
Revenge and Home

Before heading home though, Drake decided to go to Viridian Forest and let Wrath get his revenge. Drake only flew for two hours before stopped to rest for the night.

Drake set up camp and cooked for his Pokémon whose appetite kept growing. He observed the Eevee before he fed it, she was malnourished and her coat was a mess.

There were a few tufts of fur missing and she was weak. Drake didn't think she would've survived an evolution if she made it to Evolution Mountain.

She was scared of Drake's Pokémon but she still ate. Judging by her rushed pace she was used to eating quickly before others stole her food.

Drake just looked on with pity and wrote down his recipe for Pokémon food, Pokéblocks and Poffins specifically for Eevees.

Since he wouldn't be caring for her Nina would have to do these things. His recipes came from a system reward he got while working at Professor Oak's Ranch.

He had to calm down a startled Tauros, it was incredibly dangerous but the reward was well worth it. It was a recipe book for every known Pokémon.

Every recipe was an original, so Drake had a plan for them but he had to accomplish something first. Setting his plans aside he looked at Wrath and said.

" Tomorrow's the day, are you ready for your revenge? "

Wrath looked at Drake with fire burning in his eyes and nodded once. Drake only told him about his revenge right now but it seems he's been ready for a long time.

Drake nodded back to him and went to sleep surrounded by most of his Pokémon. The next morning he woke up packed up his camp and flew off towards Viridian Forest.

This journey took 8 hours but Drake finally arrived above Viridian Forest. He was looking at the clearing where he first found Wrath.

He released Wrath who hovered in the air and looked around before spotting a familiar tree. It was the tree he lived in for a period of his youth.

Wrath looked around some more and spotted the largest tree at the center of the plain where the patriarch lived.

Drake said to him " Don't kill too many of them. "

Wrath nodded and wasted no time as he flew straight to it, he landed before the tree and yelled something in his language loudly and in a somewhat threatening tone.

After a minute several Scythers flew towards Wrath's location. After all of them arrived Drake saw a few Scizor come out of the large tree.

Leading them was a level 50 Scizor that stood 6 and half feet tall but he was nothing before Wrath who stood 6 inches taller than him.

Alex found it weird that Scizors could be found in Viridian Forest amongst Scythers. They weren't enemies but they acted like brother tribes.They were friendly but they didn't usually coexist.

Wrath didn't stand on ceremony and pointed at his foe and said something that felt like a challenge.

Wrath's opponent didn't look phased but still accepted the challenge. They squared off and begun, Wrath's opponent started off using Agility while he used Iron Defense.

They both raised their stats to the max at the same time. Then Wrath started using Agility whereas his opponent used Double Hit.

Wrath narrowly dodged it, he continued using Agility and dodged them all. Because Wrath's Agility was maxed out he reached his peak speed faster than his opponent and his peak speed was also faster.

The battle's direction changed, Wrath used Bullet Punch on his opponent whenever he got close. This move didn't do much damage but it infuriated his opponent.

The constant blows triggered the Scizor patriarch who pointed his pincers at Wrath and opened them. Drake had an inkling as to what move he was going to use and indeed it was what Drake suspected.

The Patriarch used Hyper Beam, this move said to Drake that this Scizor once belonged to a trainer or there's a conspiracy in this forest.

Back to the battle, Wrath saw the beam charge and dodged it narrowly and used Giga Impact on the exposed patriarch.

The move did substantial damage but not as much as it could have considering a Scizor's type configuration.

Both Pokémon were cooling down but the patriarch who was hit was sent flying. After his cooldown he struggled to stand and while he was making his way to his opponent Wrath's cooldown ended.

Wrath looked psyched up and was raring to go, before his opponent made his way to him Wrath charged at him and used Night Slash.

Wrath was well aware that this was the strongest move he could use against his foe. Wrath's newfound combat style was to capitalize on openings.

The Night Slash landed right on his opponents chest before he could block it. Wrath then blitzed his opponent using Night Slash.

There wasn't anything the patriarch could do after he was hit by the Giga Impact. He tried resisting but all he did was create openings for Wrath.

