
Mary Our New Eve

He who molded the first humans

And willingly served them on a silver platter

With everything they could ever want

With all the freedom and blessings of our Almighty Father

But with every good, has a counter evil

For the pure and innocent, Adam and Eve

Were tainted with sin by the serpent, so horrible

Nothing but suffering and grief, is the punishment they recieved

Wanting to help us find our way back to him

God made a plan to save us from our sins

To spark the light of hope that was glowing dim

A woman destined to bear the one who's going to save the human kin

Mary, born with a heart, pure and clean

Visited by an angel with a message from our Father

That she'll concieve a son that'll forgive our sin

And be the new eve, our new mother


"Mary Our New Eve"

By: MysticalGalaxy14


This poem I made for a contest with the theme : Mary the new eve.

Yes, I know, the title's VERY original ... haha

I was originally planning to not join the contest because I was busy with homeworks and projects. But being the procrastinating potato I am, I decided to write it for like 10 mins. before midnight. XD

I was very suprised when I got picked as a winner because apparently the contest consisted different schools all around the Philippines.

So yeah, Hope you enjoyed!

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