1 Chapter 1 The beginning

Friday, February 8

My life has always been the same find someone I enjoy the company of and is just overall an amazing person and they leave me. I don't know why is it God punishing me was I that bad. I've always done good in school I've come to terms that B's are mediocre and A's are average now. I'm a freshman in highschool and I play basketball and softball. I kinda like softball I guess I don't know it's not the same anymore. This isn't a fake story by the way I'm going to give it to you guys or whoever reads this straight up. I love Bts and Got7. At first I hated K-pop and thought my friends are annoying with that crap but Soon I started to appreciate K-pop and I don't regret it. Isn't crazy how is humans change.Btw think of this as a diary.One of my Best Friends came out as Bisexual I one the other hand am Heterosexual. This won't change anything between us because I still love her the same. I've never had anyone crush one me before or anyone really like me but to be honest I don't really care all to much. If I die alone I die alone. I wonder how I'll react when reading this year's from now... You might be cringing from reading this but i feel like it's unhealthy to keep all my emotions bottled up inside but I'm can post here and no one will know who I am. All you know is I'm a freshman in highschool and my Name is Christina.

To be Continued,


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