This is the story of Drake, who will one day become the greatest Dragon Master in existence. Though his previous life wasn't anything special, nor was his final moments. But the tales of his second life shall echo throughout history for eons. Disclaimer: the only thing I own is my OC and some parts of the plot, everything else belongs to Nintendo, Game Freak and Creatures. I don't own the cover photo, I got it from Google. If you're the owner make a request and I'll take it down.
On a day just like any other, ***** was at home reading novels of various genres trying to fill the void in his life. After reading a few Pokémon fanfics in hopes of stirring up fond childhood memories, he found himself complaining about various aspects of them. Growing tired he decided to write his own but fell asleep while writing his first chapter only to never wake up again. At least in the world he existed in previously.
He woke up in the void of space and the first thing he saw was an old man looking at him with an exasperated expression on his face. Struggling to find a way to start a conversation with the man he knew was 'A' if not 'THE God' the old man sighed then solved *****'s dilema for him. "Honestly kid, this is your third reincarnation and your third time wasting it. Granted you had no memory of them you still wasted them doing nothing. So i'm ending this one prematurely. I'm giving you a system and stuffing you in a world that resembles the one from your last fanfic novel. You'll keep your memories of your last world which will give you an advantage but that's all you'll get. The memories of your first life I erased for your own good. Live well kid and keep me entertained, I look foward to your choices and your legacy."
The old man then walked up to him, touched his forehead then waved his hand and ***** just disappeared. After *****'s departure the old man sighed and said"Even after all the hardships you endured in your first life you still sacrificed your life to safe someone, heck you did the same in your second life as well. But i've come to realize that you yearn for excitement and adventure, but that's not something you'd ever find in your previous world so i've sent you here. Realize your dreams young one live to your heart's desire, seize the opportunity i've presented you, I know you'll accomplish great things ✌".
Those last words served to be Drake's welcoming message from his system as well as the last time he'd ever hear from the old God. Probably.
[ Bonding Complete ]
A feminine voice stirred Drake's soul awake, he tried to look around but he couldn't open his eyes let alone turn his head to look around. But he felt a viscous fluid around him and skeptically guessed that he was in a womb. Deeming any further attempts at trying to move futile he proceeded to inspect his system. Where he saw the old God's message and was slightly touched and yet incredibly grateful. But the feelings didn't last long as his vastly undeveloped body involuntarily fell asleep.