

My name is Seraph Deor and I work at the most outstanding company in the world, it's called Astral Amber, A.A for short. Although most of my colleagues may not be the friendliest, nonetheless they all provide their share. Although I've been told that I have the most important job among the whole company! I Seraph Deor am a Fax operator, I know right how exciting! Every time I meet with my boss, he compliments me and tells me I'm the pillar of the company, holding everyone up. He says without me the company would quickly plummet, and now he's called me into his office once again!

(Seraph Deor is a twenty four year old woman, she loves to help out others and take pictures.)

(A Fax Operator controls and operates equipment such as photocopiers, fax machines, image scanners and paper shredders. On top of overseeing the use of these machines, they are also typically tasked with the maintenance and upkeep.)

Seraph quickly opened the door, "Yes boss" Seraph said while smiling. Seraph Seraph, I believe it's due time I give you a raise. This is me saying thanks from the bottom of my heart. I truly believe that you are the pillar holding up this company. Your raise will begin today. That day, I went from twenty dollars every two hours, to forty dollars every two hours. Despite my extra pay, it did not last too long! HUMP!

Three days after achieving my raise, multiple machines had begun malfunctioning. The photocopiers were overheating and began to stop working, which caused many employees' work to delay.

The image scanners would either scan the wrong image or paste the image DISTORTITLY! Which would later cause employee's to either be demoted or have their income lowered!

And since It was my responsibility to run checks on the machines, my punishment was the worst! Seraph I should be firing you, but since you've held this company up so long, I'll provide you with another option, have your income decreased to five dollars a day or leave the company.

HERE is why I choose to leave the company! Five dollars a day, times five days would equal twenty five dollars. Twenty five dollars a week wouldn't be nearly enough for my basic needs and rent. (And if you're thinking find another job, then please stop being a smart Alex!)

After I'd walked through the doors of Astral Amber, I noticed that someone had written "Screw You" on the side doors of my car. It was just my luck that they had also popped my tires!

I can't believe I was standing outside of Astral Amber, angry and hungry. While needing to use the restroom. Instead of walking two to three miles for food and a restroom, I decided to be bold.

I stormed back into Astral Amber and ran right past the guards, (keep in mind that it was just to use the restroom). While running through the restroom door, I was accompanied by a "twenty six year old woman"( I think). While I'm using the stall right next to her, she goes and badmouths about me!

How did you manage to fail your job, I mean, isn't being a fax operator easy? Oh, wait, it must not be if you somehow failed at it and bring me down with you. How did I bring you down with me, make it make sense. (YESS, I feel so bada** right now, I heard a girl say that on tv!) Because of your little slip up I was demoted, and fired! Oh, I understand what happened, you've most likely already slipped up before. Which must have meant you were on your last straw, do I need to go on?!

This "twenty six" year old lady started banging on my UNLOCKED stall, which led to her being sent flying at me! She ended up having one leg on the top of the toilet with another inside the toilet. Although, both of my feet went directly behind the toilet.

CREK! Some Unknown person opened the women's restroom door and began walking towards us. Next thing I know they began to clock something. BANG! CLOCK! BANG! IF I CAN'T HAVE YOU NO ONE WILL! Before losing consciousness, I believe I saw somewhat of the same skin tone as my ~....'s!

(Please, if there really are goddesses oh yeah, and gods out there, then please grant me this, all I wish for is another chance. A chance to leave something behind in this cruel cruel world! PLEASE!)

Get away from me! Where am I?! We're in the sky, and just sitting on the clouds. WHY AM I HERE, AND HOW?! Lady if you could please calm down, I can explain everything.

When humans pass away on Earth they either become Angels or Demons, that's if an Angel or Demon doesn't get to them first. When a human passes away, their soul strips from their body, thus causing their soul to transform a wandering soul.

It is an Angel's job to lead these wandering souls to the "light", which will require an Angel to learn how to control the functions of magic. If an Angel leads a total of one hundred souls to the light, they'll ascend to heaven and will have a wish granted by the gods in return. Although only five Angels will have their wish granted. Now keep in mind those five will ascend to heaven. Now, what was your name again? Seraph,( How professional).

Now Seraph, I welcome you to Los Gatos! The cloud counseling Los Gatos, disappeared into thin air, although this "man" didn't seem to be phased by this. Los Gatos is a kingdom hidden among the clouds.

The Los Gato king is the god of thunder, although he is rarely seen in Los Gatos. (I bet this god is busy spending all his time in heaven.)

Once you enter Los Gatos you'll be transformed into an Angelic being, (otherwise known as an angel) loved by magic. Once I entered Los Gatos, I could feel my blood start to boil, but that wasn't from anger, no it was from my excitement. The excitement of being giving another chance,

Wait if Angels are real, then what about demons?