
Chapter no.256 Pokelantis

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[ POV Change ]

[ Fuchsia City - South Eastern Forest ]

Austin and Yellow walked along the grassy pathway in the forests of Kanto.

All they saw were trees while Austin held onto Munna who was happily enjoying herself suddenly they saw something on top of the trees. Movement. Leaves stirring. His eyes focused and Austin saw another creature.

As a small Pidgey flew off carrying a Caterpie in its beak.

The bird that sat atop the tree glanced dismissively in Austin's direction, then it flapped its wings and flew away. Disappearing behind the treeline.

{ Should we stop that Pidgey? } Munna innocently asked.

" No, let it be. It is the cycle of life and we shouldn't interfere with such things."

{ But isn't it a human's nature to interfere with the balance of nature for their amusement and greed? }

Munna's words caused Austin to sweatdrop since she had said it in such a child-like voice.

" How about this? I don't answer whatever that was and you'll get a lollipop when we get back."

{ Yaaay! }

" Where are we going ?" Yellow asked as she readjusted the scarf around her neck that revealed the adorable Dratini around her neck who was sleeping.

To anyone looking outside, Yellow seemed to be wearing a heavy scarf in the middle of summer.

" Lucario, where are we going ?"

" When we get there, you'll know," Lucario answered back while he enjoyed Austin's annoyance.

" Well, you heard our bully, yellow," Austin answered back while handing Yellow a water bottle.

" I am not thirsty, Ash."

" Trust me, you'll need it."

Austin said while opting to not mention that it was due to her wearing Dratini like a scarf in the middle of Summer while Austin wore sweatpants and a T-shirt with his jacket wrapped around his waist.

" Stop flirting and more walking," Lucario commanded causing Yellow to blush.

Austin meanwhile was not fazed a bit.

" Pika, Pi." Pikachu cried out to Austin as he did a grabbing motion with his paws to Austin.

" What is it, buddy?"

" Pi."

Pikachu dramatically pointed at the water bottle in Austin's hands.

" You want to drink."

Pikachu shook his head and did a grabbing motion causing Austin to hand over his bottle to the electric mouse.

" Chaa !" Pikachu cried out in ecstasy as he felt the coolness of the water bottle against his fur.

As everyone walked, the scenery of the forest was beautiful though, colors began to form more vibrant and the air felt far fresher than you would find back on earth.

Seeing Pokémon everywhere was also neat as Austin came across a Weedle and Metapod and a lot more arthropods. Austin and Yellow saw a few bird Pokémon in the sky and even spotted one herd of Rapidash with a Ponyta. Most pokémon stayed out of their way, they were skittish like real animals.

' Did anyone ever die to Weedle ?' Austin morbidly thought.

The thing with Pokémon was that almost every creature was as deadly as a machine gun, worst in most cases. Even a Weedle you would run away from in the pokemon anime and game had poison and a stinger that could kill you with just a headbutt. If poison doesn't kill you, bacteria will.

Not all Pokémon were this peaceful, the aforementioned Rapidash made it clear to the group that they had to stay away from the small Ponyta.

Austin and Yellow ducked under a few vines as they found themselves in what appeared to be a small cavern lit by a similar luminescent moss as that found in the Safari Zone's underwater cave.

" Woah, pretty," Yellow said as she touched the moss on the ground before crying out in pain.

" Ow."

" Careful with that," Austin said in worry.

" Don't worry, I am fine," Yellow reassured Austin before going back to touching the moss.

This time she would be more careful.

Yellow told herself while Austin turned to Lucario.

" Why are we here, Lucario? Weren't we going to start with aura training ?" Austin asked as Lucario pointed towards a small pond in the middle of this cavern.

" An Underwater pond ?"

" Thank you for that genius, I could see that" Lucario sarcastically said before he shut up from Austin's glare.

" Remember the theory you told me about."

" The one about Aura."

