
I guess I was wrong.... this day DID get worse!


My mind was in a chaotic state. Surely I heard wrong right? I mean there is just no way that Josh said what I think he said.

I mean there's no way that THE Josh Jacobs would say that, right?

I stared at Josh with the look of disbelief.

"Let's Fuck." Josh said passionately as if he was determined to do so.

I fell into a puzzled state.

Wait do Josh normally ask random people to have sex? Well yeah he does.... but he only does it to women of his type and for sure I am not one of those.... I'm not exactly even sure that he identifies me as a woman.

I might believe him if he is saying it to Candice but to ME?

Of all the girls he chose to ask ME ?!

Of all people, the nerdy girl who he bullied ever since nursery times?! No fricking way. I must've heard wrong.

"Pardon?" I asked him again while rubbing my ears just to make sure that I won't misheard this time around.

Geez, I am sure hearing things today!

Josh took a deep breath then slowly spoke, this time he emphasized the syllables of his sentence. "HAVE. SEX. WITH. ME."

And once again my mind grew blank.

I searched his eyes for some hint signifying that he was just pulling my leg and this was just another one of his antics but sadly all I saw was a hundred percent seriousness plastered on his god-sculptured face.... in which in itself is still bad.

"Please....." he added with a voice above a whisper that seemed almost like a plea- but still I heard it loud and clear.

I glanced at his eyes which was burning with passion.... or more specifically horny-ness.

"Please....." he once again plead as he took a step near me making me flinch backwards.

The very moment those words came out of his perfectly shaped lips that was filled with pearly white teeth, my face contorted of that in disbelief.

I couldn't beleive my own two ears.


Of all people to ME?!

The shock of what I just heard was too strong that I drew a step back and stared at Josh weirdly.

He is acting all weird and that in itself is weirder!

I mean he's staring at me with nothing but a sincere look saying he REALLY wants to do 'IT' with me. It wasn't a look of joke.

We've been on a constant bully-victim relationship that he most of the time makes fun of me but now it doesn't feel that way. It's like he really was honest about wanting to do 'the deed with me.


What the hell there's just no way that I thought that he was being serious! Wait now I know!

"O-okay I get it! This is just one of your pranks , right?! What are you gonna throw eggs at me? Or are gonna do the beating thing just like the old times in elementary? Oh wait, did you guys put dead mice on my locker again just like last week? Or maybe you showed everyone another naked picture of 'ME' even though it was obviously photoshopped. Or are you guys planning on stealing my allowance again? Because I swear I gave you guys every bit of what I have just yesterday."

"Wait.... did I do ALL those things to you?" he asked clearly not aware of how cruel he treated me all these years.

"Yep." I answered popping the 'p'

"God I'm awesome."

Okay I was kinda expecting him to atleast feel an itsy bitsy bit of sorry but as far as what I'm seeing it seems like he's proud of what he'd done. Son of a bi- scuit monster.

"Son of a biscuit monster? Really? Is that the best thing you got?"

Holy Shi-ttake Mushrooms!

"D-did I say that out loud?" I questioned with a quivered voice.

Please say no!

Please say no!

Please say no!

"Yup I heard ya loud and clear." Josh said with an amused smirk.

Holy Cra-bby Patties! My face turned pale in fear.

"I deeply apologize! I'm so sorry for cursing in front of your face! I swear I won't do it again next time your around!" I whimpered.

I recalled those times when I tried to fight back and all I got was two times the beating so I felt my knees weaken when I imagine the deep trouble that I put myself in.

I closed my eyes and shielded my face preparing for some heavy blows to land on me.

"I think you've misunderstood me as someone who gives a fuck about you cursing, but as of right now the only thing I want to do is have sex!"

Oh shoot he's pissed!

One thing I know about Josh is never piss him off or else you'll be seeing death earlier than you planned to.

I wracked my brain to search for a way to get out of this mess and the only thing I came up with was.

"Ahh.... okay! Look it's already 1:13 PM. Time to uhh..... get some shut eye! " I said with a fake yawn.

