
The Hidden Treasure

I continued down the creepy and cold corridors underneath the hut. The stairs were worn and old. There were heaps of dust, as a matter of fact for every step I took, I felt my foot slightly sinking into the settling dust. One wrong move and I'll be sneezing and coughing for days to come.

After a minute or so climbing down, I found myself in a large and open hall, it was a far cry compared to the humble hut on top.

Here, there were a couple of dozen luminescent pearls shining lighting from the ceiling and illuminating the place. There was a massive bookshelf that was at least ten meters high to more than fifty in width covering the entire side of the room, it was so large, big, and amazingly in perfect condition despite the passage of what seemed to be eons.

The bookshelf had loads of manuals, books on various subjects, and a few materials that I've never seen before.

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