
Choices made

As they arrive at Kazumi's room they are greeted by Harutora and the others.

"Where have you been?" Said Masami and Yuki.

"And what are you doing with her?" Said Masami.

"Kazumi saved me from being kidnapped"

Kazumi notices the somewhat shock on everyone's faces and promptly changes the subject.

"Anyway can you guys go i've had a long day and i need to take a shower."

Harutora shoves everyone out and Kazumi proceeds to take a shower, After putting on a pair of shorts he sits on the edge of his bed as the moonlight gleams in through his window.

"[Harutora must have hit the light before he left.]"

Kazumi then lays back onto what he thinks is a pillow when all of a sudden Kiona turns on the lamp startling Kazumi.

"Kiona what are you doing here?"

steam rises from Kazumi instantly drying his skin.

"You said i that you were taking me didn't you."

"Well ,Yes."

"So I figured that if i was alone and they come for me i might not be able to escape so i decided i'm going to stay with you from now on."

Kazumi listens to kiona's reasoning, Too exhausted to argue he lets out a sigh.

"All right,[Masami and Yuki are going to kill me]."

Kazumi gets dressed in the bathroom at the same time Kiona takes of everything but her shirt and panties and get under the covers Kazumi then gets in bed facing the opposite way.

"[This is so stressful i'm not going to be able to get any sleep]."

Eventually Kazumi falls asleep he wakes to Masami and Yuki standing over him he then realizes that he had been holding Kiona in his sleep then he noticed what she was wearing.

"What are you doing?" Says Masami.

Kazumi sees Kiona's clothes scattered on the floor at this time Kiona sits up.

"I swear it's not what it looks like."

"Kazumi what are all these people doing in our bed room?"

"Your bedroom!" Says Yuki.

"Yep i'll be with Kazumi from now on."

"Kazumi!" Says Yuki and Masami.

"I swear i had no idea she took off her clothes while she was in bed."

"You were holding her in your arms." Says Yuki.

"So what i belong to Kazumi now in fact i plan on becoming his wife one day is that ok Kazumi?"

The three girls look at him.

"I uh don't know who i'm going to marry right now i'm still in high school I don't even think that far ahead anyway what are you doing in my room on a Saturday?"

Kazumi gets out of bed but then Kiona wraps her arms around him, He turns around and gets a nose bleed and falls back with Kiona on top of him ,Kazumi's facial expression changes and his eyes roll back.

"Will you please put some clothes on!" Says Masami.

When Kazumi wakes up he's alone he finds a note.

"Kazumi we decided you could use today to relax so we went shopping."

Kazumi takes a shower and then is visited by Harutora.

"You know eventually you'll have to choose between them so i wouldn't let them believe there is something there when there isn't you'll just end up hurting them, or you could have a small harem."

Kazumi hits Harutora then the his facial expression seems more serious, Kazumi thinks on this for the rest of the day later that evening Kiona returns to Kazumi's room.

"Hey Kazumi."

"I was starting to wonder when you'd be back."

"Yeah the girls and i went shopping they said if I had to stay with you I needed less provocative clothes to sleep in."

Kiona then takes a shower and Kazumi talks to her from outside the door of the bathroom.

"Hey Kiona so how long do think that you're going to be staying with me?"

"As long as i am here i'll be with you."

"Ok um i was thinking maybe you should sleep in the bed by yourself."

Kiona then slips and falls.

"Kiona are you ok?,I'm coming in are you decent?"

Kazumi walks in and is blinded by steam.

"Um Kiona."

Kiona realizes Kazumi approaching and grabs a towel but she is injured so Kazumi picks her up and carries her to the bed.

Kiona stares at Kazumi and right when it seems like she might kiss him he hears a knock at the door he opens it to find Yuki and Masami.

"What are you guys doing here?"

" Hmm didn't Kiona tell you we were coming" says Masami.

[Flashback back.]

"It's unfair that you get to stay with Kazumi it puts us at a disadvantage."

"Well then why don't you come too i'm sure Kazumi won't mind"

[Flashback end.]

"And that's why we're here."

"Um hold on don't come in yet."

" Kazumi who's at the door."

Kazumi turns to say something but instead is passed by Yuki and Masami who have invited themselves in.

Masami speaks with a slightly annoyed expression.

"Why is Kiona in a towel?"

"That's because Kazumi helped me out the shower."

Masami then tries to freeze Kiona.

"Maybe i should go." Says Kazumi.

"No please stay Kazumi." Says Yuki.


Kazumi gets into bed and is immediately crowded by all three girls Yuki and Masami on the sides and Kiona on his chest Kazumi's face turns red and he starts to get up the girls then look at him seriously and he just lays back and try to get some sleep.

"[This is impossible]"

Kazumi later awakes to all three girls wearing things that are pretty much the opposite of conservative and he passes out with a nose bleed.

A little while later.

Kiona who is up before the rest gets really close to Kazumi's face Accidently making him wake up and falls out of bed , Kazumi a little irritated makes a suggestion.

"Hey why don't we go check out the town today it's not every day we get to visit England."

The group all go out to a shopping mall.

"This is fun it's not every day we get to relax like this it's usually too crazy to do anything. Says Harutora .

"Yeah i surprised something hasn't happened by now." Says Yuki.

At that moment a girl comes running through them and then Harutora realizes his wallet is missing.

"I got this don't worry." Says Kazumi

"You had to say something." Says Takada.

Kazumi runs off and he eventually catches up to the girl but doesn't approach her he just watches from a distance.

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