" It's still afternoon." Josh said clearly amused with the excuse I made.

Cra-bby patty! Think of something else Alex!

"Ahh time to feed my cat at home!"

"You said at home and as far as I'm seeing were in school."

" Really? Uh then I need to go and....and...and..... anyway I need to go! BYE!" And with that I spun my sneakers and made a run for it.

I ran while not even bothering to look back.

Tell me did that just happen?

There's just no way. This must be a dream. Yep that's it! This is definitely a dream! I mean it has to be ( I'm in a state of denial) Okay this is all just a dream! Let's all agree on that! Okay?! A dream! Nothing but an illusionary dream!

I stopped my tracks and checked to see if he followed me and I immediately breathed out a sigh of relief when I saw no one there.

Well on the bright side he didn't follow me! I think this day couldn't get any worse than it already is.

After everyting that had happened I was in not in a mood to go to class just to read a thick history book so I just went to the library to read some good old books.

I slid my fingers to the spines of the books in search for something that I have yet to read when my eyes landed on a book that had no title.


I pulled the untitled book out of the shelf and scanned its cover.

This book looked old.

I squatted on the floor and sat in a comfortable reading position before opening the book and read its contents.

The story was about a promiscous prince who held no sense of responsibility. The very moment his father, the king died he took his place as the rightful heir. However as he does nothing but make love to all maidens the kingdom was starting to fall apart. So the kingdom officials plead the newly placed king to sign a treaty to the neighboring kingdom through marriage.

Alas the Promiscous King felt pressured and so he accepted.


The king still kept his promiscous actions and so the Queen, his wife, was heartbroken.

Then one day she had fallen ill due to immense grief brought by her husbands ways and on her deathbed, she stared at the promiscuous man who was towering above her bed with her emerald colored eyes that was burning with immense hatred.

And with the last strength she could muster she muttered out a curse.


I was busy focusing on the book when I felt something on my bladder.

I need to go wee-wee.

I closed the book and placed it back to the shelf unaware that it glowed a green light.

I then walked out the library to go to the girls toilet.

I drained and let everything out, leaving me feeling light when all of a sudden my phone rang.

I checked the caller's ID only to see Alfie Choi calling. Alfie is my best friend -- ah wait that's wrong--- he's my only friend. He is a skinny asian guy he's half Chinese and half Japanese and most of all..... he is a closet gay person. He is so far in the closet that he could see narnia in there.

I swiped to answer his call.

"Hey Al!" I greeted.

"WHERE ARE YOU AND WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO?!" Alfies worried and frantic voice called out from the other side.

I drew my phone away from my ear as I winced when I heard his screech.

"Why? What happened? What did I do?" I asked completely confused. I haven't done anything wrong yet, or have I?

"You tell me! Why the hell is Josh and his gang searching for you?! They even came to my room and asked me for your whereabouts!"

"What?!" What he said made me stand up from the toilet in shock as I pulled my underwear and pants up.

"He's been roaming the whole campus just to look for you!"

"Holy Shi- ttake Mushroom! Where are they headed to now?!"

"They're heading towards the girls bathroom on the west wing! Please tell me you're not there!"

"Alfie what am I supposed to do?! I'm here precisely on the girls bathroom on the west wing!" I frantically yelled while waving my hands up in panic.



What am I gonna do?!

"Don't just stand there! Leave and hide somewhere safe!" And with that he ended the call.

I did what my bestie Alfie told me to do and boy do I regret it, cuz the very moment I opened the stall door I was greeted with Josh' signature handsome yet devilish smirk which would have made normal girl's panties loose! But sadly I am no normal girl... I am a vampire--- not!

"There you are! I've been looking everywhere for you, Alexandra." the devil said.

"Hey! What a lovely weather we got this afternoon! Don't you think so boys?" I said with fake enthusiasm and as if on cue a loud thunder roared through the skies as lightning snapped by the clouds.

Lovely my ass-teroid!

I guess I was wrong! This day DID get worse!

As requested by Ojjasvita!

Here's the next chapter : )

The_Great_Cookiescreators' thoughts
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