
Pokémon: New life and journey

DaoistEtFj4t · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

First Pokemon Battle / New Bark Town

It's been 3 days since elekid fought heracross,

Right now jadon and on his shoulder elekid are continuing on their journey to new bark town after completing their daily morning training.

"You are surly gotten better than when we started our journey"

Jadon said to elekid with a smile


Elekid nodded with a smile at his trainer

"But you still can't complete the Training early, if you didn't take those many breaks we would have reached the new bark town by now. you know that right?"

Jadon said to elekid in teasing tone while narrowing his eyes

"Elekid elekiddd"

Elekid started explaining that it wasn't his fault

"Sigh~ whatever"

Jadon mumbled and thought

'This past days I have completely bonded with elekid and know him quite good, his quite an easy going guy but on battle he becomes prideful one who doesn't want to lose to anyone I don't know if this is good or bad but for now I think it's good due to its prideful nature he works hard to get stronger tho and as a trainer who doesn't want to get hard working pokemon.'


Elekid called jadon while pointing, jadon who was in his own thoughts paid attention to where elekid was pointing, a boy with gray hair and blue eyes not much older than jadon was walking towards his side

"Hello there, are you going to the new bark town?"

The boy asked

"uh Yes, I'm jadon and this is my partner elekid, how long have you been in this forest?"

Replied jadon.

"This is my second day in the forest and I'm delin"

Delin said

Jadon - "It seems you are going to Cherrygrove city and by the way are you a trainer?"

Delin - " Yes I'm going there and i 'm indeed a trainer"

"How about a quick battle, this will be my first Trainer battle"

Jadon asked to delin

Delin looked at Jadon's eyes for fewer seconds than. " Why not let's do it , official or unofficial battle?"

"uh, I don't have much money so unofficial please and i have only one pokemon so 1v1"

Jadon said with a straight face but inside he was embarrassed about the money situation.

Official battles are when you lose you have to give money to the winner depending on if it is 1v1 or 4v4 etc. And unofficial battles are unpaid once, almost all of the trainers choses official battles other than earning money, your win or loss to that person will be recorded. It's like your pokemon trainer career stats.

They created a distance for the fight, elekid came to the battle stage and delin at the same threw his pokeball


It was a rhyhorn

Jadon eye narrowed seeing rhyhorn

'current elekid will only able to take hit 4 or 5 times from that rhyhorn , electric types moves and static ability are useless right now the only thing which is going to work is ice punch and even cross chop but his defense and stamina is high but elekid as speed to dodge, this battle will be either of stamina or attacking one'

"Let's go elekid, charge at it and use ICE PUNCH"

"Rhyhorn use Horn attack"

Elekid dashed towards the rhyhorn while his fist was glowing in icy color, the arm of the elekid and the horn of the rhyhorn clashed.

Elekid and rhyhorn gritted their teeth with one having his whole arm in pain while other was hit by an ice type attack which is one of his weakness

"Rhyhorn use Stomp!"

Even If elekid dodges that he will lose his footing when rhyhorn's stomp hit the ground than we can only counter that

"Elekid counter it with Cross chop!"

Eleked's crossed his arm as they glowed, rhyhorn's feet and elekid's crossed forearms collided, the force between two moves destroyed the ground under them.

"Rhyhorn use FIRE FANG!!"

"Elekid use ICE PUNCH!!"

Since they were face to face there was no time to waste, Rhyhorn's flame clocked fangs hit elekid at the same time elekid's ice punch Landed on the rhyhorn's neck both

This clash damaged both pokemon a lot but elekid was one who had taken more damage due to his low defense

The intense battle went on for next 3 minutes in which both pokemon had took damage while countering and getting hits on each other

Rhyhorn even after taking many hits he was still standing due to his endurance and stamina but on the other side elekid's speed made it difficult to hit it and moves like ice punch and cross chop were only moves which were effective against rhyhorn.

Jadon clenched his hand seeing elekid barely able to able to attack due to low stamina

Delin looked at Jadon and thought

'This battle was only supposed to be a normal one but now this is like gym battles, his commanding speed and analyzing is way better than me and his elekid who is perfectly

executing his commands but his elekid can barely stand right now after all it's just child pokemon who's recently started training, I should finish it now if I let this go on I don't know what will happen'

"Let's end this Rhyhorn, use DRILL RUN!"

