
Prologue CHOSEN M.C.

This world has always been busy one, either in day or night, from the first time I was able to, more like allowed to, this world called 'Earth'. I was given a chance to choose from a really heartbreaking choices. Rather than choices, I would rather it was rewards. First, I was told a code to a server of D, KxFcwZA, I was told that it will help the 'viewer's to direct them to other world as well, though I was also told that I am not allowed to mention this code except to a special role owner, which still hidden from me since I was also told that they are still rare and my role most likely wont make me meet them, though I was obliged to greet them with a code when I am confronted by that role owner. Oh, by the way my role is called 'narrator', a role tasked to do narration like I am doing now, although I felt I was I talking to myself, I was told I narrating for the 'viewer's who are the ones allowed me to feel freedom. I have been wondering about that since I got this role and still wondering till now, but since I felt it somehow interested I have no choice but to continue my task, so I do some reaction to out-bore myself, so bear with them O invisible 'viewer's. Almost forgot what I was talking about, but hey no one blaming me doing my job even the !!!!! have no complaint. Ups it got filtered, oh well. Next, second reward is I am allowed to roam free between 'creation's which information I was briefed of as its 'narrator'. Seems boring and taxing, no? But do NOT be mistaken it is fun for me, since I was given some powers along with it, like allowed to move between the 'creation's ,given an almighty body or what these earthian(they refer themselves as 'earthling's) refer as 'god', and many others which I was told it were either sealed or deemed inappropriate to use yet which of course not told since I can't even mention them yet.

Oh my, I talked for some time now, no wonder I felt a bit light headache. Let me take a breath. The point from my little speech is …. I AM AWESOMEEEEE. Ha… it always feels good. But upon receiving my role I was also given quests. The Quests are simple.

1. Follow the law and rules

Although this seems hard for the earthians, I feel its no problem since its in my blood.

2. Find an interesting 'M.C'' for my narrating job to attract 'viewer's to come.

I was also told if I fail badly I will get frozen. Scary, but I can't make sense out of it although I understand what I was told.

I was given only 2 quests while getting more than 2 rewards. I always feel I got like unlimited potential from my role and the obligation I need to be careful only the 1st one. I did mention I got two quests, buttttt, I love doing the 2nd one. Why a hobby which I am having fun with is called obligation, that's nonsense but I agree if it called quests like ! ….. wow that kind of traumatizing. When the next time I say 'you-know-who' you have to understand who am I referring to.

Now, I will start introduce the 'M.C.' I decided on. I found him and started following him from when he is still 5. I find him value brotherhood and is a caring person. Now, he is already twenty years old. Long time has passed indeed. I almost abandon my thought of having him as the 'M.C.' I will bring to the 'creation' I was given as one of my rewards (forgot what number was it. So just remember what I said. I was told the a 'viewer' can replay all what I said even mute it which I was told as, if I recall it right is called 'skip' power. Its scary but hope that didn't occur the frozen effect I was told of by 'you-know-who'). Ups, I was thinking too much. The 'M.C.' I found will be brought to the 'creation' I am governing, [Magination].

I was at… , ah about the 'M.C.', the man named [Joe], who after a bad incident when he is 18 was somehow got "destroyed", yup "destroyed". He have a good talent and luck. Easy description to describe him would be [popular]. But since he became an eyesore to a certain rich boy, he got his bad ending. Joe was broken for weeks, exactly two weeks long. For the first two days our young pitiful 'M.C.' candidate was too broken that he didn't even had a single meal which could endanger his life and especially my work, my effort of affecting him indirectly, which really troublesome, almost go *puff* on me. Luckily for me who had done his job perfectly for the last eight years, already succeeded on planting the mandatory skill of the 'M.C.' role owner, the [Plot Armor?]. This skill is allow me to affect things about him, of course on certain limitation and rules. So using this skill I "rescued" the candidate by infusing a little bit of his [bonus point] to enhance a little bit of his body so his life wont be in danger and I also had him fall down near table with a water jug, prepared by his mother who worried sick of him, on it so he would stumble upon the table and make the water in the jug soak him in order to hydrate him. Joe did stumble and got hydrated but the next "rescue plan" I prepared for him made him unconscious.

My little candidate woke up in a hospital room after a week of my "rescue plan". The hospital had him rest up for another 4 days in the hospital for both his rehabilitation, to make up for his one week long "sleep" which actually only needed a single day to complete since I have his body enhanced before, and check up, which spent his another three days because the doctors and hospital deemed his case as abnormality or practically impossible. Joe became a better person after his release.

