
The Low-Born Maid I

Diane hailed from Vale Village, a secluded village nestled in the southern region of Lapidaria. She dedicated herself to caring for her sole surviving parent, her father. Tragically, her mother had passed away during her childhood, the victim of a devastating thunderstorm unleashed by a formidable and fierce Pokémon.

According to the wise elders of the village, the calamity was attributed to a omen Pokémon. A Pokémon that was said to appear all over the kingdom of Lapidaria, leaving a trail of devastation and sorrow in its wake. However, due to her tender age at the time, Diane had not yet witnessed this enigmatic Pokémon firsthand.

Instead, she had grown up listening to a myriad of bedtime tales about the mysterious creature, each story carrying a common thread: the Pokémon would unpredictably appear before individuals, serving as an ill omen preceding a calamitous event.

Her father had since grown deeply depressed. For years, he would recount his nightmares, reliving the day her mother had passed. As he aged, his condition deteriorated, burdening Diane with the responsibility of caring for her own father.

In addition to that, she also had responsibilities within the village as a seamstress. This role required her to frequently venture into the forest that lay near Vale Village. Being situated in a remote area had its drawbacks, and one glaring issue was the shortage of skilled labor.

Meaning Diane had to personally gather her own materials for her sewing work. Fortunately, there were Pokémon called Lopunny that would naturally shed their fur after each winter, leaving it scattered throughout the forest.

The soft and fluffy fur was highly sought after and could be transformed into fashionable mufflers, hats, winter coats, and even used as lining for snow boots. These items fetched good prices in the market.

As one may imagine, however, the forest was home to a variety of Pokémon, ranging from sequence 10 to those in 7 and even 6.

When it came to Diane's role as a fighter, her skill with a short sword was limited and her proficiency could be considered below average at best.

Moreover, she didn't have a battling Pokémon of her own, nor did she possess any Pokémon at all for that matter.

Her only opportunity to obtain her first Pokémon and improve her family's financial situation came at the age of 13, but unfortunately, it ended in failure. This was the case for both her father and mother as well.

The last known family member to have had a Pokémon was her great-great-grandmother, who was reputed to be a highly respected healer.

Saints above, even certain poorer nobles didn't possess their own Pokémon. Therefore, for someone like her, a commoner without the necessary combat skills and comprehensive understanding of Pokémon behavior, it was nearly impossible to successfully tame one on her own.

As a result, she often found herself at a disadvantage and vulnerable when confronted by the bug Pokémon that would occasionally attack her. However, the encounters were never too perilous or life-threatening.

That was—until fate played a cruel trick on her. During one of her early morning salvage expeditions, she stumbled upon a vast accumulation of Lopunny fur. It was an extraordinary find, equivalent to at least a week's worth of her usual collection. A true treasure trove!

She swiftly started stuffing her cheap hunting bag, and even her pouches, with the precious fur, determined to carry as much of the bounty as possible on her way back home.

That was when a fierce attack came from above. It was a massive bird-like Pokémon with a unique appearance. Its plumage displayed a striking combination of gray, black, and brown, while its piercing yellow-gold eyes and beak added to its menacing presence.

The Pokémon bore a distinctive heart-shaped patch on its face, which Diane had never encountered before. It seemed that this Pokémon, too, had been gathering the Lopunny fur.

A piercing screech from above alerted Diane to the presence of another one of these imposing bird Pokémon. However, unlike the previous one with a brown half, this one had a green half. Additionally, it boasted distinctive pink ribbon-like feathers protruding from its head.

Diane wondered if this difference in appearance indicated a variation in gender between the two Pokémon.

As Diane looked up, she discovered the source of the birds' fierce agitation. Nestled at the highest point of a tree, there was a large nest constructed from a mixture of broken branches, dead leaves, grass, and the precious Lopunny fur she was gathering.

It was then that she realized with a sinking feeling that she had unknowingly started stealing the materials that the two bird Pokémon had painstakingly collected.

Realizing that she was alone and quite far from her village, she knew she had to defend herself. She brandished her short sword in a desperate and haphazard manner, hoping to intimidate the two birds and make them retreat.

With each swing, she cautiously stepped backward, creating as much distance as possible before she could make a swift escape.

She made sure to keep her eyes on the Pokémon at all times, ensuring she wouldn't turn her back until she was certain of a safe retreat. Her father had always told her: "The quickest way to find one of your limbs missing, was to show your back to a wild Pokémon."