Delin shouted

'Sooner or later he's going to collapse from low stamina. There's no use in dodging, we can't defend or escape, the only way is to attack!'

Jadon Thought and shouted

"Elekid put everything you have in this attack, use CROSS CHOP!"

elekid crossed arms started glowing while he looked at rotating drill like body of rhyhorn which was just few inches from him focusly

When the rhyhorn rotating body and the elekid crossed arm collided it made a sharp sound and small Shockwaves, elekid was slowly getting pushed back by the rhyhorn drill run.

Jadon gritted his teeth looking at elekid getting pushed and cross chop was about to lose its effect

Rhyhorn kept on drilling and pushing elekid further behind, elekid previous crossed arms were now straightforward with only little glow left in it


When Elekid roared at the same time little fighting type energy left on Elekid. from cross chop move started forming a tiny round ball which slowly started enlarging till it stopped when its size became that of a basketball while being yellowish.

Elekid was no longer been dragged back by rhyhorn drill run


Due to the busting of energy caused an explosion dust flew out of the ground.

silhouette of two still standing was visible, when dust cleared fully, both were still standing covered with bruises and wounds

Rhyhorn and elekid looked at eachother with intensity

"Ele- THUD"

Elekid had fallen on the ground while completely fainted.


Sound of rhyhorn falling sounded soon after elekid,

jadon - "ELEKID!"

Delin - "RHYHORN!"

Both trainers dashed towards their pokemon

After applying potion on both pokemon wounds and bruises were recovered but to recover stamina it will take a few hours of rest and to check if they have any hidden injuries they need to have a check-up in the pokemon center.

It was getting late so delin thought to camp with jadon since staying in forest at night is dangerous without pokemon

Few hours later.

After setting up their tents delin and jadon started preparing for dinner in progress of that jadon and delin had many different conservations regarding pokemons , regions and personal things.

Jadon came to know that Delin is from Foothill Town from hoenn region and started his journey at the age 14 , he also competed in indigo conference of this year which happened just a 2 weeks ago he lost in preliminary top 64, And a year before that he traveled in the Hoenn region but he wasn't able to collect 8 badges to compete in Ever Grande Conference.

"Good night jadon"

Delin said

"See you in the morning"

Jadon replied while going into his tent, delin also went into his own tent

Jadon sat and looked at elekid who was sleeping

"it was a tough day"

Jadon mumbled

'I m proud of elekid what he did today even we lost we had gains too'


●Name - Elekid

●Gender - Male

●Type - Electric pokemon

●Ability- static [Pokémon with this Ability is hit by a move that makes contact, there is a 1/3 chance that the attacking Pokémon will become paralyzed]

●Moves - [ ice punch, cross chop ,

quick attack, thundershock, focus blast ]


Focus blast is an Fighting type move it is one of the elemental moves which does same damage as Fire Blast, Hydro Pump, Blizzard, Hurricane and Megahorn

'I guess I lucked out with elekid using cross chop consecutively and I have been telling him to hold cross chop to its maximum output in training so which can help to defend itself or block in battle, to hold cross chop it needs lot of focus and concentration and for focus blast user needs to have higher mental focus to unleash its power'

" Can he learn more ice type moves?"

Jadon said while staring at the ceiling of the tent and thought

'let's not focus on it for now, right now he needs most is increase in attack , defense and stamina tho and I also want him to increase his speed as much as possible once it evolves from Electabuzz to Electivire its attack will increases exponentially , stamina and defense will increases little bit than Electabuzz but speed will decrease which was its highest stat when it was electabuzz'

"Well tomorrow I will give elekid a day off from training"

Next morning

Jadon was awakened from sleep by the elekid who was standing on his stomach. After going out of the tent he saw that It was still dark outside. First he gave food to hungry elekid who haven't eaten anything since yesterday afternoon. After Than jadon brushed his teeth and got freshen up.

He noticed elekid's mood was down after all he lost for the first time yesterday as his partner jadon gave elekid some motivational talk and that lit a fire under him.

