
Chapter 4: Strike !!! and Am I a Shiny Charm ?!

The next morning as he was waking up Nathan felt something on his stomach, he then opened his sleeping bag to see what it was and oh boy was he shocked to see a blue Nidoran sleeping comfortably on him. As it was still early in the morning and not seeing clearly the pokemon Nathan took out his Pokedex and pointed it toward the Nidoran.

"Nidoran♂, Poison Pin Pokemon. Its large ears are always kept upright. If it senses danger, it will attack with a poisonous sting. This specimen is larger than average, it is also a Shiny."

'Huuh, another shiny, guess my luck is good. I shouldn't move too much to wake him up.'

After waiting for approximately ten minutes Sîn and Naia woke up and looked interested in the newcomers way which awoke not long after. Seeing everybody looking at him Nidoran didn't run away but instead rub his head affectionately against Nathan's stomach shocking the later.

"Hello little one, I am really grateful than you like me but I can't prepare breakfast with you on me. Can you hop down ?"

"Rannn"agreed Nidoran while walking out of the sleeping bag.

After getting out of his tent Nathan called out his last two pokemon and started working on breakfast while the pokemon bonded together. Giving everyone a portion of poke food, Nathan sat down and started to eat.

When they all finished and started to put away the tent and other camping tools, Nidoran pushed a pokeball in Nathan direction and called out to get his attention.


"You want to come with us ?"he asked puzzled at this Nidoran.

Nidoran nodded his head while pushing again the pokeball.

"Why? I don't understand why you want to come with me."

Hearing this the pokemon looked at the cooking tools and bag full of poke food. Following his gaze Nathan burst out laughing finally realizing that this pokemon was a glutton.

"Ok, welcome aboard Nidoran."smiled Nathan while picking up and pressing the pokeball against Nidoran's head.The pokeball stopped moving after only one shake signifying a successful capture.

Calling back Pidgey and Horsea in their balls and letting out his newest friend out and letting him climb on his shoulder, Nathan finally entered the Viridian Forest. While walking Nathan asked his system to show him the status of Nidoran.


Name: Nidoran

Level: 13

Sex: Male

State: Healthy

Move: Leer, Peck, Focus Energy, Double Kick, Poison Sting

'Not exceptional but not bad. If he grow correctly he could become quite the sight.'thought Nathan as he walked along some trail left behind by other trainer. Along his path he fought against some Caterpie, Weedle, Metapod, Kakuna, Spinarak and even a Pineco and bonded a little with Nidoran, but he did not see a pokemon which caught his interest maybe he will caught some Beedrill and Combee to help his Father's farm and produce a little of honey, more money doesn't hurt after all.

While thinking about how to help his father's farm Nathan heard a shout coming from deeper in the forest. Hesitating if he should go see what happened and leaving the trail or just ignoring it, he came to the conclusion that while he wasn't a hero he couldn't ignore that. So making his way toward where the shout came from, Nathan saw three men attacking a young trainer and snatching his pokeball.

"Hey what are you doing, give him his pokeball back." shouted Nathan startling the three men.

"Shit, let's go, Houndour came back." cursed one of them calling back the three Houndour pinning the young boy on the ground. After their pokemon were back in their balls, they ran away deeper inside the thickets.

"Are you ok?" asked Nathan, coming closer and helping the trainer to stand up.

"Yeah, but they took my Pikachu. It was a gift of my grandfather before I left. Oh by the way I'm Alexander but everybody call me Alex."answered Alexander.

"Nice to meet you Alex, I am Nathan, this is Sîn, his sister Naia and the little one on my shoulder is a Nidoran♂.

Let's go we can catch up to them if we hurry."said Nathan while starting to run in the direction in which the poachers ran.

"How will we find them this forest is freakin huge."asked Alex

"Sîn and Naia can follow their scent and tail them."simply replied Nathan.

After following the two pokemon for three hours the two trainer saw a huge clearing where the poacher's camp was.

"Damn look, they are ten of them there. How can we get back my pikachu ?"asked nervously Alex after seeing the camp.

"I will have my Horsea using Smokescreen and Pidgey will blow it toward the camp, meanwhile you will go to that big tent we see there, I'm sure the pokemon are kept there."said Nathan, seeing the look on his companion he added

"I will be a decoy and grab their attention, my pokemon are strong enough to buy time for you to get back your pokemon and then you can help me."

"Ok." consented the other trainer visibly relieved at Nathan's plan.

"Nidoran, you will go with him and if there are cage break them and free the pokemon inside, it will add to the chaos."ordered Nathan.

After waiting for Alexander to make his way stealthily to the border of the clearing near the biggest tent. When Nathan saw him ready, he called out his pokemon.

"Now come out Horsea, Pidgey. Horsea use Smokescreen and you Pidgey blow it over there with Gust. Sîn, Naia let's go."said Nathan as he ran out of the forest into the clearing.

"It's an attack !!!" shouted a random poacher.

Hearing the shout every poacher called their pokemon out, there was some Houndour, Ekans and Koffing. Because of the ruckus a man exited the tent and said.