" Was there another theory you told me about ?"

" Touché."

" So that night, when I took a stroll."

" You disappeared." Austin cut Luacrio off only to get bonked in the head.

" When I took a STROLL that night, I thought of how to approach your method and then I remembered the ways of the ancient pokelantis warriors."

Lucario's words caused Austin's eyes to widen as he remembered the anime episode about the sealed king of Pokelantis.

" Something wrong ?"

" No, continue with your tales, Master Lucario."

" Hmm, that has a nice ring to it. Well, anyway where was I ?"

" Ancient Pokelantis Warriors," Austin said causing Lucario to pat his head.

"The Ancient pokelantis warriors were essentially a group of elite aura wielders who had special runes burnt into their skin. Each rune was used to store the life force of multiple pseudo legendaries. With his elite army, the king of Pokelantis hunted down the God of Life, Ho-oh."

Lucario finished his tale only to find Austin a few feet away from him with Austin, Pikachu, and Munna looking at him incredulously.

" Guys, I think Lucario needs some pills for that insanity of his," Austin commented as Pikachu and Munna nodded at Austin's assessment.

" I am not going insane," Lucario shouted out in anger.

" Oh, really then why are we going to perform the ritual of the insane people ?" Austin asked.

Lucario face palmed," When did I ever say that we are going to perform the ritual from pokelantis ?"

" Like a few minutes ago."

( ~Sigh~ )

Lucario huffed and puffed out as he pinched the bridge of his snout.

" Let me rephrase my words, I remembered the ritual of Pokelantis Warriors I began working on constructing something similar to what you had suggested."

" Oh, Thank God for a second I thought you had finally lost it."

Lucario suppressed his desire to slam Austin into the ground.

" Just get into the lake and I'll do the rest," Lucario instructed.

" Is it going to be painful ?"

Austin asked.

" It might be."

" Then it's good that I brought some painkillers."

Austin said as he searched in his bag causing Lucario to kick him.

" Woah!" Austin cried out at the surprise kick.

( ~ Splash ~ )

The surface of the pond split apart as Austin rose.

" Lucario! What the hell ?"

" What? I was just helping you into the lake."

" Not cool."

Lucario placed his finger into the pond before turning to the frowning Austin.

" Seems pretty cool to me."

Austin shook his head as Munna and Pikachu were helping Yellow who had gotten her to skirt lodged into a crevice.

" So do I like, dive in ?"

" No, I want you to fly into the sky. Of course, dive in."

Austin rolled his eyes at Lucario's sarcasm as he took a few painkillers


[ Omake Paragraph ]

In the days before Team Rocket, Celadon City had been conquered by a force led by the "Fighting Dojo" of Saffron City Gym. The Ponyta had been rounded up, seized from their stables, and briefly conscripted into the army, although their tendency to burn their riders led to their dismissal and/or execution. The air was patrolled by Charizard, the ground by Dugtrio, atrocities were rampant and it seemed that there was no way to communicate them to the outside world. They would have been right if it had not been for one young journalist hero and her Doduo.

With more heroism than caution, or perhaps more courage than brains, she had hopped onto her pokemon and made her way to the west end of the city, dodging roadblocks and soldiers along the way. The city walls were difficult for fliers (who would be shot down by cannon or Charizard flame) and land pokemon (who could not scale them) but her Doduo cleared them in a single bound, yet stayed under or around the projectile attacks. She had made it to the cycling road, but she had not yet gained freedom: the horde chasing her grew ever larger by the minute, for Saffron had many allies among the biker gangs. Her Doduo stayed one step ahead of them, avoiding attack after attack and outrunning them with amazing speed until she made it to the safety of Fuchsia City.

Her pictures and reports outraged the people of the pokemon world, and a vast coalition of armies soon freed her city from the clutches of Saffron. When interviewed about her efforts, she would only say that Doduo was good at obstacle courses and amazing at running away.

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