
A Horny Mother-father


Shit-take Mushrooms!

Son of a Mother-father!

Son of a Bi-scuit!

Shit-take Mushrooms!

Son of a Mother-father!

Son of a Bi-scuit!

Shit-take Mushrooms!

Son of a Mother-father!

Son of a Bi-scuit!

My mind for the nth time this day was in a chaotic mess as curse(ish) words kept on spilling out my brain in constant repeat.

Was he seriously saying all this?!

I gazed at Josh with a guarded gaze as I slightly leaned away from him.

Okay lets create a plan of escape.

First, lets try and lighten the atmosphere to get them to lower their guards. Next, I'll dash forward in escape when they least expect it and lock the comfort room from the outside to prevent them from chasing after me!

Perfect plan.... NOT!

"What beautiful rain am I right guys?" I said with the fakest smile I could best muster.

"Indeed the rain is beautiful but you know whats NOT beautiful?" The devil named Josh-frickin-Jacobs started speaking as he took a step towards me. I, as someone who was targeted by Josh the Devil every 365 days of the year felt my survival instinct kick in as I went back inside the cubicle and made an attempt to lock myself back in.

It was a foolish attempt if you all are wondering.

As Josh prevented it by barring the door using his feet.

"Well that's quite mean of you Nerd. Shutting the door straight at my face! People might mistake it as if I was bullying you!"

Hearing such a statement come out of his pretty looking face enraged me.

What the frick?! People definitely aren't mistaken! I WAS being bullied okay!

Argh I hate this fricking guy! Please oh great Satan from hell come and take your precious son already!

I mustered all the strength I had on my tiny bones as I attempted to forcefully shut the cubicle.

I'd rather rot inside this frickin cubicle than suffer from the presence of that guy!

"God! Nerd can you just stop your pitiful attempt at hiding because it ain't going to work. Sure you can hide yourself now but you do remember as to who owns this fucking school right? One call. Just one call from me and the janitors would willingly open this stupid cubicle of yours so just stop acting funny and come out!"

I gritted my teeth in frustration when I heard his words because I knew for a fact that he was right.

Curse his damned family name!

I took a deep breathe and released my hold on the door and it was immediately peered open as Josh's manly visage once again entered my eyes.

Oh how I badly wish to murder him.

"Why hello there Sir Jacobs how may I be of service? Do you need another target practice and lack a good ol' target? Or do you need me to do your assignment, outputs, projects or papers? "

"No and no. Sadly I have nothing to ask of you for now BUT theres just this one thing you know..... a small favor you can call it perse."

Josh entered the cubicle and I was flustered to a shocking degree that I froze and looked up at Josh. He was way taller than me so I had to lift my head to look at him.


He was dangerously close that I can see evey detail of his perfectly structured face.

God he's handsome.

Oh how I wish to punch the living daylights outta that face.

My, my, I have seem to often have violent thoughts due to this Devil before me. I must remain calm and keep my mental health safe!

I reeled in my murderous intent as I silently spoke out the numbers of pi inorder to calm my mind.

"You guys go out and guard the door. Make sure NO ONE comes in." Josh ordered without cutting his gaze at me.

Shit-take Mushrooms!

Just what does he plan on doing to me?!

The men behind Josh acted like two well trained dogs as they both did as Josh asked without any question.

I glanced at the two boys who walked away hoping that they wont leave me all alone with the Devil but sadly my pleas went unheard.

Seeing them go out, my heart jolted in fear as cold sweat started to pour from my back.

"Nerdy nerd how could you run away just like that? I couldnt run after you since I was rock hard yet you inhumanly left me there, you didn't even help me find release." Josh voiced with a tone of complaint.

My face reddened at his embarassing words.

W-what the hel-licopter is up with this guy! Whether or not he has a hard on is none of my business.

"Your look is saying that this shit is none of your business." Josh said as his eyes narrowed dangerously and I immediately felt like I was in danger.

Why the hell are these shit-tea things happening to me?! I have no memories of doing something to Josh! Just how badly did I wrong him in my past life that my fate seemed to be intertwined with his?!

I've had enough of this! Just why must I undergo grievances just because of him?!

I didnt know how but I suddenly felt an immense courage from out of nowhere and my eyes burned in determination.

If I die now I might as well put out a decent fight!

"Because it's true. That sh-sh-sheet is really none of my bu-business!" I yelled.

My mouth was quivering in fear but still I did it! I talked back to him! Wahahahahhaha! Take that you factboy!

Josh had a look as if he didnt expect what I did and seeing his taken abacked look made me feel good.

I had taken him off guard!

For the first time in forever!


I can now die happy.

Farewell world! Oh my beloved motger forgive your filial daughter for leaving you first!

Was what I thought as I closed my eyes in preparation for his retaliation.






Wait why is nothing happening?

I felt odd as my expected barrage of attacks hadn't befallen me.


I flinched when I heard Josh suddenly let out a curse.

Isn't it about time that he punch me?

I slowly peered my eyes open and I was shocked as I saw Josh's posture.

He was leaning forward and propping himself up by the wall.

Is he ill?

"Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit."

A neverending 'shits' came out of Joshs mouth and I was utterly confused as to what happened.

My eyebrows furrowed as I glanced at Josh. His breathing was turning erratic as he eyed me with a dangerous look on his eyes... I had seen plenty of dangerous looks from Josh but this certain gaze was a first. It almost feels like..... it was burning me.

"A-are you okay?"

Don't ask me as to why I asked if about the devil's well-being because I myself am confused as to why I asked that.

Who cares if the devil was suffering?

"It looks like you're a bit unwell so I'm just gonna go outside quickly and call the nurse."

Ha! As if! I just want to get the hel-licopter out but he's blocking my only exit slash my door to freedom.

"I'm just gonn---" My words was stopped by a hot palm that covered my mouth.

"Fuck! Just stop talking!" Josh hissed at me with gritted teeth.

I was once again confused. What in the name of unicorns is this mans problem?

I slapped his palm away as I voiced out a complaint

"What's wrong with you?! You have no right to make me stop from expressing myself since this is a free country----"

My words were once again stopped by a hot palm that covered my mouth and Josh unexpectedly leaned forward and propped himself up using my shoulders. I felt his heavy weight against me and I didn't like it but still I didn't dare to move or else I may anger the devil.

"Are you okay?" I asked a second time.

Hearing my question, his face curled into that of frustration.

"Fuck! I told you to stop talking!"

My reason just snapped at his unreasonable words.

"Why the hell should I stop myself from freeely speaking out my mind?!"

"Cuz it turns me on!"







A big 'W T F' is currently plastered on my face.






It seems like my brain is buffering as I seem to be mishearing things.

"Fuck I can't believe that I became rock hard just from hearing your voice."

Mom help! There's a pervert here!

I was frozen in place while Josh leaned his head on the crook of my neck and shoulders.

"Fuck you even smell good!"

Pervert! Ahhhh! A pervert has caught me!

I could hear Joshs erratic breathing and it disgusted me to the coreness of my being.

This horny ass mother-father!

I pushed Josh away with every bit of strength I can muster and he seem to have no strength as he had fallen easily. I didn't bother to care for him as I picked up my things and bolted my way out without looking back.

And for the first time in forever

I skipped class.

Next chapter