
Chapter no.146 The Clash of Titans

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The slumbering dragon had felt the tremors, tasted the raw power that could only belong to a legendary, shine on the world above the dark waters. For one moment, the last of the fallen kings had thought that perhaps, the Dark God had risen again, to bring about that annihilation that he had promised upon the world.

Then he felt it.

A whisper.

A dying wish. One that wasn't muttered out of ambition, but out of hope. Out of…

Out of a wish for salvation.

A name.

An… Sah…. Lohn…

And the King felt it. The person who had summoned it was the same person who had faced him the previous time and learned his true name. However, the blight hadn't summoned him out of ambition, but for something opposite.


And the King rose. After all, he was a Dragonite. And Dragonite was helpful, aiding sailors lost in the sea, helping the shipwrecked to return to their loved ones.

The fallen king rose from the dark waters, as he witnessed the falling meteors… draconic energy, he realized- the abomination was channeling reshaped, draconian energy to suit its sinister purposes.

That, would not do.

King Dragonite let out a roar, giving a sideward glance at the drenched human-ling who had summoned him, now lying on the deck, surrounded by his friends.

And the King's judgment began.


Not a single person or pokémon, friend or foe alike, uttered a single noise. All of them were gawking at the Dragonite- if that was a Dragonite, let out an earth-shattering roar, before sending a single Hyper Beam into the atmosphere, the sheer power and size of which managed to shatter a majority of the falling draconic bombs with a single strike. Confident that the humans and pokémon on the ship would be able to deal with the rest, the fallen king turned to stare at the abomination, one who wielded the unfathomable power of a Legendary, and yet, his actions were that of the lowest scum imaginable.

With another howl, the king sent hurling a burst of pure power—a dragon pulse that was yards wide, towards Mewtwo, who shockingly enough, had to hold his hands forward to stop the powerful attack from reaching towards him, as he began to use his true power. However, Dragonite was far from done. He released a quick hyper beam, one just as powerful as the previous one, in quick succession with the overpowered dragon pulse. The abomination might have been able to somehow hold back the dragon pulse, but when the hyper beam slammed into the condensed draconic energy, nothing on earth, legendary or not, was able to contain the explosion that happened, as a shockwave powerful enough to tear SS. Anne into pieces came lashing out of it in all directions.

The Rockets had, expectedly, departed from the destroyed ship as quickly as possible. With the advent of this… creature of antiquity, neither the Executives nor the Grunts could have an idea about what would possibly happen. Mewtwo's lackadaisical behavior towards them certainly didn't help matters. In a matter of mere minutes, the entire crew of Rockets had somehow scrambled their way out of SS. Anne, returning to whatever submarines were still present and functional- the Executives teleporting away now that the psychic shields held in place by Mewtwo were no more.

The absence of the psychic barrier was immediately felt by the trainers on the ship, was teams of Alakazam appeared out of nowhere, ready to continue their task of teleportation deployment, as they were ordered to do. While Harrison and the psi pokémon on the ship had transferred quite a several people already, it was time for the Wailord teams to be set loose.

Five Wailord appeared on the water, as the remaining people began to slowly scramble onto them, hoping against hope that the mythical creature would somehow end that omnipotent pokémon, which had been, a moment ago, ready to end their lives with a single strike.

Steven, Harrison, Cynthia and Lorelei were helping the crowds get over to the Wailord group that floated on the waters, ready to deport with the people-trainers and sailors alike. Glacia had suffered from some injuries but none that wouldn't heal in a day or two.


Austin opened his eyes slowly, staring at Pidgeot zooming on top of his head in the air with Pikachu holding his Pokeball holster belt. Pikachu shot a few thunderbolts helping Garchomp take care of the remaining Draco meteor attacks that were falling towards them.

"I have Pidgeot with me. I trust her with my life."

He thought he heard a screech from his favorite avian after that comment.

Thank God, Fearow couldn't read his mind.

Austin looked towards the other end of the night sky, where the King Dragonite was giving Mewtwo a really hard time, the psychic having to use his powers to defend and attack against someone of the King's stature and power, like any other normal pokémon.

' Welcome to earth, asshole.'

Austin could have sworn he had a feeling of amusement flit through his mind.

Only if the entire thing had ended with the feeling.

After withstanding all that it had, SS. Anne, while a magnificent specimen, was, after all, a machine. And like every machine, it too, had its limits before it broke down to pieces. The next shockwave that lashed against its machinery after Mewtwo and the Dragonite clashed- a shadow ball against a dragon pulse to be exact was too much for it to hold on, any longer.

SS. Anne gave up.

The ground beneath his legs suddenly gave up with an indiscriminate creak, as Austin felt himself fall, down towards the broken piece of machinery. There was no water, no raging fires or anything—just broken pieces of metal and equipment. One that would tear him apart. Austin hit his back against the sharp side of the broken deck, rendering him almost unconscious as he fell towards the metal pit.

Before losing consciousness, Austin saw Pikachu and Pidgeot rushing toward him as Pikachu launched himself with a quick attack but it was not enough as one of the Pokeballs opened up revealing a critically injured and poisoned Raticate who used Pikachu's body as a launching pad to launch herself at her trainer.

She couldn't care less about her safety, about her life, she only wanted to save the one person who gave her a chance to become something.

In the viridian forest, she saw many trainers that ignored her for the fact that she was just a rattata, yet he gave her a chance.

She battled with opponents stronger than her ..... she had a place to belong.... she had a family.

And if she could repay the human who gave her all of them with her life then she would gladly do it.

Before Austin fully lost consciousness, he saw Raticate smile at him as darkness engulfed his mind.

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