
Chapter 97 : Journey through the Islands

Gary knew that his next destination is Trovita Island for his third badge .

Gary knew that to go to Trovita Island he has to travel through a lot of Islands .

First they reached Seven Grape fruit Island which are known for its large and bountiful grapefruit harvest . Girls wanted to taste them . Gary stopped them that by seeing that they will be able to get higher quality fruits from the owner of these farms . Girls were little bit disheartened but still nodded as they may be able to get better fruits .

After walking sometime they met a girls , Ruby who was owner of the farm . First she mistakes them for thieves but after seeing Gary she blushed .

Looking at the blushing girls Eva suddenly elbowed Gary . All girls stared at Gary with menacing look . Ruby then said that she is big fan of Gary and wanted an autograph . Gary gave her autograph with helpless smile ignoring menacing looks from the girls .

Ruby explains how they tend to the grapefruit trees to produce their high-quality grapefruits. However, Ruby also notes that they had been recently had a problem with thieves making off with the grapefruits. When the thieves strike again. After that Gary told Ruby that this might be work of pokemon . Gary didn't want to catch Snorlax meant for Ash . He said to Ruby that he is on a journey and he might not be able to help her but confirmed that a trainer named Ash from his hometown will come here to help her . Hearing assurance of Gary , Ruby was happy and realizing that Gary was in journey she gifted him some grapefruits . Having a good appreciation of Ruby , Gary gave his phone number to Ruby so that she can contact him if she ever needed his help .

After going from Seven grape fruit Island , they reached Moro Island . Then they went to tour the museum in which there is 300-year-old official Orange League Winner's Trophy. After having a good look of the trophy Gary went back to his hotel and contacted Pro . Oak telling him about all his adventures .

Then they reached Mandarin Island , Where Gary heard that Lorelei has her match in Mandarin island Stadium . Gary paid no mind as he knew that he had defeated her long ago .

Gary roamed around the the city with girls . They were able to connect with Alexa where Gia gave the Eevee to Alexa and she promised that she will make sure that Eevee evolves into Leafeon .

After hearing all 7 of them were quite happy .

In middle of city despite having a mask in his face Gary was recognized by Lorelei .

Lorelei asked Gary " Oh , why is the champion here "

Gary greeted and said " Just going for Orange league "

Lorelei had a thoughtful expression " Do you know that it won't matter if you win or not . That trophy will be an Honorable Trainer Trophy ."

Gary nodded " But it will still give me a trophy "

Lorelei nodded " Yup that would be great showpiece at home "

Gary nodded " Having many trophies is good "

Lorelei smirked " So how many trophies do you want "

Gary " Let's see how many I can win "

After saying goodbye to Lorelei , Gary continued his journey for his third badge .

//Meanwhile with Ash//

Ash and his friends arrive at the Seven Grapefruit Islands, which are known for its large and bountiful grapefruit harvest. However, just as they pick a grapefruit for themselves, they are stopped by a girl named Ruby .

After learning that Ash is from Pallet town Ruby was full of smiles as she knew that Gary had completed his promise .

It is later revealed that the culprit is a Snorlax that has been eating the grapefruits. Devising a plan to stop Snorlax, Ash and his friends assist Ruby's staff in harvesting as many grapefruits as possible. However, all it does is lead Snorlax to their cache, and when Ash tries to fend off the Snorlax, Bulbasaur ends up being flattened by Snorlax's Body Slam.

Later, Snorlax has already eaten the first island dry. Thinking that they will be safe now that Snorlax has nowhere to go, they are surprised to find that Snorlax can swim, explaining how it arrived on the island. While Ruby and her crew try to pick the grapefruits as quickly as possible, Ash and his friends try to stop Snorlax. On the second island, Team Rocket is also picking grapefruits to steal. However, before they can make their getaway, Snorlax, followed by Ash and his friends, races towards them. Snorlax begins to eat Team Rocket's loot, which forces Team Rocket to team up with Ash's group to try to stop Snorlax. However, they are all are no match for it.

.....................To be continued

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