
Not Dead?

"Please wake up, don't die" cries someone pitifully next to me.

My head hurts and my body feels warm and I'm dreadfully confused. I search my memories and only remember the airplane I was in crashing. How come I'm alive? Shouldn't I be dead? Suddenly I'm filled with memories that aren't mine. They are from the previous owner of the body I currently reside. Her name or should I say my name is Song Ji Ah and I'm 16 years old. Based on the memories this girl is said to be the most beautiful girl in the capital. She's friendly towards everyone and is greatly loved. It's a pity that she suddenly fell ill with a fever and the doctors weren't able to treat her and she died.

This almost feels like a novel.. reincarnating into the body of someone else in the ancient times. At least I have a new chance at life even if I won't be able to ever again meet BTS.

Considering I now know all I need to know about this ancient world I open my eyes slowly and look at the person crying next to me. She's this body's closest friend called Kim Yu Ri. She's my same age and known as the second greatest beauty in the capital. I would have imagined they would have been enemies and would scheme against each other but they are actually very protective towards each other.

Yu Ri suddenly looks up at meets my eyes. She has long straight black hair so beautiful that makes me want to ask what hair products she uses. I will buy whatever shampoo and conditioner she uses but then I realize.. this isn't the 21st century anymore and based on the previous owner's memories shampoo and conditioner don't exist. Her skin is also so extremely pale that she looks like a porcelain doll. Her thick eyelashes and bright red pouty lips make me want to cry. She's just so beautiful my heart hurts because I look like an ugly duckling compared to her. Then I remember I'm not the 21st century me and instead I'm now song Song Ji Ah. The daughter of the prime minister of the country and the emperor's twin sister. I suddenly remember I'm now the number one beauty. I wonder how I look like?

"Ji Ah, you are fine!" cries Kim Yu Ri and embraces me.

She's still slightly crying and my heart twists. I wish I had a friend like her back in the 21st century but I was always too antisocial and shy. My heart fills with the resolve to not let this girl know her best friend is dead and I vow I will be as close as possible to this body's previous owner.

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