the grounds to the other with Ekans following alongside him. After 15 minutes he was getting tired so he stopped to take a rest.

Ekans looked up at her human with asking eyes. Making Eren stop and think about what they could do, he leaned down scratched Ekans head while scanning her and as he looked over her moves he ask himself if she knew how to use them. he didn't know, so he asked. "Ekans can you do any moves yet?"

Ekans just tilted her to the side giving her human a questioning look. Erens brows furrowed in thought then he call out. "Ekans use Coil and aim at the post before using Poison Sting."

Ekans nodded and curled her body. her muscles getting more and more taut ready to spring forth at any moment, her concentration peaked as she aim at the post her human designated. she then started gathering her energy in her month and when it felt right she opened her mouth attempting to spray the energy out as a green slightly rounded oblong shaped energy ball was released at the target barly hitting the edge of the post.

Eren clapped and cheered her on after her successful attack however Ekans hung her in shame letting out a cry." Ekans kans kans."

Eren moved forward bending to scratch her head. " you did really well for your first time Ekans, you really did, I'm proud of you." he comforted. the whole process from charging up Coil to using Poison Sting had in fact taken a little over 14 seconds and for the Poison Sting to travel from Ekans to the post which was around 10 meters it had only taken 3 seconds so in the time Eren had given the order to when the attack had (just) hit the target 17 seconds had passed. Eren believed this to be a great first attempt. "You just need to practice more on it girl, you will get better over time."

Ekans looked up and nodded in determination. she used Coil then Poison Sting over and over again for 5 minutes before Eren stopped her and they went back to doing laps on the training grounds for 15 minutes and then started move training again.

It was at this point that Kasara came out to the training grounds. she watched her adopted son from the sideline for a time before stepping in and walking to Eren." Your doing well but there are a few things I need to point out." She spoke up as she came to Erns side. " these post are part of the dodging course not the attacking posts that are located down there." she pointed to the edge of the training field where 4 Large thick wooden posts had been staked into the ground.

Kasara then walked off toward a tree and cut a small branch and began carving it into sharp pin shape and handing it to Eren. " Ask Ekans to try forming its Poison Sting attack to look like a needle. show that to it to give it a visual representation as a guide. A Poison Sting attack must be sharp, accurate and fast to be able too hit, pierce and poison the enemy. that is after all it's function."

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