But the reason I still watching him was caused by his final day at the hospital. He was on double room, a room of the hospital that have two patients in the same room. His fellow roommate was a novel fans, well the technology already advanced since this boy read the novel using his phone. Since Joe was bored just playing his games, he start bonding again with the boy. He tried for 2 days and replied with no verbal answer from boy. For two days the boy only response by turning his tiny back to Joe.

Having Joe as my candidate allowed me to know all his mind and thought, although I should be able to know at least his name and birthday listed since the boy is around Joe. Oh, I forgot to say about this ability which allow me check information and status of an individual as I please on [Magination] unless the one I am checking have a higher role than me or got the higher entity blessing of disguise. I do state on [Magination] I can check an individual as I please, but here on 'Earth' I got limitation since it was ruled by a higher entity and I was only granted vision here by finding 'M.C.' I want to bring to as the main hero to narrate. Of course I was granted wide information about 'Earth' so I can do improvisation without causing a big impact which could affect wide range. For example I know about novel before Joe does. Joe learn about novel after he meet the little boy.

Ah, mentioning the little boy after explaining my observing ability make me remember about his weird status. I got [????? ?????] on him which should show me [name] [date of birth] like Mana. By the way Mana is Joe's mother and my observation show me [Mana Senia Luke, 11 December xx13]. As always Luke is her husband last name. Normally a child will inherit his/her parents name. unfortunately for Joe, his parent decided to leave his name only [Joe]. The 'creation' I rule got nobles even royals whose name is long and mouthful enough, even the commoners got family name in their names stating their origin and clan. The only ones who have no addition to their names are either an exile, a criminal(unless the family is an infamous one), a deserter, a wanderer, or a reincarnator.

For curious ones, member of my 'creation' like Joe status in another 'creation' show me this.

[Joe] [19 January xx43] [M.C.]

{Joe is son of ??? and Mana Senia Luke. Chosen M.C. of the Magination. A kind-hearted soul who value brotherhood. Joe was broken cause of certain incident and got better after his skill activated along enhancement on his body done by [Raven Magi, the 'Narrator']}

[Plot Armor?] {?????!}

[External Help?!] { External help detected on [Joe's Record]. Permanent penalty of bonus point -10. Special conditions attached to individual [Joe], special gifts when the requirements fulfilled}

This is his status after I observe him. But having both "?" and "!" make me sure that I kind of hit a joker candidate.

Before I forgot I will relay Joe final day on hospital, his final moment before his complete recovery of mental.

Joe have been thinking <Why did this boy so afraid of me?> while looking at his little roommate. Another thought of Joe emerge < I still need to wait for tomorrow before I am discharged from this hospital.>. Joe stands up from his white hospital bed to the grayish tiles of the floor then walk toward the boy's similar white bed beside his. Sitting down without asking the boy, he opens his mouth starting conversation (Hi there little boy. We have been together for the last four days and tomorrow will be our final day together. So, here I am want to us to share our interest, since I see we both love to fiddle around our own smartphone. What is your interest? Mine is gaming.) finished his opener, Joe give an excited smile since he always been playing the "Honor Student" which also bring him to his current condition.

The boy only stay still and give Joe a full-minute pause and confused stare accompanying his silence before answering my candidate after let his stomach's "butterfly" fly out and start calming his heart. (No… vel) the boy sound out a vanishing voice while turning his head down confusing the teenager.

(No?) <Am I that scary?> (It's ok. I just want to be friend and share interest with you.)

The little boy raise his chin while showing his sparkling eyes (Really? I played some games but I have been reading novel from the moment I read one.) *while showing his phone screen that full of text to Joe*

<Full text no picture!!!> (What is this? Text everywhere. It's the no-vel you just mentioned?)

(yeah, it is. Never heard of novel before?) the boy tilt his head to his left

A tiny sweat forming on his head before replying the boy (Seems like I was too obvious. What it was about? You always too immersed on your screen and while I was reaching you, you were startled and would just turn your back facing me.) <That's refreshing.> another smile forming on Joe's face.

(I was a shy person and since I recognize the surrounding of this body I was already in the hospital. Since I was bored I just immerse myself with novel to live up my world. Since you still know nothing of novel. I will explain it to you.)

<Are all children these day like this. So mature.>

Hearing Joe's thought make me think the same way. Most of all this little boy interests me. I will form bond with Joe giving him the [Raven Magi faith] skill.

<Since I want to share my interest I should learn more than just interest about this boy.> *nodding my head* Yup, this should be how it go. I done another perfect job by make my voice like his thought.

<Why did I got that thought? But it seems legit for me>

While Joe was a little bit lost on his thought. He is being shaken and the boy's voice reached his ears (…ello, you still there?)

Shocked Joe responded (Sorry, I was lost in my thought. What was it again, novel? Come to think of it I don't even know your name.)

