
cult of contradictions

In shadows they dwell, a cuit obscure,

Bringers of chaos, a mystic allure. Contradictions their creed, in darkness they roam,

A tapestry woven, of secrets unknown.

Their whispers like shadows, they silently


Through labyrinthine minds, their secrets

they keep. In chaos they find their peculiar grace,

A dance of contradiction, in a mysterious embrace.

With masks of enigma, they dance in the night,

Weaving illusions, both shadow and light.

In their cult of contradictions, they find their delight,

A paradoxical world, hidden from sight.

But beware of their allure, the chaos they bring.

For in their enigmatic web, many a soul they cling.

The cult of contradictions, a riddle untold,

In the depths of their secrets, mysteries unfold.

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