

Xiao is preparing to open his shop when a knock at his door drew his attention from. Xiao opened it and came face to face with Yasaka and a fit beautiful young woman, with long black hair & a pair of large breasts. Her silky hair is in a ponytail tied in a red bow at the bottom to prevent it from freely moving. She wears the standard clothes of a Miko, a Japanese priestess.

"Greetings, Owner Xiao, it's a pleasure to meet you" The woman greeted him with a short respectful bow. "I am Amaterasu" She introduced herself humbly before Xiao.

"The sun goddess?" He inquired while he looked at the woman with a neutral & relaxed expression on his face, no matter how hard Amaterasu tries to hide her divine aura before him it's futile. When she revealed her name and coupled with her divine aura he connected the dots & figured out that this woman is her.

Amaterasu just gave a smile, she isn't planning to hide her identity in the first place but as expected of the man he easily identified her as a divine being.

"Will you not let us in?" Amaterasu asked humbly. "I heard you serve first-class cuisines?" Xiao gave a short nod and moved out of the way.

The two women entered the restaurant and took a seat at the closest table to the entrance or exit. He grabbed a chair and sat before them. "What do you want?" Xiao asked coldly.

"I saw you getting rid of those devils... Who are you, Owner Xiao? Even we gods don't have such terrifying power to erase beings with a single word." Amaterasu asked.

"If you watching the commotion all along, why didn't you save them?" Xiao snapped back at her. " I would have sent someone..." Xiao interrupts her.

"I doubt that"

"Owner Xiao, please don't say such things... Amaterasu-Sama is a benevolent goddess & she always watches over us and assists my people whenever she can" Yasaka defended.

Yasaka's kind words and her faith in her brought a happy smile to Amaterasu's face. "We would like to express our gratitude for saving little Kunou." Amaterasu summoned a white katana with a gold guard. "Please accept this modest gift as a token of our sincere appreciation." Amaterasu thanked him while she laid the blade on the table.

Xiao gave one look at the sword and then gave her a *You think I am stupid look* look "That sword is cursed" Xiao pointed out.

"Yes, I know..." Amaterasu admitted calmly and continues. "Tsumukari Muramasa is a sword forged by Senji Muramasa, a famed mortal blacksmith, the sword is one that can purge resentment, cut through bonds, fate, causality, and destiny, and slice through the idea of karma itself. However, if a mortal uses this blade they simply perish because its true power can only be unleashed by a god!" Amaterasu's words piqued his interest.

"Throughout the centuries many mortal tried to use this blade, but all of their endeavors was met with a grim fate" Amaterasu paused and looked at him. "Their souls were forever trapped in this blade!"

"Why are you giving me such a powerful weapon, why not keep it for yourself?" Well, he does have much more powerful weapons than this blade in his arsenal, but if he feeds this sword the terrifying cosmic and the godly energy inside his body and as well as add some concepts in it, this powerful blade will ascend to a higher level and this blade will become so powerful that Xiao could probably slice through the fate, destiny, and karma of Godly beings who have a similar set of prowess like him.

"Call it a woman intuition... but, I have a gut feeling that you are special and I would like to be on good terms with such person." Amaterasu replied. "And I am curious about your origin... I would like to know who exactly you are, Owner Xiao" Amaterasu revealed her intention.

Meh, if he can have such a powerful weapon for free Xiao is more than happy to reveal his origins. They really ain't going to get anything out of it except for knowledge of outside worlds and beings capable of erasing any worlds and reality with just a single thought of theirs and as for his origin, he himself forgot who he really was.

"Do you know about multiverse theory?" Yasaka looked at Amaterasu to say something but she just shook her head in denial.

"This is going to take a long time...Sigh... Well, the multiverse is a hypothetical group of multiple universes. Together, these universes comprise everything that exists the entirety of space, energy, time, matter, information, & the physical laws & constants that describe them. The different universes within the multiverse are called parallel universes, other universes, alternate universes, or many worlds." Xiao created a miniature holographic image of multiple universes, which left the two women filled with astonishment and awe.

"But it doesn't stop there, in all forms of existence, limitless multiverse present in the system and it was named as the omniverse" Xiao created a miniature image of his former boss.

