1 Prologue


'Hey, Ray? Will I be a hero too? I have powers you know!"

'Well, I don't know. Do you want to be?'


'Ray!? No!!!!!'

'Mable? Hey, wake up! Not the time for jokes you know!'

'What do you have to say for yourself recruit!?'

'H-huh? What?'

'You are hereby disqualified from the training program. Pack yer things and go criminal scum'

'Ahh not again...'

'Son, why did you do it? Not one person in SHIELD is a newbie to death but you just had to include the kid. Why?'





'What the-?'

3rd PoV.


~BANG BANG!!~ the sound of metal being struck woke him.

A black-haired man with sharp features and a pale complexion opened his eyes, a pair of green and yellow iris shined in the otherwise dimly light cell.

There was a circlet-like machine on his forehead, it glowed and hummed in a constant rhythm. He had since learned to use it as a sleeping aid but the banging was unbearable.

He sat up, looking around the familiar cell and down to see the familiar clothes. He was sitting on a bed with a metallic frame.

~BANG!~ another sound drew his attention to the force field, impossible to break without the proper strength. But still rang like metal bars when hit.

"Finally! Inmate Strom! You will answer me when I call for you, got it?!"

A man in a black uniform was pointing his gun at him as he spoke. A red eagle logo on his right chest signified his affiliation, and silver-colored accouterments complete his look.

A SHIELD standard uniform for security personnel, low-risk security.

"Hey, Lucas...Thank you for the alarm" Strom said groggily.

~BANG!!!~ "This-"~BANG!!!~"-Is not-"~BANG!!!~"-for you! Murderer!" the agent named Lucas continued banging the force field in anger.

Strom just watched him with a deadpan face, lowering his head with each bang as he remembered the events that led to this day.

~sigh~, " I've told you everything Lucas. Had no idea you'd throw me in here for it..."

"F*CK YOU STROM!!! I HOPE YOU DIE WITH ALL THE OTHER-" his words were cut when the electricity cut out. Everything from the lights to the force field in the cell disappeared.

Lucas looked to the cells all around him, as people with different looks went out and exited one by one. A great feeling of despair slowly seeped into his mind as the situation continued to unfold.

Two inmates slowly approached Lucas, one had arcs of lightning arcing around him and another opened her mouth as some kind of gas spilled out.

They flanked the frightened Lucas, who drew his sidearm and aimed it at them. He ordered both to stop and return but they wouldn't listen. Why would they?

Just as they continued to tease and prod the frightened Lucas, a slight rolling sound could be heard. They looked to its source and found it to be a circlet, broken and depowered.

Lucas's eyes grew wide as he looked towards the cell he was currently facing.

The cell he was banging on was open now, he looked inside to see on the once dimly lit cell was now a dark room. Only a pair of green and yellow glow left to signal the presence inside.

The glow flickered out and there was only a slight rustling sound inside. The two inmates eyes locked towards the cell as the female signaled the other to check it.

The male was irritated and proceeded to discharge a bolt of yellow electricity towards the dark cell. The lighting accurately hit the bed frame and ignited everything on its bed. The resulting fire burned the outline of a body still there.

The male turned back and scoffed at the female, not noticing a form drop from above him.

Strom silently dropped and grasped the man's head. Strange energy exited the man's body and seemed to seep into Strom.

The man fainted and dropped, revealing the now crouching Strom whose hands were raised towards the woman. He gave her a small wink before firing off.

A bolt of yellow electricity shot from the hand and incapacitated the woman, making her fall trembling on the floor.

Strom slowly walked towards her and placed a hand on her neck, a second later she fainted. Darker green energy seeped into Strom.

"Well, Lucas..." Strom assesses the situation, "Looks like you could use some help".

Dozens of inmates slowly gather and surrounded them. Strom's eyes scanned them and looked back to Lucas.

Strom's yellow eye begins to glow and sparks appear beside it. Tendrils of yellow energy extended from his arm towards his hands. Arcs of yellow electricity begin to coil around him as he prepares.

The entire place suddenly buckles and shifts, all of them falling over.

A rising feeling was felt by all of them as a loud voice is heard "FUUUURYY!!!". The entire structure shook, the other inmates rushed towards their cells seeking safety.

Strom quickly got up and dragged Lucas away from there. They went level after level until they saw something they couldn't quite digest.

A large collection of windows separated the water from this place, all bulletproof glass. The glass was the only situation indicator they could see, and they saw...the city of New York.

Strom looked to Lucas and said "Uhm...Lucas? What the hell is happening?", trying his best to be calm.

Lucas shrugs the entire question off and clutches his radio.

After a few hushed exchanges, he looked back onto the glass wide-eyed and said "The RAFT....it's AIRBORNE".

Next chapter