
Ch.1 Transmigration and wishes

I slowly open my eyes to see nothing, just an endless black void. I start thinking, ( now, how in the hell did I end up in this place? " Last I remember, I was playing pokemon black with my gameshark in my living room, and then a blinding light crashed through my window). Oh hell, don't tell me I was killed by the greatest murderer of all time. "DAMN YOU TRUCK-KUN" this is both a curse and a blessing. Curse cause I died and blessing cause now with the cliché of meeting a R.O.B. so I wait patiently for about ten minutes, and I see an old man slowly floating towards me.

The old man looked strangely familiar to the old school Professor Samuel Oak. The R.O.B. looks at me and says, " You're offley calm for someone who just recently died." I shrugged my shoulders, "I'm already dead, nothin' I can do about it. As an avid reader of web novels and gamer of the Pokémon series, I can guess what's going on. So how we doin' this, wheel spin, lottery pick or straight up just tell you cause you want to be surprised by not reading my mind." The R.O.B. looks at me with a smile and says, " Good to see someone quick on the up-take, and since you're smart, you get to choose by telling me."

Cool, I'm glad all those years of reading and playing games paid off for me. Let's see, my first wish is to have my soul transmigrate into the body of a 4 year old Ash Ketchum in the world of Pokémon but I want it to be a AU where trainers don't start their journey until the age of 15. Why, cause lets face it, what self-respecting parent would send their kid of 10 out into the world filled with creatures that wield almost supernatural powers that can kill them. Yeah, this AU will be a combo of the anime and the game because I have a plan to be a way better and more compatan trainer than the original Ash. Also, I want to go at my own pace rather than follow the canon, screw that crap. I also want most of my memories intact, most not all just the stuff pertaining to my new life like my sense of self, my memories of animes, games and novels. All the other stuff can be snuffed out. There's no need for any of the other things in my head, just like in Log Horizon memory selection delete.

My second wish is to have an Incubus bloodline fully active and controlled as soon as I'm transmigrated. Oh, not to mention, I want my aura to be fully unlocked and masterd the same way. "That's definitely an unusual wish of having a bloodline of all things. I can understand the aura, but I'll make it to where it gets mastered as you grow older and fully mastered at the start of your journey, but why the bloodline?" R.O.B. asked me with a knowing look and smirk. Throwing up my arms in an excited voice, almost shouting, "Oh come on, what else would an Incubus do in a world with hot teens and women." Why be in a new world if I can't get my dick wet, I plan to indulge and indulge, I shall damn it.

My third and final wish is to have the menu from the Pokémon games only I can see and interact with mentally with all my gameshark cheats. Like I said, I want to go at my own pace and having X999 of every item and unlimited money and being able to turn any pokémon shiny, who doesn't want that. Plus, I'll get this menu at 5 years old, no need to overload the brain of a kid, plus I want to get used to being a kid again and act all innocent like, not that I'll actually be innocent hehehe. I'll even put a restriction on the gameshark menu to be usable and recharged to once a month, but the usual menu I can access anytime. Now that should be it. Checking if I missed anything on my wishes, I turn to look at R.O.B. with a thankful expression on my face, I bow my head and say, " Thanks for this." R.O.B. waves his hand dismissively, "Don't worry about it, it helps that you're smart and I've been lacking in entertainment recently, so I'll be looking into the world your in from time to time." A white hole like portal opened up next to me and without hesitation, I jumped in while shouting "CANON BALL. " The potal closed up five seconds later, afterwards R.O.B. just smiled, "Oh, this guy is gonna be fun to watch".

In the middle of the night in the town of Pallet in the house of the Ketchum residents, a 4 year old Ash Ketchum lay asleep in his bed when a small white portal opened above his body. A blueish black ord dropped out and merges with the body of the boy and starts to faintly glow the same color. Five minutes latter the boy slowly opens his eyes and blinks a couple of times. Ash gradually starts to sit up and slowly stretches his arms above his head with a low groan "aaawwwwhhhhh". " Now then, lets start with sorting out what little memories this body had, because lets face it the past Ash was a retard even in the future." Yeah, even as a kid this Ash was beyond dumb Good heart and will but so so dumb. Now time to start working on starting my pokéverse harem, as the saying goes [ Don't forget the bitches].

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