Shaking his tiny head, he reply (no wonder you seem like just dazing there with no response. My name is Gaia. Since you didn't listen to my explanation I will explain it again.)

Feeling embarrassed Joe drop his head while answering (Sorry. Thanks again)

(Novel is a creation made by person or team called author. Novel only consist text in its content which can show you the world the author shaped. Many genres are around now. If you're interested you should start reading some. You can start with the mainstream genre like wuxia, xinxia, adventure or/and fantasy.)

Dazed by the explanation, Joe finally respond (Genre? Like music? And what do you mean by "or/and"?)

(Unlike music which only got one genre, novels can have only one genre or as many genre as possible.)

Gaia and Joe continue their sharing until midnight. Just right before they ending their conversation and about to rest a word is brought up and startled me. Yeah, I, the narrator, startled by Gaia's word of 'Skill'. Gaia final speech "You should start reading and enrich yourself with the novels I shared with you. I bet you will get many useful skills and knowledge.". Gaia then start lying down and turn his back on us again and the session end just like that.

Joe is now fully recovered from his trauma, at least he not over-troubled anymore. He complete his study and now already 20 years old. Now is my time to have him come to my Magination. Joe is now fulfilled my requirements.

Completing the ritual, I appear on his dream. Controlling his dream realm to make a full white realm with him in front of me. Joe is floating in front of me with his body clad in pure white.

Opening his eyes, he is surprised by his surrounding. Unexpectedly, his response is unique. (I am selected to go to another world as its hero and will get cheat skills? And you are the god who responsible of the world I going to be?) grinning like a child expecting a new toy to play with.

I never expect he really wont be flabbergasted by the event happening. Since I have been watching him for a long time now. But, O viewers, I am not a stalker, just a 'Narrator' doing a good job of his. ( You ARE indeed chosen 'M.C' by me to be brought to my world called Magination. I will continue my job and have you moved to my world. You wont be able to return to 'Earth' anymore and none will ever remember your existence there, even your own mother.)

Joe froze right after I finish my words. Right before he open his mouth and sound his response, I cut right in (Since you have been reading novels about fantasy and reincarnation related, I will cut it short and just finish the ritual.) Frozen once more while listening to me Joe only responded with a nod while his mouth still opened with awe.

(Before I finish, I will brief you for things you need to abide. So Listen closely. If you broke these you will be weaken PER-MA-NENT-LY. First of all, [Status], you can check your status as you please and as I willing to tell. I will show your status and later as well as its format each first you ask for status if any major changes done. Next will be about [LAW] and rules you need to be careful of. Which will be.

1. Royal families will always be good guys. So you are not allowed to harm them and obliged to save them if you know they are going to be in grave danger. Having event the slightest hint and yet ignore their safety will end with you losing privileges given to you, in worst case you lose your role.

2. You are meant to be the hero of the 'good' side, so being evil will give you the penalty as well. I will respond to your observing when your target is on 'evil' side. There are some 'neutral' natured being as well which will affect your 'cheat'-hood and easiness of your live.

3. You are able to get new skills later and after your transfer, status shown later will mostly stated as an innate talents. Some skills come with extra benefit like a personal guide, who also not allowed to be abused as well.

4. Adult stuffs will be 'sealed' for now, you will still got the reactions but it will stay safe within certain limitation.

5. You're not alone. So, enjoy while fulfill the requirements I stated.

6. Balance will always be kept no matter what happen. Break a leg and do NOT go way too overboard.

Last of all do not act out of your character or bad things will happen. Although certain changes are allowed, but be True to your [Status].

That will be all for now. I will your innate status and you will awake.)

[Joe] [Researcher?][M.C.]

[Plot Armor?] {?????!}

[Raven Magi Faith (high)] { skill to communicate with the god, Raven Magi. Will be shown as God's apostle when checked}

[Control (low)] { A skill earned after certain bonus points spent after a certain incident and continuous training to control several stats.}

[Happy Go Lucky!] {???!!!}

[ReinLogic (2 years)] {2 years of research have enriched the owner mind about reincarnation and flexibility required for reincarnation}

[Gamelogic (1 year)] {Playing games after along with the research after the enhancement had given some good basic applicable to non-Earth world}

Now I finished relaying his status to him, I continue the ritual to summon him to Magination, which make the pure white on his body start engulfing his head. (Never forget of all, I relayed to you. May you meet my Clones.) as I finish giving Joe my first goodbye, he already a engulfed by the pure white shadow and vanish as his now white silhouette blurring as if it merging with the pure white environment I prepared.

Oh well, now I will return to my 'creation' and enjoy the show he will let me to narrate.

<Lets enjoy the show.>

Discord server for my creation is already created and is inside the story.

SilentDreamscreators' thoughts