
Second Mission Accomplished

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

After his unresolved issue was settled, Li Meng's body started to give out a gentle white glow.

Amidst the glow, Li Meng's body became more and more transparent.

He thanked the young siblings, Chen Hao and Zhou Gang, and even Zhao Yuan for taking care of him all these years.

Finally, Li Meng beamed at Wei Xiuhong. "Mom, I'm leaving. You must take good care of your health. If it's possible, I'll continue to be your son in the next lifetime."

Li Meng then turned into specks of light and dissipated in the air.

Striking a chord in her heart, Wei Xiuhong's eyes reddened, tears flowing down continuously. She covered over her mouth tightly, trying her best to suppress the sobbing sounds.

The young girl held Wei Xiuhong's shoulders, comforting her gently.

"I think you'd better take her to the car first. It's dark and cold at night, being overly grievous is damaging to her health." Chen Hao reminded her.

The young girl gazed at Chen Hao with a complex look in her eyes, before holding Wei Xiuhong and slowly leaving.

However, the young guy was pretty bold. After the most difficult first time of seeing a ghost, he actually appeared very excited now… this silly boy.

Chen Hao turned around and said to Zhao Yuan, "I'm working on your matter slowly. Also, that companion of yours shouldn't continue to stay here. Call him out. Remember, this is an order. I'm not asking out of politeness. There's no room for negotiation. If he doesn't heed my words, it's not like I have no means of dealing with him."

Zhao Yuan paused, surprised that Chen Hao actually could be bothered with his companion.

But thinking about it, it made sense. Li Meng had left, and after his mother's grave was found, after his obsession was resolved, he would be leaving too. When that happened, his friend would be the only ghost left here. That would be too lonely.

They were friends in life and death, and they relied on each other for companionship over these hundred years. As such, their relationship wasn't inferior to that of a married couple who grew old together. Although his companion ultimately couldn't resist loneliness and temptation and committed a wrong deed, he had already suffered punishment. He couldn't possibly leave him in the lurch now.

Zhao Yuan responded, transformed into dark energy, and returned to the depths of the river.

Zhou Gang asked, astonished, "Why? You want to help that ferocious ghost who caused Li Meng's death?"

Chen Hao said, "Although he did something wrong, it was hard enough that he managed to remain a kind ghost for a hundred years. The reason he committed the mistake was perhaps that he was influenced by that vengeful spirit in Li Meng's house. So I'm thinking of helping him, lest he remains here and, should he recover one day, become troublesome."

Zhou Gang nodded, to express he understood.

Such as himself. As a police officer, not only did he have to arrest bad crooks, but he also had to prevent the crimes from taking place. Only then would the people live with peace of mind. A ghost who had harmed someone was akin to a lawbreaker with a criminal record, as well as the motive to harm others again. To continue keeping it here was being irresponsible to the living.

But Zhou Gang had no idea that, although Chen Hao made it sound like he was a saint for doing so, in actual fact, he wasn't able to kill this ghost at present. Yet, he was afraid that this fellow would secretly harm humans. Hence, he decided he might as well do a sending for his soul, lest something happens and he would then be responsible for it.

Very soon, Zhao Yuan returned, this time with a man with a weak yin body wearing a green shirt. He seemed slightly older than Zhao Yuan.

When the green-shirt man saw Chen Hao, his body quivered a little. He couldn't possibly not be scared. Standing before him was a true master who could effortlessly destroy his hundred years of cultivation and return him to his original form. Don't mention committing evil, right now, it only had to suffer a weak blow and his spirit would evaporate. Hence, when Chen Hao threatened him to come out, he could only do as he was told.

"Master, this is my classmate-cum-good friend Fan Zheng when I was alive. He was trapped under the Willow River with me for more than a hundred years. He already knows his mistake. Please pardon him, Master." Zhao Yuan bowed to Chen Hao as he spoke.

Fan Zheng quickly bowed as well. He said, "I bore evil thoughts and harmed a human life previously. I realized my mistake now. Please do a sending for my soul, Master."

