
Chapter no.278 The Mysterious Psychic part 2

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"If this doesn't work, you have my full permission to make fun of me later," Austin warned, being careful to keep his voice steady as he didn't want to disturb Musharna's battle with the psychic.

Austin figured if he could disrupt the psychic, then hopefully, Musharna and Lucario would be able to help him take out whatever it was.

" Haunter, I need some help here."

Austin's shadow glowed as a tendril of darkness shot near his feet.

" Stop scaring me."

" Kekeke."

" Yeah, yeah, can you get me the dark crystal ?"

Austin asked as his eyes were on Musharna who was helping the downed pokemon escape from the psychic clutches.

Even if Psychics was one of the most powerful typing, it still had its kryptonite; dark types. A strong dark type could shrug off a psychic attack without even trying. It helped, Austin supposed, that he had a portable device that could project Dark type energy around anything.

Haunter's tendrils shot up as it handed Austin, the dark crystal device and a porn magazine.

Austin looked at the magazine and its cover before glancing at his shadow.

" Really."


Austin rolled his eyes as he heard the ghost type's laughter before he threw away the magazine which if he had glanced back would find to be blank. Haunter was trying to bait Austin.

Austin looked at the esoteric energy permeating through the air.

Would the psychic energy dissipate just like that or would something else happen?

Austin wondered as this was either the stupidest plan he had ever come up with or the most intelligent. He rather hoped it was the latter.

Clicking on the device, Austin gritted his teeth as a dark, dreadful, cold, numb feeling raced up his fingertips. It moved from his fingers to his hand, then his arm, resting at the base of his neck. He willed using his aura to move down his other arm, trying to mentally wrestle it into doing his bidding. He fought for what felt like hours to keep the energy from moving either to his skull or his chest before it finally obeyed his will and slowly sunk his other arm. Austin could feel it working as it slowly melted past whatever barrier the psychic had put in place. It took every bit of concentration he had to keep it from actually going into Lucario's body, instead of going after the layer on top of his skin. Slowly, very slowly, he felt it breaking.

As soon as Lucario gained control of his head again, his aura suddenly latched onto the dark-type energy as it mimicked Austin's use by making a cloak of dark-type energy around the body.

Austin could still feel it under his skin, the dark type of energy was trying to get free from the cage that was his aura, but it wasn't enough to hurt him.

Lucario suddenly turned towards a group of pokemon surrounding… something, but whatever it was happened to be holding back all four by itself. He forced himself up. Scizor was the only one who was on guard duty now, but he couldn't say he was particularly worried about himself. He was slightly more worried about how his team was supposed to take down a threat without hurting any of the pokemon who were helplessly stuck on the ground.

Austin and Lucario circled a bit, trying to get a look at whatever was causing the mayhem, but all they could see was a piercing blue wave of energy coming their way too quickly. Lucario siphoned more dark-type energy from the crystal and in a show of absolute control, he sent a wave of dark-type energy coating his aura to counteract the psychic energy.

' That was awesome.'

Austin thought and as if Lucario had heard his thoughts, the aura pokemon turned to smirk at him.

" Show off," Austin said as he sensed worry coming from Musharna. "Don't forget, psychics are weak to dark types, so hit it with everything we've got. Musharna, get in close and show it exactly who it's messing with."

He had another idea, this one he didn't particularly want, but he knew there was a chance that he would have to catch the psychic.

Austin jumped left as something shot by over his head. The Pokémon, a fast, powerful fire type, entered the battle. His eyes snapped to Lucario before giving him a signal.

He needed a distraction. If he could get close enough to catch the Pokémon, hopefully, its hold would wear off.

" What do you say, Lucario, should we join the insanity?" He asked, keeping his voice light, even though he wasn't feeling anything even close to it. Lucario smirked, which he took as an agreement, and gave the aura pokemon one last look.

It took a few seconds, once he was close enough, to understand exactly what his eyes were seeing. Multiple Pokémon were all fighting one Pokémon. It was small, fox-like in the face, with pointed ears, and a pointed snout. Its shoulders and upper arms looked to be covered in some sort of darker brown armor, especially compared to the lighter tan of the rest of its body. Its long tail waved back and forth in distress as its clawed hands held its head tightly.

