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What is poetry(सायरी)

Read ‘poetry(सायरी)’ Online for Free, written by the author Aditya_Kumar_Soni, This book is a Fantasy Novel, covering Fiction, Light Novel, Internet Novel, and the synopsis is:


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Rare Breed

year 2046 the world is suffering through a deadly disease, researchers find a strain of unknown hidden human DNA while looking at potential cures for the disease, the hidden cells once brought to light unveils hidden ancient powers which gives humans powers only read of in mythology and fairy tales some powers can be traced to legendary mythical figures these humans are referred to as post-humans a powerful new race while the pre-humans remained weak and fragile in the new world the disease was cured but a new evil came to, the post-humans feel the pre-humans are a waste of space and resources and should be removed from the existence, a war erupts between the pre and post humans little did they realise all these acts they have done of unlocking the hidden cells the mistreating of lesser innocent beings and shedding innocent blood has broken all seals of the ancient evils inside the forgotten Pandora's box, all curses all myths, folklore, legends all make believe locations every monster ever told in stories have been released back into the world bringing destruction to the world, all hope was lost until a group of warriors appeared and changed the scales of war against the old evils of the world, a forgotten hunters bloodline brought hope to the new terrifying world and the hope is the Helsings academy. Forward 20 years into the future, a young orphan boy named Rhode Edge of the Trash-litter orphanage finds himself defending his home from a man eating monster, as he is facing death he is saved by the headmaster of the Helsing academy , Alrhyse Van Helsing and his units, injured and dying Rhode has been selected to be in the new batch of monster hunters in the New worlds most prestigious hunting academy.

Meesin · Fantasy
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El sudor frío corría por todo mi cuerpo , el sabor metálico de la sangre se mezclaba con mi saliva, mi cuerpo temblaba, la respiración me faltaba, pero mirar esa espada en sus manos" me trajo tantos amargos recuerdos, pero no no me doblegaria como antes, no verían lágrimas en mis ojos, no suplicaría por amor , por cariño, por una familia , al contrario destruiría esta familia, este reino , este maldito mundo si se pudiera, los recuerdos de mi antigua vida aún seguían presentes, cómo borrar la imagen de las personas que me quitaron la vida, de todas esas que me señalaron , este reino que me dio la espalda, pero en esta vida cobraría venganza de cada uno de ellos, comenzando por esta familia, Yo sería su verdugo, yo les quitaría todo, así como ellos me lo quitaron a mí, y al final de mi venganza, les diría el porqué ? que sufrieran en vida lo que yo sufrí en mi agonizante muerte, salvaría a esas personas que me amaron sin importar que su vida estaba en riesgo, los aria parte de mi venganza, pero el total interés del emperador hacia mí ,era algo que no estaba en mis planes , el reino de arrendel era poderoso y casi indestructible, sus enemigos eran muchos pero todos le temían al imponente emperador Aiden Max Arrendel , un importante hombre , su uno noventa , hombros anchos músculos marcados, he imponentes ojos rojos como la sangre , lo hacían intimidante, pero su brutalidad en batalla lo volvíeron una leyenda, al igual que el poderoso duque Eriz , un hombre que dominaba la magia y el fuego, perfectamente" capaz de quemar ejércitos completos , y destrozar barcos con sus abrasadoras llamas , era un hombre respetado y poderoso, leal a su emperador , sentía un total rechazo hacia su hija , alguien que era totalmente diferente a él , física como mentalmente, Fiorella era hermosa, con esos imponentes ojos violeta y aquel espectacular cabello plateado, con esa hermosa piel de porcelana, un porte elegante, rasgos finos y delicados, la volvía la reencarnación de un ángel , o un hada , pero para él solo era una carga, una vergüenza, pero verla así, sosteniendo la espada contra el cuello de su genera ,lo dejó impactado , quién diría que su pequeña de 13 años podría ganarle al mejor Guerrero de su ejército. qué tanto le ocultaba su pequeña hija, o más bien, quién era esa niña que sostenía esa espada tan magistralmente, acaso tenían razón y él simplemente no la conocía, la vida está llena de sorpresas , y este mundo se doblegará ante los pies de una sola mujer , o las cosas volverán a su cauce y otra vez terminaría muerta ante el imperio de Arrendel.

paulinaM · Fantasy
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HORNDRAGON: A Deadly Romance Game With The Lost Devil

"Take my hand and dance with me," Gabriella said as she watched his lips curve into a smirk as he obediently drew her closer to him. "My princess, do you know how dangerous it is to make this deal with me? Consider it as making a deal with the devil. Aren't you scared of dancing with the devil?" "It's not as dangerous as betraying the king of Horndragon. After all, devils no longer exist. I and the king of Horndragon killed them all. The devil is no longer the strongest of all." "Now you must be crazy if you don't know the devil is still the most dangerous creature in this universe. Tsk, don't be too confident, my princess, it might hurt you in the end." His hand circled firmly around her waist as they took the first step to the rhythm of the soft music. "Too confident? Seems like I'll have to admit that I'm too scared to accept the truth." The moment these words left her lips, she felt a slight tingle on her skin, his hand was tracing down from her neck to the point her breath couldn't hold it anymore. She slid away from him, took a step backwards, and turned in a quick circle before landing safely in his hands again. When she thought she had escaped the delicate fingertips tracing down to her core, which she could barely resist, his hands instantly returned to their previous position making her shiver slightly. She couldn't help but swallow hard when his voice whispered into her ears. It was a sweet whisper yet it brought all the warnings she had to inscribe in her head. "Maybe I have to remind you that dancing with the me means, you will obey every word I say." "You will make sure I wear the crown of Blackshed on my head. You will make them all bow and kiss my feet. And most of all, no man dares touch you except me, not even your husband is allowed to touch you. DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME?"

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