

It is best poem i have ever written.

Trust is when you tell truth but it hate when you mislead it , trust can be destroyed by one thing you do , then it will be never Same because of you , i have broken many people trust but trust me I never wanted to , you do many good thing but if you do one bad thing you will be never forgive for what you have do , i have did one thing but at that time i was immature but today i am mature but they don't talk to me , what we can do , if you have broken someone trust than wait for some time they will forgive but if they don't show up in some months then just move on , i am also trying to move on from two problem but just say I can't time travel , [ last but not the least] if someone have broken your trust and you see guilt on his face then just forgive him because when ever i go in front of someone to whom i have broken trust i smile to let them see i am happy without you in my life .

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