
Kingdom of Ashes

Silence sweeps over the barren trees

Bodies in amassment

The sun has stopped

All you see is a glimmer

The white of his skull poking out from under a crown

The air around you stinks of death

A hollow man sits in his demise

Waiting for a challenger

As you arise

Rain begins to pour

Soaking you and the ground you walk upon

The king arises from his muddy tomb and charges you

You accomplish to dodge his hits

Return the hits




The king begins to stumble

Not bad for a dead man you smirk as you

Drive your dagger down through the top of his head

He falls to the mud

You kneel down in the mud beside him

Take the crown

Close your eyes

Place it upon your head

Open your eyes as you watch the

Kingdom of ash

Become a Kingdom of life

Next chapter