"And this old man right here is the creator, the one true God who created all form of life & worlds" His words left them speechless.

"He is my former boss, I used to hunt down elder gods & great evil for him." He said with an irritated voice and shows them the illusion of elder gods and demons destroying worlds and universes left & right.

The scene terrified the hell out of the two women, what more shocking is that how easily they are destroying the world. Heck even if every pantheons & supernatural races end their hostility against each other and form unity they will never be able to defeat such monsters.

They are too weak to go against them!

"W-What is that?" Yasaka asked in a trembling voice as she pointed at the image of a great shadow filled with fangs and claws and tentacles with three flaming eyes devouring a planet, yes devouring a planet, you heard it right, that thing size is bigger than a star.

"Nyarlathotep, it is also known as crawling chaos, it born from the darkness and chaotic force of the universe, unlike other mofo's with a desire to rule the universe, this thing like to spread madness & it is good at it." Xiao stated with a calm face.

"You fought something like that?" Yasaka asked in disbelief. "...I did, Nyarlathotep was my third pray and it took me around five weeks and 4 days to defeat that thing, I was not that strong at that time but with some external help from the old man, I dealt with it once and for all" Xiao answered.

"I-If someday... something like this attacked our world? What is the chance of our survival?" The sun goddess asked while she tried to keep her calm but Yasaka could tell she is worried about what the future may hold.

"Zero, they will slaughter you guys until you have someone who can bend realities with a snap of their fingers, create life on a whim, and have power the power to break the natural laws itself." His words confirmed their worst fears.

"What do they get from destroying worlds?" Amaterasu asked grimly while Letting her arms fall helplessly, she sat with downcast eyes.

"Sigh... Many things and boost in power are one of them, You see when a world gets destroyed, a power surge of ridiculously cosmic proportions was released and if a divine being or a great evil absorbs this energy they ascend to a higher level. They obtain the power to create, shape, absorb and manipulate cosmic forces and energies to produce nearly any effect they desire. Including the manipulation of matter and energy across space and time, manipulation of space-time continuum, altering the fabric of reality, the creation of force fields, the creation of inter-dimensional portals and vortices, psionics, energy projection, and cosmic awareness." Both Amaterasu and Yasaka were left completely speechless after hearing this.

"They basically become a knockoff version of Old man" Xiao added and dismissed the holographic images created by magic.

"S-Since, you are here now they won't dare to attack this world right?" Yasaka asked with a hopeful look.

"Ah, well... I have retired from that hunting thingy, and just wanted to spend my life in peace, but if any annoyance dares to interfere with my life & rob this peace away from me, I will leave this world immediately and move on to another one. " Their face darkened, but Xiao ignored their crestfallen looks and continues.

"I have been hunting these fuckers for more than 10,000 fucking years! Without a fucking rest! Do you have any fucking how hard is to kill them? Sometimes it would take weeks and even months to end their pathetic existence! I don't want no more of that shitty life and I have no interest in saving anyone!" Xiao ranted about the unfairness of his life, but after a few seconds he calms down, there is no need to release his anger & bottle up resentment on these innocent people, after all, they are not the ones who threw him into that life.

"Sorry for losing my temper... Sigh... All I ask you to leave me alone, I don't want to be tangled in your mess, and in return, I will stay here... and if someday those fuckers dare to invade this world then I will be there to protect it, I give you my words" Xiao said with a tired voice.

Amaterasu's lips part in a soft exhale and her gaze lingers on him for just a moment too long. "I understand, Owner Xiao." she gave him a grateful smile, then turns her attention back to Yasaka.

"... Yasaka, order your forces to keep a 24/7 watch on the area, make sure no third party with bad intentions set their foot on this area" Yasaka nodded without a second thought. "And lastly warn them not cause trouble for Owner Xiao" Amaterasu finished, her eyes sear into Xiao as she picks up the menu.

"Owner Xiao, we will have today's special." She said after going through the whole menu. "Two Naan Pot Curry... any side dishes?" Xiao asked with a calm face.

"No, but do you serve Sake?" She asked. "I do" Xiao nodded. "Then we will have the best one you have"

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