Chen Hao said, sounding displeased, "Alright, everyone who committed a mistake shows an attitude like yours after they're caught. Whether you are truly remorseful or whether you're putting on an act, you yourself know best. I don't wish to know. But since that evil energy and malicious intent was obliterated by me, there's hope for you. Tell me, what was your obsession when you died?"

Facing different ghosts required different attitudes.

If it was someone easy to talk to, then they could have a happy cooperation. If not, he would do it in an oppressive manner. In any case, Chen Hao would be the one calling the shots, so that things would go smoothly and he could then accomplish his task.

Fan Zheng hadn't expected that there was still a chance for him. Elated, he hurriedly said, "Master, my obsession was the imperial examination."

Chen Hao was speechless.

Expression slowly darkening, displeasure could be seen in Chen Hao's eyes.

Are you pulling my leg?

Imperial examination? What era are we in? You think it's like our junior high, senior high, and college entrance examinations? What goddamn imperial examination? Where the hell can I let you take the imperial examination?

"Cough, cough. Master, Brother Fan's obsession is indeed a little difficult to accomplish. But we can't do anything about our obsessions. I've known about Brother Fan's obsession with the imperial examination even back when we were still alive. That's his greatest wish. It's just that he failed the examination twice and couldn't take it lying down. But there's no choice. Brother Fan merely can't take it lying down that he failed his exam. Master, if you can create an exam and let Brother Fan take it, then consult a knowledgeable person to peruse his script, so long as he manages to pass it, Brother Fan will be able to have his wish fulfilled and resolve his obsession."

Fan Zheng's eyes lit up, and he quickly nodded. "Right, right, right. I only wish to prove that during my hundred years of being a ghost, I have constantly been learning. Please give me a chance, Master."

[Ding-Dong! Water ghost Fan Zheng, ferocious ghost of one hundred and three years. Fulfill his dying wish and be rewarded with Partial Unlocking of Spirit Talismans.]


Chen Hao raised his eyebrows.

So a dying wish could be fulfilled that way? Unexpected.

But since it triggered the mission, that meant it could be done.

Chen Hao's expression calmed as he nodded. "Since that's the case, I'll go help you make arrangements. Remember what you say and don't just pay me lip service. If you aren't knowledgeable and fail the exam this time around, you'd have to explain yourself."

Speaking of his knowledge, Fan Zheng instantly puffed up his chest and said proudly, "Don't worry, Master. I won't let you down."

Chen Hao looked towards Zhou Gang and said, "Brother Zhou, I need to trouble you to arrange for these two pals' corpses to be dug out and be buried elsewhere. I'll fork out the expenses."

Zhou Gang said, "Don't worry, this is a small matter. I'll get someone to come tomorrow."

Zhao Yuan and Fan Zheng were overjoyed and hurriedly bowed and thanked them.

Burial brings peace to the deceased—this is an ancient Chinese tradition. Regardless of whether they died naturally or otherwise, no one would wish to have their corpses left out in the wild and be reduced to a wandering ghost.

After doing these, there was nothing else to be done, so the group of them left the Willow River.

When they returned to their cars, the young girl asked Chen Hao for his number and added him on WeChat. She then spoke, "I thank Master on behalf of Sister Hong regarding today's matter. But Sister Hong is overly grieving and she shouldn't stay too long in this place that brings her sad memories. We're leaving now. We also can't fail to show appreciation for your hard work, Master. I'll transfer you a sum of money via WeChat later. No need to refuse the money, it's just a token of my appreciation."

The young girl then started up her Mercedes and left quickly after.

Zhou Gang teased. "This girl is interesting. I have a feeling she didn't ask for your phone number and WeChat simply to give you remuneration!"

Chen Hao said, "Stop making fun of me, Brother Zhou. I've been busy all day and am incredibly tired. We should go back too. I still need to think of a way to get my hands on an imperial examination script tomorrow. Aye, I've never even seen that thing and have no idea how to get my hands on one."

Zhou Gang said calmly, "That's easy. Just look for your sister-in-law. Her grandmother is a university professor."


Chen Hao was surprised to learn that.

This couple sure could help in every area. Their ties perhaps weren't easily broken now.

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