
Pokemon: A Magical World

A magical world of Pokemon. Or rather a real world that has merged with the world of Pokemons for hundreds of years. Altro, a salary man, found himself in the body of a high schooler who is about to graduate. More so, in the world of Pokemon. So, he who was cut off with Pokemon animation and games after his teenage years transmigrated in the real world of Pokemon. Now he who came to this magical world will create his own legend, intentionally or unintentionally. __________________________________________________ Note:- This story is only for my self satisfaction because I happen to watch Pokemon today, so maybe as well write something. There will be elements of games, animation and urban life. This synopsis is temporary, as I upload more chapters I'll change it. Well, do give your opinion on the story. Happy Reading!!! I've have other stories to write so the update schedule is not fixed. To discuss the story and chat with us. Join our Discord:- https://discord.gg/FBSufmXzN5

Dakshay · Anime & Comics
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33 Chs

Practice Match!!

After lunch, Altro let Gastly and Pikachu have a battle while he acted as a referee.

"Let the battle begin."

Pikachu was the first to act. He used Charge while continuously using Quick attack to not get hit by Gastly's Hypnosis. He has learned his lesson the last time.

Gastly laughed, seeing Pikachu acting cautiously.


Pikachu launched an Electro ball at Gastly. Which was countered by a Shadow ball. Both moves collided and canceled out each other.

At the same time, another Shadow Ball came in front of Pikachu, ready to hit him.


But when the move hit, the Pikachu's figure disappeared. Gastly understood it was fake. Pikachu has used Double team. At this moment, Pikachu was already in front of Gastly while an Electro Ball formed on his tail. Gastly immediately used Shadow Ball to counter it.



When they separated from each other, Altro noticed that Pikachu's face was a little pale while Gastly wasn't able to move around.

'It seems Gastly used Toxic when Pikachu was close and Pikachu did the same using Thunder wave."


At this moment, Gastly used Haze to recover from their paralyzed state.

'Wow, Gastly nice comeback.'

Altro saw Pikachu join his hands. 'Is that Wish?'

Gastly, who found the opportunity, immediately used Shadow Ball to end the match. At this moment, Pikachu let out a shrill cry.


Pikachu used Disarming voice to affect Gastly's emotions.

Sure enough, Gastly's first Shadow ball missed, but the second Shadow ball precisely hit the poisoned Pikachu.

Pikachu's condition was a little worse compared to Gastly's. But the next moment, like a miracle, Pikachu's injuries healed.

'It seems the Wish has taken effect.' Altro thought inwardly. Wish recovered half of Pikachu's original health.

But Pikachu was still poisoned. Although Altro wanted to train Pikachu's immunity against poison. This wasn't the right time. As he needs to buy many antidotes for that.

He can't let Pikachu's condition worsen. "Okay, the fight ends here."

Both Gastly and Pikachu stopped. But Pikachu seemed a little unsatisfied.

*Pika~* (Master stopped us, otherwise I would have defeated you.)

Gastly just laughed.


Altro was speechless. Damn guy, you are poisoned, but you still want to act tough.

"Here, eat this, Pikachu." Altro gave him a Pecha berry. Pikachu's poison healed and Altro gave them more berries to recover their energy.

"It was a good fight." When they heard Altro praise them, they let go of any dissatisfaction they had before and immediately became happy.

*Pika~ (^∆^)*

*Gast~ (^∆^)*

Altro used his powers to check their levels. To his surprise, both of them hit level 14. Altro checked the time. It was only 4 p.m.

"Now you guys can rest. Let's go fishing." Hearing this, Pikachu and Gastly were excited.

Altro and his Pokemons went further inside the Orange Forest. Inside the orange forest, there is a lake that is connected to the sea near Pallet town.

When they arrived at the lakeside. Altro went near a rock and found a good place to sit. He took out the fishing rod he won in the lottery this morning.

He set up a bait he received with the prize and threw the hook at the lake letting it sink.

Under the shade of trees and the dim sunlight passing through the leaves. A slight breeze fluttering his hair and the calm, peaceful lake.

"So nice." Only at this moment, Altro's mind was calm, without any thoughts or worries. Since yesterday, so much has happened to him. In this peaceful moment, he wanted to relax.


Pikachu was running around cheerfully chasing a Butterfree. While Gastly was floating above the lake. There were a few wild Pokemons at the lakeside. But Altro wasn't interested in them.

'Hm, a hook.'

Altro waited patiently for the hook to be caught tightly and made a pull reeling in the hook.

It was a Magikarp.

Altro wasn't surprised because he expected to catch a Magikarp. If he had caught some other Pokemon then he might have been surprised.

'Should I let it go or sell it to fish merchants?' Altro was a little tangled.


"What? Will I catch him? Why?" Altro heard Pikachu asking whether he will catch this Magikarp. But Altro didn't consider it.

At this moment, the flailing Magikarp used Tackle at Altro.

Altro was surprised and immediately used Psychic to stop it in mid-air.

'It knows tackle. What is his level?' Altro was surprised to see that this Magikarp was level 16. 'His evolved form Gyarados is powerful. Although the expenses will increase drastically, I can somehow manage it. But taming a Gyarados is difficult.' Altro thought seriously.

Then he shrugged.

"Ahh, whatever, if he doesn't listen. Just beat him with Psychic until he starts listening."

Pikachu smiled wryly, listening to his master's words. 'Sometimes master can be very unfair.'

"Magikarp become my Pokemon. I'll help you become the most powerful Gyarados." Magikarp looked at Altro as if saying, 'does it look like he has a choice? He is still trapped in the air with Altro's psychic.'

Altro threw a Pokeball and caught the Magikarp.

After letting Magikarp out of his Pokeball, Altro said. "Okay, everyone, let's start training."

Hearing this Gastly, Pikachu, and Magikarp. All attentively listened to Altro. Especially Magikarp, who was wondering how his trainer will make him evolve.

"I'll put pressure on you all with my Psychic and you all will try to withstand the pressure." Hearing this, they all agreed. All of them know their trainer is a powerful human. If the want to become stronger. They need to take it seriously.

"Pikachu, you try to keep using charge under the pressure. After this I want you to keep using charge all the time. I want you to perfect it at a level where your body keeps using Charge subconsciously."

'With Charge, Pikachu's special defense will increase and so does the power of his electricity. If he can keep Charge active in a normal state, then his strength will boost immensely.'

After that, the pressure training started. Under the influence of Altro's pressure, their strength improved a lot.

While Altro keeps feeding his psychic energy to Mew's egg.