When jadon went on his daily run elekid also followed him even after telling him that today there will be no training for today, jadon allowed elekid to with him after all they are only going to run, not intense training

On the run they encountered some rattata and hoothoot after seeing them jadon tasked elekid to beat them without getting single hit if he gets hit even one time his training will increase after hearing that elekid became extremely serious and he beat them all without getting hit

After a while

"working hard in the morning eh."

Delin said to jadon who just came back from run after 2 hours with elekid

"Well it has become habit of mine by now"

Jadon said while looking at delin who was probably preparing breakfast

cleaning himself from sweat and dirt, After that jadon and delin started eating the breakfast which was prepared by delin.

After breakfast and dismantling their tents as they packed their stuff, it was time to leave and continue on their own journey.

"wishing you all the best on your journey"

Delin said while stretching his right arm forward for a handshake.

Jadon grasped delin's hand with his right hand to complete the handshake and said with a smile

"you too delin, I hope we can have an all out battle in the future"

"Yeah for sure"


The jadon with elekid has been traveling for a good 10 hours. Jadon parted ways from delin just after 8 in the morning, the sun was starting to set to show that evening had started. The journey has been pretty uneventful, other than fighting with a few wild Johto Pokemon like: Hoothoot, Spinarak, Sentret and even some Kanto Pokemon like Rattata and Pidgey

Jadon and elekid were on big rock which was surrounded by trees and bushes, elekid was laying on the rock taking an nap and jadon was looking at the map with a tired smile while sitting and eating a energy bar.

"new bark town is only one hour away."

Jadon mumbled while looking at the map and thought

'I should reach there by the time sky completely darkens.'

Jadon holded the map properly as kept it inside the bag, he returned sleeping elekid into his pokeball.

'Focus blast drains his stamina too much compared to other move for current elekid he can only use it for 4 times'

Jadon Thought looking at the pokeball

"Finally i can have a proper sleep tonight without worrying about surroundings!"

Jadon loudly shouted joyfully running towards the new bark town


Jadon and elekid have just reached New Bark Town, where the winds of new beginning blow. As he stood with elekid at the boarder to the small down which looks a lot like city and not a town at all in all honesty but that doesn't really matter.

"Ah, New Bark Town." Jadon sighed in relief as he took a deep breath. "We finally made it."

Jadon observed the city more and its surroundings

"Its smaller than Chreeygrove city and it's looks like an normal city with surrounded by forest, i knew it was like this in the anime but still I had little bit expectations of an town"

Jadon said as he looked at the new bark town while his overcoat was flapping due to strong wind

After few minutes of looking at the town jadon said

"Well what are we waiting for? hop on elekid!"

Jadon with elekid shot down the path to the town, heading through New bark town, jadon realized it was different than Chreeygrove city in design wise, styles for the houses and shops.

It also didn't take long for jadon to discover pokemon center. It is much bigger than Chreeygrove city one

After entering the pokemon centre, jadon went to nurse joy who was standing at the podium

"Hello, I m Nurse joy of new bark town. How may I help you?"she asked politely

"could you look at my elekid? I just came from the forest and wanted to make sure that he don't have any injuries"

Jadon said

"Of course sir, could you show me your pokeID or pokedex for proof?"

After showing pokeID for proof, jadon returned elekid to his pokeball as he gave it to nurse joy which she gave it to blissey for check-up

"can I get a room with single bed?"

Jadon said

Nurse joy checked at the pc as she picked up a card and replied she handed a card to me

"room number is written on the card and it's also an key I assume that you know the rules"

"Yes I know"

Jadon said

"That's great, than it will take 40 minutes for check-up and dinner will be served shortly in the cafeteria"

Jadon nodded and left, he went where cafeteria was located after waiting for some time dinner was served since he had free time he spent remaining of time on pc looking at the pokemon league matches

After an hour he went to collect his pokemon

"Your elekid is completely in good health now"

Nurse joy said as she handed elekid's pokeball to jadon

"Thank you, nurse joy"

Jadon said as he took the pokeball and opened


Elekid hopped on jadon's shoulder

After 3 hours

After having good long shower Jadon was Looking outside the window from his room

And elekid was sleeping on the bed

'I will stay whole day tomorrow in this town before i leave for kanto region, my plans for tomorrow is to earn some money after Training and meet professor Elm at evening'

Jadon Thought and grinned

"It's time to hunt some money from new trainers"