Wrath vented all of his anger on his opponent, in the end he used his pincers to beat and rip apart his foe.

With his lifelong enemy dead Wrath raised his head and screeched loudly to vent all of his hatred. He looked around at his former clan and just flew up to Drake without interacting with them.

Drake observed him and saw that he needed to calm down so he just flew slowly towards Pallet Town along with, Zeus, Horus and Wrath.

The Eevee in Drake's hands looked at Wrath's battle from the beginning to the end. She could hear his reasons but she didn't want the same, she just wanted to be strong enough to protect herself.

Drake flew throughout the night and finally at dawn he saw a familiar hill. Drake didn't need to point out to Prometheus and Zeus where to land because they recognized it as soon as they saw it.

After all they lived their as youths. They both roared in excitement and rushed to the hill. Drake recalled Horus and Wrath into their Pokéballs because he knew how territorial Oak's Pokémon were.

They arrived at the hill and Drake dismounted from Prometheus before he landed. He could feel something weird, instead of being happy these two prodigal sons were itching for a fight.

Prometheus and Zeus landed before their fathers and Drake was once again reminded of how large they were. Prometheus was on the brink of becoming 8 feet tall but he was still a dwarf before his father.

Oak's Charizard was 14 feet tall and his tail flame was perpetually blue indicating his mastery of flames. Oak's Dragonite on the other hand was 13 feet tall also dwarfing Zeus' 7 and a half foot figure.

Drake wasn't interested in seeing them get beaten up so he left them there and went to Professor Oak's laboratory. Greeting his friends along his way down the hill.

The old workaholic was already in his lab, Drake went in and saw Professor Oak reading a book. Drake then said " I swear it'll take an apocalyptic event to draw you away from your research. "

Professor Oak heard the familiar voice and looked up and saw his former intern and said " Drake! Aren't you a sight for sore eyes. What are you doing here? "

" I have to head to Cinnabar Island for my next Badge so I decided to fly home and set off from here. Plus I have some business nearby. How are things? " Drake said.

" Since you left I had to go back to caring for those two myself. One of the ranch hands almost lost an arm, Dragonite's been in a foul mood since you left. " Professor Oak stated

" I set a family reunion in place before I came here things should be calm for a bi..... "


Drake was interrupted by what sounded like an explosion. He looked at Professor Oak and said " Want to see my new Pokémon? I spent a great deal of time finding them and training them. " Completely ignoring the havoc his Pokémon were currently causing.

Professor Oak ignored it as well since he wouldn't be the one cleaning it up and said " Sure let's go outside. " ( A.N. Poor ranch hands )

Drake and Professor Oak stepped outside and ignored the blue flashes of light, the lightning strikes and the roars.


Drake released all of his Pokémon except Andromeda( There was no water nearby ). When Professor Oak saw Drake's Pokémon he was bewildered, they were all shiny.

So he asked " Why are they all shiny and where did you get a Garchomp? they aren't indigenous to Kanto. "


Drake then said " They just called out to me and as for Horus I stumbled across his egg on my way to Vermillion City. I have another Pokémon but you'll see her when I'm setting off for Cinnabar Island. "


Professor Oak then inspected them, Horus and Terry looked like they wanted to bite him at first but Professor Oak surprisingly calmed them down.


He was indeed a Pokémon Master, he soothed them all and inspected them closely. When he was finished he said " You indeed live up to expectations, they're all well cared for, from what I can tell you feed them specialized food, Pokéblocks and Poffins. How about this poor little Eevee? What's her story? "


" I found her at Evolution Mountain being bullied for being different and weaker. She looked like she was heading to the mountain to trigger an evolution but I don't think she'd have survived the process if she made it there. I don't plan on keeping her though she needs more attention than I can spare right now so I'll leave her at home. "


" That seems like a wise choice, she's still too timid to do battle. Whereas your journey grows more and more dangerous. Though I must say you are progressing a lot faster than I was expecting. Gary only has five badges and yet here you are heading to earn your seventh. "


Next chapter