
Chapter no.181 Against a Goliath part 4

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Austin said," Attack with Will-o'-wisp!"

For a few seconds, Shedninja didn't move before it released a bone-chilling scream that scared everyone on the beach.

Shedninja's body becomes surrounded by light blue fireballs then it launches the fireballs at the Garchomp who tried to dodge the Will-o'-wisp but those ominous flames changed direction hitting Garchomp's body.

" Scorching Sands ."

Cynthia calmly said as she knew if she used an obvious super affected move like flamethrower, Austin would have had Shedninja dodge. But what about a move that Austin had never seen before?

Shedninja's body was hit by the scorching sand but suddenly Garchomp's maw was filled with flames and before Austin could even command anything, the flamethrower spread like crazy over the scorching sands and Shedninja immediately went down.

Austin and Pikachu's jaws dropped as they saw how effortlessly Shedninja went down before Austin felt himself wanting to slap his face.

' Of course, Cynthia knows how to defeat a Shedninja so effortlessly.'

Returning Shedninja, Austin scolds himself on his unprecedented confidence in Wonder Guard.

Taking out another Pokeball, Austin whispered.

" Are you ready buddy ?!"

The Pokeball became hot to the touch as Austin quickly threw it.

Popping out of the Pokeball mid-air, Charmeleon landed on the battlefield from the cloud of smoke, a pair of red eyes gazed upon Garchomp who suddenly felt a burning sensation all around her body. The burn of Will-o'-wisp took effect.

The surrounding temperature increased as ' Drought ' took effect.

" Rocket launcher !"

Charmeleon took a deep breath causing Cynthia's eyes to widen before she calmly said," Fly ."

Charmeleon used a flamethrower to launch himself mid-air causing the sandstorm to explode with a dust explosion.

Mid-air, Charmeleon launched a dragon pulse at the escaping Garchomp who countered by using a dragon rush through the dragon pulse.

Garchomp broke through Charmeleon's dragon pulse as it aimed a Dragon claw at Charmeleon who panicked and tried to launch a Dragon pulse point blank.

Seeing this Austin pursed his lips before an idea formed.

" Draco Meteor."

" What !"

For the first time since the battle, one of Austin's strategies had left her speechless.

Hearing the command of his trainer, Charmeleon's mouth gathered a huge amount of draconic energy.

" Poison Jab."

Garchomp's fin glowed with a purplish aura as it impaled Charmeleon, injecting a huge amount of toxins into his body.

Seeing this, Austin's heart skipped a beat as his chest tightened.

Why was breathing so hard?

The sand all around the beach, the smoothness of Pikachu's fur on his skin, the coldness of his Pokeball aligning his belt, the sound of waves, the fluttering of Cynthia's hair. An extreme amount of information was being dumped into Austin's mind as he was having a panic attack while he remembered a move similar to poison Jab that Raticate tanked.

" Pika, Pi !"

Pikachu's cry caused Cynthia to divert her attention toward the panicking Austin.

' Oh! No."

A look of worry flashed on Cynthia's face as she took a step forward with her hand outstretched but Charmeleon's body was launched into the sand.

The dust cloud swirled around a ball of blueish draconic energy.

Charmeleon's head jerked back as the ball of draconic energy was launched into the sky with Garchomp as the target.

Midway, the orb broke into smaller orbs that converged toward Garchomp.

Charmeleon turned towards his trainer who was sweating heavily while a look of relief adorned his face.

" Should we stop the match ?" Cynthia called out.

" Charm ?!"

Hearing Cynthia's voice, Austin gulped as he saw the look in Charmeleon's eyes.

Taking out a water bottle from the bag near his feet, Austin dumped the entire thing on his head.

Slicking his hair back, Austin took a few deep breaths to calm himself.

" And stop me from winning ?!" Austin's reply caused Charmeleon to look excited at the thought of continuing the match while Cynthia was worried she clenched his hand and nodded.

A small smile formed on her face as she saw the look of excitement in Charmeleon's eyes.

" Dragon Rush ."

From the cloud in the sky, Garchomp covered in Draconic energy shaped like a dragon's head charged at Charmeleon.

" Al-Drago !"

Austin's shouts caused Charmeleon to use Dragon tail to anchor itself at one point while using a flamethrower to spin like a top.

" Now !"

Charmeleon stopped using dragon tail which caused him to be launched at Garchomp at high speeds.

Garchomp using Dragon rush and Charmeleon using Metallic Dragon Claw met in the center as a screeching sound filled the entire beach.

With Charmeleon's momentum, the Metallic Dragon Claw stopped Garchomp's dragon Rush.

Garchomp and Charmeleon's attacks battled it out for dominance but Garchomp's burn acted up causing Garchomp to lose focus for a second and the battle of dominance was won in Charmeleon's favor.

" Dragon Pulse !"

Austin's shout caused Charmeleon to open his mouth to launch a Dragon Pulse at Garchomp but the poisonous toxins made Charmeleon flinch.

" Outrage ."

" No! Charmeleon launch yourself into the air."

Garchomp's eyes glow red and its body is outlined in a red aura. Charmeleon sensing the danger tried to dodge but his feet were caught by Garchomp's fins which slammed Charmeleon into the ground.

( ~ Boom ~ )

But Garchomp didn't stop as her fins slashed at Charmeleon over and over again.

Seeing this Austin felt bile forming in his throat.

He wanted to call off the match but Pikachu stopped him.

" Pikachu, I have to stop this, Charmeleon could get injured."

Pikachu in response pointed forward at the dust cloud where Garchomp was continuously attacking Charmeleon.

Suddenly Garchomp fin backed out as a red eye could be seen from the dust cloud.

The dust cloud parted showing a beaten-up Charmeleon with a red aura covering his entire body.

' Is that outrage ?' Austin and Cynthia's eyes widened as Garchomp and Charmeleon launched themselves into a slugfest.

Unlike the refined Garchomp who had mastered it, Charmeleon's outrage was extremely chaotic as he used his basic instincts to fight against Garchomp who was much deadlier. Even then the battle of the two dragons was an amazing spectacle as everyone on the beach was left in awe.

Teeth met hide.

Fin met claw.

As Draconic energy exploded out of the bodies of the two dragons.

( ~ Boom ~ )

Slamming Charmeleon into the ground, Garchomp looked down upon the tiny dragon who was glaring a dagger at her.

' Maybe next time when you have evolved to your apogee, I face you in battle as an equal.'

Charmeleon only saw a smirk on Garchomp's face as she raised her foot and that was all he saw before darkness took over.


[ Omake Paragraph ]

Although perhaps better known these days for their military uses – not only as a mainstay of every army, but because the first "cannons" were improvised by being cut off the back of a dead Blastoise – in ancient times Blastoise were beloved as the enemy of drought, for they can dance to bring the rain.

Rain dances in the old days were an elaborate religious ritual with shamans leading, a whole village forming a circle, and a Blastoise at the center whose strange, awkward dance the people would copy whenever they went too long without rain. The rain would last for days, and would not only power up water-type attacks and allow thunder to strike with deadly accuracy: it would also nourish plants, refill reservoirs, and even give inland peoples momentary lakes in which to swim.

These days, with the domestication of superior rainmakers such as Castform and a wetter climate in Kanto, the original dance has passed into the history books, if only in description; the knowledge of how to perform the actual ritual has been lost forever. Elements of the old Rain Dance remain in warfare and pokemon battles, where Blastoise are still often used to support their water-type comrades by draining clouds from the heavens, if for a far shorter duration of time.

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