
Chapter no.204 Fate can't be changed?!

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[ Roughly eight decades ago…]

"I do not understand, Ethan, what good would it do to leave the territory when you have the perfect haven to become a ghost master?" The elder man looked at his only son with apprehension. "You may think that you ran away, but in truth, we allowed you to travel all across Kanto to give you a taste of the life outside our haven so that you might realize the futility of your beliefs. We never anticipated that you would get lost in your delusions."

Ethan, now nineteen, simply looked away. He was tired of the rigid laws and traditions that his father, Artemis Ainsworth, upheld with great faith. Over the centuries, the House of Ainsworth had produced some of the most powerful and accomplished Ghost Masters in Kanto and the surrounding regions, so much that the name Ainsworth had come to be associated with mastery in ghost types. However, it was also true that the accomplishments dated over several generations, and there seemed to be an acute shortage of such accomplishments over the last three generations.

"I am only trying to stand up to the Ainsworth name, father." He replied, pride filling his voice. "We have stagnated, and we need to change in the coming times. We cannot just pretend that the world is all the same."

"Hah!" The sixty-ish man laughed. "If one also changes with the changing world, then how will one know that the times have changed?"

Ethan rolled his eyes. He had left Lavender Town back when he was fourteen, with his Gastly who was born with the monster gene - who had, through training, effort, and experience, evolved into a formidable Alpha Haunter. He and Haunter had faced the Draconids of the east, the Blackthorns, the Wataru people, the Caucasians, and the ice-people of the north. He and Haunter had grown in their self-imposed exile from home, learning, experiencing, and growing.

And now he was back for more of his family's residents to experience the larger world outside. He had… simply not estimated the true breadth of the situation.

"You ran away, dreamy-eyed like that, stayed out of communication for years, married that little skank from the Bavarian cliff-"

"Her name is Emily, and she's my wife. I'd request you not call her that." Ethan growled.

"Ha!" Artemis laughed. "As if some fisherwoman would ever become the lady of our elevated name. Admit it, Ethan… you have made many mistakes, but this is the end of it. I will not allow anyone to muddy the Ainsworth name to suit their foolish fantasies, not even my heir." The man's eyes shone crimson red. "I thought yourself capable of listening to proper advice, but it seems that won't be. I will have to show you the error of your ways, no matter if you want to accept the truth or not."

Almost instantly, something large and powerful gripped Ethan in behind, as two crimson eyes glowed in the darkness behind him—said creature's powerful claws gripping his shoulders, squeezing them to the point of hurting.

"Caesar." Ethan almost whimpered, as Caesar—his father's Haunter, began to slowly manipulate the ambient ghostly energies that Ethan's body had soaked over the entire time he had lived at the mansion, making the young man whimper in agony. "Father, tell him to stop."

"He will stop when you realize that I am the head of the Ainsworth name and that you are duty-bound to follow my orders." The man barked. "Caesar, bring him in."

But Ethan had other ideas, like managing to push his elbow into one of the Apricorn devices he had managed to acquire from a craft smith in the Canyon, in which pokémon could be stored for short intervals of time so that they could rest when injured. Sadly, the devices were quite fragile, despite being handy. So it was no surprise that the Apricorn ball fell from his robes to the ground, shattering into several pieces, as a dense cloud of dust and venomous gases shot out of them, condensing furiously into the form of a Haunter.

"Sylvi", Ethan yelled, letting out another whimper as Caesar's grip tightened, drawing blood. "Defend me."

The Alpha Haunter, let out a cackle, as her ominous eyes stared at Caesar, as the female ghost stared at her father after so many moons, before pushing herself with a gust of otherworldly energy, enough to push Caesar away from Ethan, slamming him through the walls, passing through them as if they were simply nothing… much to Artemis's apprehension.

"Sylvi…." The man muttered, "The one born from Caesar's fumes… wasn't it? That Gastly joined you on your foolish endeavor. How… serendipitous."

"And she has grown out of her father's dominion." Ethan returned, as he spotted Sylvi grabbing Caesar against the floor, trying to suffocate him through Miasma, a technique the Ainsworths were famous for. Ethan had only developed and refined the technique further to make it much more lethal and devastating. "As have I."

"The little dog has finally learned to growl, I see."

"No. You are simply hearing it for the first time."

Artemis stood in his place. "I suppose I am." His fists clenched. "I will, however, not accept any lowborn as part of my family. If you wish to continue with your woman and your foolish endeavors, then you are no longer my kin. Neither that woman nor your future offspring shall ever become an Ainsworth, not until I am alive."

Ethan however, was no longer listening, as he pulled out two more Apricorn balls out of his robes, the very same ones in which he had captured two Gastly he had found loitering inside his old room, wanting to take them with him in his journey.

"In that case, I declare that I captured two Gastly from the Mansion, Lord Ainsworth." He replied formally, raising the Apricorn balls, not noticing the surprised glance his father gave him. I need no further aid from my ancestry. I assure you, you will never hear from me… ever again."

He turned towards Sylvi. "Come on, Sylvi."

The Haunter in question, reformed back into her corporeal self, before positioning herself behind his shoulder. Without another word, Ethan and Sylvi walked down the steps of the mansion, much unaware of the look of complete shock in Artemis's eyes.


" Eth…." Artemis croaked... "Did my son just desert me, Caesar?"

Caesar just stared at the duo walking away from the Ainsworth mansion, his crimson eyes glowing ominously.

" Well, he will return. They all do, freedom isn't in the fate of the Ainsworth family. He is will return one day and fulfill his duty."


As Sylvi, the alpha shiny haunter, traveled the tumultuous sea with her trainer, she couldn't comprehend the words of the family head. But as the years passed, her trainer matured in a way that felt almost unnatural, as though destiny had marked him for a return to a place that once made him feel like a caged bird.

And so it was that he fulfilled his fate, sealing away an unspeakable evil with his very life. Sylvi, unfortunately enslaved by Buried Alive, knew deep in her bones that it was fate for her trainer to perish, fate for her to be enslaved, and fate for her to take the lives of other pokemons.

Many claimed that fate could be changed, but Sylvi snorted at such a notion. In her eyes, fate was an absolute fact, unchanging and unwavering. She closed her eyes, unwilling to bear witness to yet another life lost at her spectral hands. For such was the cruel nature of fate, a force beyond the control of any mortal being, even a ghostly haunter.


[ Omake Paragraph ]

By all rights, male Nidoran should be more common than their female counterparts in the wild. They have a sharper hide, a more potent venom, and a longhorn, all of which makes them much more able to defend themselves. But a male Nidoran's horn is a double-edged one, as it is for this horn's special properties that they have been hunted to rarity, if thankfully not a place next to Bulbasaur, Lapras, and Farfetch'd on the Endangered Pokemon List.

When ground up, the horn produces a nearly tasteless poison that can knock a grown man out instantly. This poison is typically used by kidnappers and date rapists, and a lucrative black market exists in the Nidoran horn trade. Although some are harvested by scientists for legitimate uses, such as Rapidash tranquilizers, the vast majority are traded in the black market.

Some have advocated a program of tagging Nidoran to effectively snuff out this trade, but their pleas have been rejected on the grounds of expense. Instead, the police content themselves with occasional raids and monitoring of habitat which have proven ineffective at stopping the poaching of Nidoran horns.

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