Somehow, almost 16 pokemon were having trouble taking down a single Abra.

He didn't know if he should fall over laughing, or if he should be terrified of all that power in one tiny package. One thing was for sure when it evolved, he would not want to go against it.

With that in mind, he started to piece together what was happening. The Pokémon couldn't control its power. Why he had no idea, but it was trying to suppress the psychic energy that flowed off of it.

Austin was fairly certain that he could hear it screeching in his brain, getting louder and more panicked with every step he took.

Musharna and Scizor stopped, sending him questioning looks, but not doing anything to get in his way. They knew that their boy had a plan, and would trust him to know what he was doing, at least for now, since their attacks were doing very little.

"Hey there," Austin said softly, making his voice like a whisper in the wind. He knew that psychics were prone to having horrible headaches and if Abra had one while attempting to reign himself in, he would do his best to not make it any worse. "It's been a long day for me. I'm guessing yours hasn't been any better."

The Abra winced, gripping its head tighter, practically digging its claws into its skull.

Austin nodded sympathetically. "Yeah, that sounds about right. I know that you don't have control right now, and I'm pretty sure you don't want to hurt anyone. That's why they're just immobile, not dead. I'm guessing you came up here to have somewhere to relax and try and regain your control, and the trainers just kept coming."

From what he could tell, the Pokemon were trapped before they could do anything, or send out any Pokémon. Abra probably caught them unaware and just wanted some peace and quiet. The thought of why the rest of the Pokemon were up here made him pause, but he shrugged off the question.

Right now, Abra needed a break, and he had an idea. It wasn't something he particularly wanted to think about, but it was the only way he could get out of this mess. "I'm guessing all of these pokemons, their thoughts, and mine, aren't helping. You are a powerful Pokémon, but you also probably aren't used to this amount of noise."

Abra glowed a bit brighter, making Scizor reach for him, but he shrugged off the hand of his powerful friend, and simply got a little closer to the Pokémon. If he was right, Abra would pick up on his thoughts, possibly louder than the rest of his teams, or any of the other people's, because he was the closest.

He could sense it though, feel the Pokémon looking through his head for some sort of answer, something that could help. When the Abra came across his plan, a voice, young, male, and frightened, echoed in his head.

{ ~Yes~ } the Pokémon begged, {~Please?~}

"We'll try then." Austin stood and carefully walked over to the Pokémon until he was less than a foot away. He took a calm, steady breath, before reaching for something on his belt. His hand closed around an empty Pokéball, one he hadn't planned on using for a long time. Hopefully, this would work.

He reached out and gently tapped the Pokémon on the nose, letting it get sucked into the sphere, before something, in his mind, shattered loudly, like the sound of someone throwing a glass plate against a steel warehouse.

His vision blurred as the Pokéball shook once, before going black as he heard a small click.


[ Omake Paragraph ]

Before the development of Goal Roll, a sport known as the football (or in Unova as soccer) was astonishingly popular among human and pokemon athletes alike. The sport differed from Goal Roll primarily by containing a much longer field, a single ball, a ban on the usage of hands even to punch or swat the ball, and only two teams. It was largely replaced, and Goal Roll developed as a variant when it became so dominated by Hitmonlee that no other species of pokemon could compete, for few fans wanted to watch a bunch of Hitmonlee kicks a ball around.

In a way, it is a shame that they didn't. Hitmonlee have amazing footwork, and they kick with such velocity that the balls might as well have been thrown by a Machamp. Their stamina and long legs would make them superior and exciting athletes in the vast majority of sports, were it not for their tiny, nearly useless hands.

Today, apart from the martial arts events, Hitmonlee maintains a presence in Goal Roll, albeit a less dominant one. They are counted among the ranks of superstars in the sport, often extending their legs not to kick, but to gain height for headers. Were the nets higher, they would be even more effective. Given the short nets and the tendency of players to keep the ball up, however, it can at times prove difficult for Hitmonlee to shoot low enough that the ball does not fly over the crossbar.

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