
2. you were naughty

They walked passed each other after the brief introduction. The next morning Karthi woke up and as Usual walked to the window to have a glance at the endless sky

He kept looking at the sky for a while , and turned to move ,but before that his eyes met with a new pair of eyes that he has never seen before .

He tried hard to gather his thoughts to check whether he had come across such a person. fortunately he remembered that ,this particular person was the one that he met last night. so, he eventually waved his hand gesturing good morning to that lady.

Maani returned his gesture and greeted him back. she is enthusiastic person by nature, before considering any other factor

"Good morning" said Maani aloud, that even the garden at a distance can hear.

Karthi smiled at her and returned back to freshen up himself.


As it was off for the students ,none of them turned up to the court, they were are sound asleep.

Karthi went to the kit room and started examining all the equipments . he picked up few balls and started refilling air in them.

soon afar he could listen to some foot steps, he didn't mind them and continued his works.

In a few seconds he heard a knock on the door, when raised his head to check who it was , one of the ball bursted .

The dio fell aside covering their ears and face

Karthi on opening his eyes realised that he was on the gymnastics mat , while the other party was on his arms with her eyes tightly held and her hands covering her ears .

Karthi smiled at the innocent girl lying beside him .

Maani didn't open her eyes fully, instead to check on her she opened her right eye 1st , once when she confirmed that everything is fine she opened her eyes fully and turned to get up , but to her surprise she found Karthi lying by her side and smiling at her.

without uttering a word, she let out a weird smile and immediately stood up and dusted herself , Karthi also pulled himself out of that place and dusted himself.

"are you ok??" Karthi asked inorder to check on her

she replied with a nod and smiled at him

To get rid of the awkward moment, she started a conversation with him

" what are you doing all alone here, why haven't the boys turned up for morning practice??" she enquired

" I gave them a off " he replied crisply

" I guess we need to place order for news balls ." she said while looking at the balls

" yeah , we'll have to , if the girls and guys are practicing at the same time we may run out of balls and we can't train them properly" he told

this conversation went on and on till the clock striked 12 , they looked at the clock together and smiled at each other.

we talked about so many things today, Karthi told

Maani smiled and replied " its good to know about you, I'm looking forward to hear all your stories afterall you were naughty and has many exciting stories"

hearing this Karthi smiled and said " if we get to spend sometime I'll tell you"

with this note they bid bye and went to their respective rooms


Karthi laid on his bed with his hands held behind his head, he recalled events that happened today and unknowingly blushed when he thought about Maani and her crazy behaviour

she seemed to have a lovable innocence , she is crazy but admirable ,she lives the moment and creates memories

when you find yourself at a State where your hair is grey, wrinkles In your face and a age that does support your mind and physic, all you do is live all the best days of your life with the memories you create every now and then.

meanwhile Maani thought to herself and laughed at her own craziness and stupidity.

Though they spent only few hours together it still ended up leaving a strong mark of the image of the other person in their hearts.

Next chapter