
Chapter no. 295 Raijin's Descent

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[ Author Note: Guys, can I ask for a favor? I have entered a novel by the name of " A Song of Blood and War " in the web novel contest and I would appreciate it if you guys checked it out and gave your power stones to that novel. Come on, help me win this. ]


" Looks like you lost garbear." Austin exclaimed with a smirk.

" Grrrh !"

" Hmm, do you want to continue ?" Austin curiously asked.

" Huh ?"

" Yeah, how about you use your strongest pokemon ?"

" Don't think you have won this, I can still turn this around!" Gary shouted out causing Austin to raise one eyebrow.

" So you like six to one odds, huh." Austin asked with a chuckle causing Gary's glare to increase as he said," Let's go, Blastoise!"

With an enormous roar, Blastoise appeared in front of Pikachu, its hulking body inside its near-impervious shell, with two powerful cannons on either side of his head.

' Hmm, looks like Gary's Wartortle evolved. Didn't think it evolved this early on. '

"Annihilate that rat, Blastoise." Gary roared.

Austin simply narrowed his eyes.

" Buddy, do you want to battle?" He asked calmly.

" Pika!" The electric mouse pokémon let out a yell, raising his paws. He wanted a rematch with a Blastoise after the Clubsplosion.

"Very well." Austin mused while he didn't underestimate Gary one bit.

As Cynthia had ground into his head.

A pokemon battle's tide can change just because the opponent was overconfident.

Never underestimate your opponent even if it was their last pokemon.

Even though he had six to one advantage.

Austin smiled. Your move, Gary.

Gary glared at the strangely calm Austin, as he began his onslaught. "Blastoise, no mercy. Show him the power of a hydro pump."

"Blast!" The fully-evolved turtle pokémon bent forwards a little, forcing out twin torrents of water, powerful enough to cut through steel should it come in direct contact with it.

Very well. Austin mused. "Counter Shield, take the hit."

Pikachu surrounded himself with an envelope of a swirl of electricity, which also shot towards Blastoise, only to suffer the wrath of two super-powered water jets, directly head-on.

( Boom )

"Volt Tackle!" Ash yelled," follow up with a feinting discharge."

Pikachu leaped off the ground as his body was engulfed by dark clouds before shooting toward Blastoise.

Blastoise immediately dislodged a Wacan berry from its shell as he tanked the volt tackle.

Immediately out of volt tackle, Pikachu launched a brick break while Blastoise tried to use crunch.

Smirking at his feint, Pikachu released a discharge of electricity causing Blastoise to yell out in agony.

"Withdraw, and use Rapid spin," Gary yelled.

Austin knew what was to come. The moment Blastoise withdrew into his shell, it was over. The shell lifted off the ground and began to spin rapidly, slamming into Pikachu, who was sent flying to the ground.

"Blastoise, end this." Gary raged. "Use Flash cannon."

Austin arched an eyebrow. "Return with thunder."

Pikachu somehow managed to get himself up, before ejecting a loud discharge of electricity without any aim. It met midway with the powerful Flash-cannon attack, before detonating into a large explosion, once which threw Pikachu further away, smashing him into the ground.

"Pikachu is unable to battle. The winner is ...." Jeany began to speak before quieting down as Pikachu's down body disappeared revealing it to be a substitute.

" Huh ?!" Gary called out in surprise as he saw Austin smirk whose gaze went towards the sky that was filled with dark clouds.

A sense of dread filled Gary as he couldn't find Pikachu anywhere.

" Use focus blast on the ground !" Gary quickly called as Blastoise's attack tore the entire battlefield apart but Pikachu was nowhere to be found.

Looking at the dark thunderclouds in the sky, the sense of dread increased for Gary as Austin tapped his foot on the ground before raising his arm.

" Begone with the clap of thunder, Raijin's Descent" Austin's voice echoed out throughout the battlefield as a flash of light filled the sky blinding all.

The sound of the absolute majesty of thunder echoed out shattering the surrounding windows as lightning descended on the ground with one thing in its path.



Raijin's Descent was a technique Austin had been working on as his big finisher, his trump card. Taking inspiration from Sasuke Uchiha's kirin, Austin had Pikachu trained the ability to control magnetism via magnet rise to essentially magnetically induce opposite charges to build up between the clouds and the ground, which would break the insulating capacity of the air causing a rapid discharge of electricity.

This technique was Austin's trump card. The card can flip the table on its head but it had one weakness.

It needed time to build up but once the prep time was over for this technique, it was essentially unstoppable. It didn't matter if there was a ground type in the path as the sheer heat of the attack was nothing to scoff at.

Given enough time, Austin theorized that this special attack of Pikachu could recreate a similar feat of vaporizing an entire city done by lance in the pokemon manga.

In this battle, Pikachu used an extremely weaker version of the attack to not vaporize Blastoise from the face of this world.

The dust cleared revealing an extremely injured and knocked-out Blastoise.

Seeing his starter in such a condition shocked Gary meanwhile Austin caught an extremely sweaty Pikachu from falling.

" You know when I imagined catching an angel would be more magical."

Rolling his eyes at his trainer's corny jokes, Pikachu closed his eyes to rest.

" Blastoise is unable to battle, Pikachu, and subsequently Ash Ketchum is the winner," Jeany exclaimed with worry in her eyes for Blastoise as Austin turned around to leave.

" Hey, aren't you going to say something?" Gary asked in a whispering voice.

Austin stopped and answered back," Thanks, I guess."

" Thanks for what ?"

" Thanks for helping me and my friends on the SS. Anne."

" You have matured, Ashy boi."

" That's what life does to you."

" Life, huh." Gary whispered to himself as he recalled back Blastoise before saying," Hey Ash; catch this."

Gary said as he threw something towards Austin who causally caught it.

Opening his palms, Austin was greeted by the sight of a top half of a PokeBall.

Recognizing the piece, Austin turned to Gary who looked away in shame.

" When we were kids, I didn't know that the PokeBall belonged to your father. I thought that you cherished something like that over our friends and I guess I got angry. I am sorry."

" Apology accepted, Gair Bear."

" Hey, I told you never to call me that."

Austin chuckled.

" And sorry for whooping your ass."

" Don't apologize, that makes it even worse."

Austin outstretched his hand in a fist bump.

" See you at the Pokemon league, Gary."

" Nah, I'll see you at the finals."

Austin didn't say much as he pocketed the piece before turning around to leave.

Yellow and Lucario joined him as he walked away from the battle.

This battle was just a warm-up. The true battle with team rocket has yet to come."


[ Omake Paragraph ]

Although Scyther is divided into "male" and "female", these classifications have little to do with their actual reproductive roles; they are a convenience for trainers, nothing more. Scyther are true hermaphrodites, and whether they take a male or female role when mating depends on their performance in the bizarre, deadly mating ritual of the species.

When two Scyther are ready to mate, they face off against each other, bow, and begin to fight. Some onlookers have compared it to a pokemon battle, but it is not a true battle: no matter what techniques they know, or how great the danger facing them, they will use no weapons save for their large scythe hands. Poets have titled it a dance or whirlwind of blades, and this is a far more apt description: indeed, scientists believe that their hands evolved into these large blades precisely because of this ritual.

They will continue battling until one Scyther is defeated, typically by (literal) disarmament. At this point, the victor embraces the loser, cutting deeply into its sides while its body absorbs the loser's genetic material until the defeated Scyther is sliced in half. The victor then proceeds to eat the body of the deceased, a nutrient-rich corpse that provides the energy needed to spawn many larvae and raise the next generation.

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