
The New Rank


(11yrs later)

After my Mother had left to go back to my Grand Ma Ma's pack, but it only made life back here worse.

My Father had appointed me to the maid, meaning I was moved out the sleep in the attic.

My Father remarried, since it's rare for a wolf to have 2 mates. And along with that came the worst 2 beings ever alive.

Becky, my stepmother and new Luna, and my new stepsister, Addison. They looked like living Barbie Dolls, hair and all.

Father had "supposedly" told the true story of what happened that night to the pack. They were furious. Having an "affair" on your mate is basically like killing someone in human life. That discusting.

They joined in on my family by insulting and hitting me, often till I couldn't stand.

I gradually got used to the pain, going upstairs to the attic to try and clean the wounds until I just stopped.

I stopped eating too, if I tried to stow away leftovers, they would take it and throw it at me, often the utensils too.

Then, theres school, after Addison told the school I was an Omega, they started taking their fun on me.

How to describe this?.... to humans I was basically what they called a "nerd", as I read in my humanology course in history. 'What fun.'




I woke up to stiff muscles, having to deal with a pack in the day and have this piece of junk of bed at night, it's pratically torture.

I wake up before the pack to make breakfest, do laundry, and dishes before school. I put on a hamy-down white t-shirt, and old snug ankle cut jeans with a gray moth eaten hoodie.

Then it's off to the bus stop.

The only wolf I actually like is my bus driver, Mr. Oak. If I ever had a bad day, he would usually give me a Granola bar or something before I got home. Though, I always felt he did that out of pity.

" Thanks Mr. Oak.", I said

He only nodded, a ghost smile barely visiable.

What was that about?

I pushed it out of my mind and went to the school entrance doors.

Just before I pulled the doors open, I heard a lot of laughter and cheers from inside.

What? Is there a new Omega or something?

I slipped in the doors and went to the backside of the crowd, hopeing to not be seen.

I peered over the heads to see my sister..... and her new "mate".

A few heads blocked my view of the male. So I went around to get a better view.

To my horror, it was Axel Durrell.

The schools lead bully, and funny coincidence, I'm his favorite pick-on Omega!


I instantly paniced, my wolf screaming in rage.

" If he's her mate... THAT MEANS HE'S LIVING WITH US!", my wolf yelled in my head, terror dripping from it.

"Okay.. let's just try and brea-", I began, trying to calm her down, but before I could, a hand grabbed my backpack from behind me and yanked me to be suspended in midair.

" EEK! "

"Well, well, the little wiesel has come at last. Come to congradulate me? ", he snarked, smiling with pride at his 'catch'.

I looked in horror at my school mates for help, but they were all trying not to grin at my helpless state.

Axel bent over to my ear to not let his message slip outloud.

" Now that we'll be living in the same pack, I'll finally get to bed you."

I shivered as his breath came to my nose, it smelled horrible.

Axel had been trying to bed me for a few years, I felt as if he already had to all the females here at school.

I heard a few of the wolves in the back laugh at my sudden appearance, even though they didn't know what he said to me.

"Come on Babe, I wanna get this day over with so you and me could have some fun once we get back.", my sister said, pulling out the 'babe' part.

I almost threw up at the last words.

The school bell rang, as everyone dispersed, he put me down and glanced at me with a grin.

I hurried to class, trying to forget the


The day dragged on, a few tests, rude teachers, and then I went home.

Home. The one place I didn't want to go.



When I got off the bus, I saw my sister hand in hand with Axel walking up the sidewalk to the pack house.

I saw my sister Addison glance at me with the don't-you-interupt-me-you-little-pesk look. She has entire collection of looks.

I went inside to only find them all cuddled together on the couch and the whole pack congradulating them in the living room.

I hurried and made dinner, adding another meal to it for Axel. I was tempted to put food poisoning in it, but I knew it would only make my situation worse.

I placed it on the table, then ran upstairs to not disturb them.

A few hours passed, I could hear their laughter from downstairs. It seemed they were watching a movie.

It felt like a long time since I had watched a movie. Everytime, they would kick me out or say the movies' only for the pack, no maids allowed.

It always infuriated me and my wolf, but, we just took our frustration out in music.

Addison had lost her old phone, and one day I had found it while cleaning.

I managed to quickly write down the wifi password and so now I can only learn about the outside world through this.

If my Father comes upstairs to let his rage out on me, I can find a good hiding place for it.

Next chapter