Unfortunately, these birds were incredibly swift, too fast for her to track their movements. Just as she thought her demise was imminent, a small, chubby, pink creature stumbled into view, clumsily tripping over its own tiny legs. It had three fluffy tufts of hair atop its head.

As it tumbled, a small, pristine white orb slipped from its grip, landing right in front of the two bird Pokémon.

As the adorable pink ball clumsily reached for its pebble, the bird extended one of its feet, arrogantly placing its talons over it, asserting its dominance.

Diane was taken aback by the pink ball Pokémon's refusal to back down. Instead, it threw an endearing tantrum, surprising her even more. This Pokémon was also unlike any she had encountered during her countless expeditions into the forest.

Still, she was certain that the small pink Pokémon would meet its demise if it continued to antagonize the two birds. Summoning her last ounce of courage, she swiftly turned around, snatched the pink ball, and dashed away with it, determined to keep it safe.

The two birds, fueled by rage, relentlessly pursued her as she sprinted ahead. In her grip, the pink ball squirmed and wriggled, attempting to break free, but its feeble attempts proved futile.

Gradually, it seemed to realize the futility of its struggle and resigned itself, turning its small face to observe the pursuing birds behind them.

Diane couldn't help but berate herself for what she considered a foolish and potentially fatal choice. She could have easily abandoned the small Pokémon and used it as a distraction to ensure her own escape.

It was a tempting thought, but she couldn't bear the idea of leaving it to meet its demise. After all, it was only in this dangerous situation because of her actions.

The small Pokémon's high-pitched cries filled the air, its obsession with the stone apparent. Diane found herself puzzled by the behavior of Pokémon. Were they all like this Pokémon? Such recklessness made her truly realize that she really had much to learn about the complexities of Pokémon behavior and their unique motivations.

Was it truly willing to put its life on the line for a seemingly worthless rock? She couldn't fathom the reasoning behind such actions.

And then, to Diane's surprise, the stubby hands of the pink Pokémon began to emit a soft, white glow. They moved in a rhythmic pattern, shaking from side to side. The mysterious glow seemed to hold a hidden power, captivating Diane's attention and filling her with a sense of curiosity and wonder.

Seconds later, a powerful shockwave rippled through their surroundings, causing the ground to tremble. The force of the explosion was immense, and it sent the two birds flying in opposite directions. They cried out in pain as they retreated, their wings damaged and their spirits shaken by the unexpected assault.

That was how Diane Truth met her first Pokémon, and long lasting best friend. She had protected the small Pokémon, and in return the Pokémon protected her.

After bringing the Pokémon home and showing it to her father, he practically leaped out of his bed with joy. In that moment, one could almost forget that he was ill. His happiness radiated, a stark contrast to the somberness that had plagued him since the passing of Diane's mother.

It was the happiest Diane had seen her father in years, and she cherished that precious moment of shared delight.

The Pokémon, Happiny, brought a wave of positive change into their household. It was as if a pink ball of luck had entered their lives, turning everything upside down in the best way possible.

Diane's father's once sad and dull eyes regained their spark and vitality. His spirit was lifted, and a renewed sense of joy filled their home. Not only that, but Diane's reputation in the village underwent a remarkable transformation for the better.

People began to see her in a new light, recognizing her courage and compassion for protecting the small Pokémon. Not to mention, being able to tame it. The arrival of Happiny had brought an unexpected wave of fortune and happiness to their lives.

Happiny became Diane's constant companion, and their bond grew stronger with each passing day. They were inseparable, embarking on adventures together and sharing joyful moments.

However, there was one recurring challenge they faced. Ever since losing its previous stone, Happiny was constantly searching for a comparable replacement.

This occasionally led to moments of sadness for the usually cheerful Pokémon, and it pained Diane to see her beloved companion feeling down.

This motivated her to venture even deeper into the forest in search of Happiny's lost stone. Her determination led her to a hidden cave, where she discovered a treasure trove of stones. Excitement filled her heart as she carefully gathered as many stones as she could carry, hoping that one of them would bring joy to her cherished Pokémon.

Upon presenting the stones to Happiny, the Pokémon seemed unimpressed at first. She sifted through the assortment of stones with an almost uncanny instinct, searching for the one that resonated with her. And then, as if by fate, she discovered a stone that she deemed perfect.

As soon as Happiny clutched the stone and lifted it into the air with excitement, a radiant white glow enveloped her entire body. The luminous flashes intensified and expanded, accompanied by a mesmerizing transformation. Within moments, Happiny had evolved into a completely unfamiliar Pokémon, a revelation that left Diane and her father astounded and curious.

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