"What's going on here, move your ass, idiots."

"Sîn, Naia use Swift to take out most of their pokemon, Horsea focus on the Houndour and use Bubble and Water Gun."ordered Nathan.

They did as ordered taking out 80% of the enemies with the first strike.

"Sîn Bite on the only ekans left, Naia Confusion on Koffing and Horsea Water Gun again on the two houndoom."finally sending flying the last pokemon of the poacher.

"Damn kid, I will teach you that you need to respect your elder. Come out Houndoom, Sneasel."cursed the leader of the group

At that moment pokemon came out running of the tent from where the leader came out earlier. And Nidoran ran to Nathan taking a stance to be battle ready.

"Nice to see you again buddy, where is Alex ?"asked Nathan.

"Ni Ni Nii Nidorannn" explained Nidoran while pointing toward a direction in the forest. Alexander after getting back his Pikachu bolted into the forest leaving Nathan alone to face the group of poacher.

"Seriously, he left me alone. Next time I see him, I will punch him in the face. But now we need to focus on the enemies in front of us."

"Gahahahaha, so you are left alone here Boy. Don't think it will be painless, after the beating I will give you, you will regret getting involved with the Sweeping Hands." laugh the man.

"Houndoom use Flamethrower, Sneasel Shadow Claw ."

"Horsea counter with Water Gun, Sîn and Naia use Swift do not let Sneasel come closer. Nidoran use Double Kick on him and Pidgey Sand Attack on Houndoom."ordered Nathan.

The Water Gun countered perfectly Houndoom thanks to Pidgey Sand attack and hit him sending him back ten steps. Because of the perfect combination between Sîn and Naia the Sneasel couldn't come closer and was forced to dodge when suddenly Nidoran came crashing into him with a powerful Double Kick sending him in a tree knocking him out.

"Surrender Old man, you can't win." tried Nathan, after all he had his first battle just a few day ago and wasn't confident to win this battle even at five against one.

"Dream on Boy, Houndoom, use Intimidate and then Fire Fang."

"Shit, Sîn use Shadow Ball, Naia use Swift, Pidgey Gust, Horsea Bubble and Nidoran finish him with a Double Kick."said Nathan.

The attacks hit Houndoom square in the face sending him flying in his trainer which was blow into the rest of his group who was starting to get up.

"Hell Yeah, a Strike !!!!!" joked Nathan seeing all the poacher were out of commision for a while.

After the battle Nidoran tugged at Nathan's pants, wanting him to follow him and going to the large tent. Following him Nathan asked

"What do you want to show me ?"

Entering inside he could see Nidoran on a desk next to an incubator with an egg inside, the egg was cream colored with a red circle on the middle and a line going around it.

" Huhh, an egg, those guys snatched an egg. Haaa, they probably killed the mother. let's take it with us." sighted Nathan taking the incubator .

Nathan resumed his treck in the forest but not finding his trail from earlier after hours of walking. As it was getting dark he decided to start making preparation to camp. While he was cooking, his tools and ingredients started floating in the air. Confused he looked at Naia thinking it was one of her prank but she was sleeping with Nidoran near the egg. Scanning his surroundings, Nathan finally saw the cause of this phenomenon and it was really a prank but not from his pokemon but from a wild Gastly.

"Sîn use Pursuit on this Gastly." Ordered Nathan getting up and hoping to scare the pokemon away.

the Gastly dodged Sîn and used Lick, making the former sudder. Nathan then ordered him to use Shadow Ball, and also asked Naia to use Confuse Ray stealthily.

The wild pokemon getting tired from dodging and attacking floated at twenty centimeters from the ground. Seeing this Nathan sent a pokeball toward Gastly. Keeping himself from breathing while the pokeball was shaking, only after three shakes and making the sound of a successful capture, did Nathan breathed again while picking up the ball and sending out its occupant.

"Gasss Gass Gassstly"laugh Gastly going around Nathan and going to greet his new friends.

When Gastly got near the fire,Nathan saw he wasn't the usual purple color but blue. Nathan was stunned, he met another shiny, now half his pokemons were shiny. Nathan couldn't help but thought.

'Am I some sort of Shiny Charm or what.'

'Negative Host, just your luck, maybe you should try the lottery, you could win big.'

'Yeah, I think I'll do that, thanks Sys.'

'Your welcome Host.'

'Ah, before I forget please some me his status.'



Name: Gastly


Sex: Male

State: Healthy

Move: Hypnosis, Lick, Curse,Night Shade, Mean Look

'Thank you.'

Resuming his cooking and letting the pokemon play together, Nathan though that his team was getting bigger and bigger, he should train them harder before challenging Pewter City Gym.

"Guys, food's ready, come here and eat, tomorrow we have a long day of walk."

After eating and cleaning, he got in his sleeping bag with Nidoran inside and the rest on his pokemon cuddling with him drifting to sleep with a smile on his face.

'Well maybe it wasn't that bad of a day.'

Next chapter