
Every Cloud Has a Silver Lining

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Damn. She turned off her phone? What's the meaning of this!

Chen Hao was so furious he nearly slammed his phone.

But anger aside, Chen Hao was more or less certain that this Wei Xiuhong was Li Meng's mother.

But what exactly happened between Wei Xiuhong and Li Feng back then? Such that she was showing this attitude when she heard the name of her biological son!

Chen Hao felt a headache.

Although he had found the person, it didn't seem like it was of much use. If Wei Xiuhong didn't change her attitude, even if they met, it might not be a heartwarming scene of the reunion between mother and son. Instead, Li Meng would find himself to have waited in vain for more than ten years, and his love might turn into hatred, resulting in unforeseeable consequences!

Indeed, his newbie mission was welfare—he only had to bluff his way through. But now that he formally started his missions, there was either a problem with the ghosts or the humans. How torturous!

After some pondering, Chen Hao couldn't think of a better solution, so he called Zhou Gang.

"How did it go? Is she Li Meng's mother?" Zhou Gang asked curiously.

Chen Hao said, "I think so. But there was a little hiccup."

Zhou Gang said, "What hiccup?"

Chen Hao replied, "Wei Xiuhong hung up on me."

Zhou Gang was speechless.

Chen Hao said with a sigh, "Seems like I need to trouble you to help me confirm Wei Xiuhong's exact address, Brother. If I still can't communicate with her, I can only go to find her personally."

Zhou Gang said, "I'll go and ask my classmate. But seeing her attitude, I wouldn't carry much hope. Hao'zi, you need to be mentally prepared."

Chen Hao felt sour inside. For his Dipper Steps, even if there was no hope, he had to create it!

"Right. How's your investigation on Zhao Yuan coming along?" Chen Hao asked.

Zhou Gang said, "Not too smoothly. There are too few records on the Zhao family. Moreover, they moved over a hundred years ago. I plan to send someone to Zhao Yuan's hometown to check on some old documents. Perhaps I'll find a clue from there."

Chen Hao said, "Sure, I'll trouble you then, Brother. When this matter is resolved, I'll give you a gift as a token of my appreciation. Don't reject me. It's not money or anything like that, just some little trinkets that serve to protect its owner. Perhaps, in the future, if you run into some paranormal stuff, it can protect you."

Zhou Gang had wanted to reject, but upon hearing his last sentence, he smiled and accepted.

Having met a real ghost, as someone who fought crime on the frontline, he really wasn't sure if he would one day encounter some "dirty" things. A protective amulet could help to protect his life.

In the afternoon, Chen Hao went to Zhou Gang's place to take the cat food Yang Hui helped him get for the black cat. Yang Hui had obtained this from her bestie. After all, Chen Hao's order would take several days to arrive, and surely the black cat couldn't go hungry in the meantime.

Chen Hao then recalled that he hadn't paid for the cat food, so he transferred ten thousand yuan to Yang Hui and told her to keep the rest and continue buying with the remaining money after the cat food was finished.

By the time he returned to his rented apartment, it was nearly evening. Chen Hao fixed a serving of cat food for the black cat according to Yang Hui's instruction, and indeed, from the approving glances the black cat threw his way from time to time, it seemed to be enjoying the food.

Caught between laughter and tears, Chen Hao glanced at the shredded potato stir-fry, chili fried egg, and white rice he bought from the roadside, feeling fate's malicious intent. F*ck, who's the master here!

Just as he was about to imagine these ordinary dishes as expensive delicacies, his phone suddenly rang.

Chen Hao picked it up and froze, surprised to see that it came from Wei Xiuhong!

Damn, didn't you hang up on me? Didn't you turn your phone off? Why are you taking the initiative to call? Do you believe I'll hang up on you too?

Chen Hao twitched his mouth haughtily.

But now wasn't the time to be wilful. Chen Hao hurriedly answered the call and said, trying hard to sound as gentle as possible, "Sister Wei, hello."

"Is Xiao… Xiao Meng there?" A heavily accented voice spoke in shaky Mandarin.

Chen Hao's expression froze. After some thought, he said, "Sister Wei, I'm going to tell you something, but you need to be mentally prepared for it. Xiao Meng is dead."

"What? How is it possible? Xiao Meng is only thirteen. He's so young, how can he be dead? You're lying to me, right? Earlier today you even told me Xiao Meng is looking for me." Wei Xiuhong's tone erupted instantly, sounding incredulous and shocked.

Chen Hao said, "You might not believe it, Sister. I'm a priest, and by chance, I met Li Meng's spirit. He has an obsession now, and that is to see his mother, whom he had never met before. This is why he can't be reincarnated. I wish to do a sending for his soul, so my friend at the police station helped me find your contact. I wanted to ask you if it's convenient for you to make a trip to Stone City?"

Sobbing sounds were instantly heard over the phone. She sounded like she was suppressing herself, but Chen Hao could imagine the grief a mother felt upon learning her child was no longer alive.

But why did she hang up on him earlier? Did she think he was a fraud?

"Why? Why did this happen? Where's Li Feng? How did he take care of the child? Why didn't he die!" Wei Xiuhong spoke again, her voice filled with fury.

Chen Hao said, "Li Feng isn't dead. But he's mad now and locked up in Stone City Mental Hospital. I think he won't recover."

"Went mad? Hmph. This is retribution," Wei Xiuhong said ferociously as she gloated over his plight.

Chen Hao was speechless.

Clearly, there must be a story between the two of them back then, else she wouldn't be saying something like this.

After Wei Xiuhong finished ranting, Chen Hao said, "Sister Wei, I won't ask you about what happened between you and Li Feng. Now Li Meng wishes to see you, or else he won't be able to be reincarnated. As a mother, I hope you can give me a reply. If you consent, I'll make arrangements for the two of you. If not, I also need to notify Li Meng."

Suddenly, Wei Xiuhong lost her voice.

Just as Chen Hao thought this woman had qualms and wanted to reject him, she suddenly said, "I'll come tomorrow. Where are you staying, Master?"

The elated Chen Hao quickly told her his address, then said, "Sister Wei, to prevent you from thinking I'm a fraud, you can get someone to accompany you here. It's safer…"


Chen Hao was speechless.

Fine. This big sister is truly a candid woman. Okay, then.

Now that there was hope for his mission, Chen Hao's mood was vastly different from a moment ago. The little dishes before him looked more pleasing to the eyes now and he started eating merrily.

Having eaten its fill, the black cat was now lying on Chen Hao's bed and staring at him with a look of contempt.

This rubbish owner. The way he eats is so ugly.

It was fine throughout the night. Early the next morning, Chen Hao was scratched awake by the black cat, which then pointed at the spot where the cat food was kept and gave him an expression of "you know what to do".

Chen Hao, who was having a beautiful dream of transforming into a sword deity and flying about, had an aggrieved look on his face and felt super annoyed.

I must have been muddle-headed to have brought this little glutton back. Not only does it eat such expensive stuff, but it also disrupts my beautiful dream. If it weren't for the fact that you're a cat demon and there's value in training you, I would have stewed you by now.

Getting out of bed feeling annoyed, Chen Hao quickly fixed the cat food. Seeing the black cat eating merrily, he snickered in his heart. Fine, go ahead and eat happily. Now that you're eating my food, if in future I run into any danger, you will be my cat shield.

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