


Getting up and getting ready early in the morning should be reserved for when I start my college courses (well when I actually decide on which college to go to.) Not for taking my little sister to school on the public bus. I swear, when I have enough money I am going to get me a 1969 black Dodge Charger supercharger. The same one I had in Mexico before it got trashed, and it was just so beautiful! I still can't believe that someone had the heart to destroy it, by crashing into me on purpose, such a beautiful car! Anyway, back to the present. I can't wait until I get my own car! That way I can drive Emily to school ten minutes before it starts. And get some extra sleep time.

"Negra, Emily is ready! You guys can go now!" My mum yells from the kitchen.

Heading into the kitchen I find my mum going in circles trying to finish her breakfast while looking for her keys. We actually do have a car, a dark red HHR, but we can only afford one and my mum takes it to work.

And before you ask "Where does your mum work at anyways?" She works as a nurse at the children hospital at the other side of the city. Yes it's a long way and she sometimes does double shifts but well it's good money and we need all the money we can get

"Didn't you say that Emily was ready?" I ask while getting an apple from the fruit bowl.

"Well she said she was and then she ran to our room again. Maybe to get something or you know change again." My mum tells me without looking up from finishing her breakfast. Already finding her keys she starts heading towards the door.

"Emily, hurry up! Mum is leaving so you better get your butt over here to say bye!" Heading towards my mum where she's putting on her shoes I give her a hug and a kiss on the cheek, telling her to be careful and not to overwork herself. Her response being that I need to stop worrying over nothing and that she can't make any promises. The usual stuff she says when I tell her to watch her health or self being.

"I'm coming!" Yells Emily from the room that mum shares with her. Yes I get the other room to myself. Perks of being the older sibling.

Finally coming, Emily hugs our mum and bids her goodbye. Throwing away my apple core I ask.

"Are you ready? The bus leaves in like five minutes."

"Yea let me just grab a cereal bar and we'll leave."


On the bus we were both in our own worlds. Emily looking at her phone, yes at age ten she has one, and me looking at mine.

"So are we going to talk about the elephant in the room or not?" Emily asks me while turning off her phone

"What elephant in the room?" Confused and clueless as always, I ask back.

"I guess not then." Turning back to her phone she completely ignores my question.

"Well okay then, and by the way it's not a room it's a bus. Get your facts right honey." And one, two, three...

"It's a freaking saying and it goes like that, the elephant in the ROOM. Which by the way, the elephant I was talking about was how Logan goes all mushy lovey dovey on you when your not looking." Catching a breath she starts up again. "Like for real have you really not noticed how he looks at you? How he looks like a lost puppy trying to get its owner's attention by showing off?"

Blinking back at her I can only think of one thing.... 'Is she saying that she thinks Logan is in love with me?'

"Are you saying that you, bare with me, THINK Logan likes me?"

"Nooooo, I'm SaYiNg He LiKeS FrEaKiNg BiGfOoT. YES IM SAYING HE LIKES YOU GOSH DARN IT MIA." My sister yells at me, thank God the bus isn't as full as other days because we would have a lot of people looking at us.

"Have you been talking to Jyjy over the weekend? Not counting the days she came over?" Normally she is not this sarcastic this early in the morning.

"Wwhhhhaattttt? What makes you say that?" She gives out an awkward laugh. Yup definitely guilty. Our conversation stops once we get step off the bus at our stop.

"Welp this is were we part ways. Remember no calling or texting either Logan or Jylen. Logan may be busy with his work and Jylen... Well I have no idea what she does." I pause trying to see if I can remember if she ever told me on what or where she works. "Well anyways it doesn't matter, just don't text them or worse call them." Looking at my sister I see she was on her phone the whole time and probably didn't even hear one word that I said.

"Before you open your mouth to complain if I was even listing, which by the way I was, I'm going to tell you were she works. She said she's like a police officer or detective. I don't know I forgot. So that's why I'm on my phone, so I can find the text she sent me when I asked her about where she works." My sister informs me.

"Well I don't want to know. I'll ask her myself later. So don't tell me and you better hurry up because it's eight forty-five." Seeing that I wasn't kidding, Emily starts running towards the schools entrance.

"Bye Emily, love you!" I yell at her retreating back.

"Stop it! You're embarrassing me!" Emily glares at me from the door. Then all you hear is the bell. Signaling that school has started. Sticking my tongue out at her right before she turns around to head inside the school before she's extra late. I start heading towards the nearest cafe to wait for the next bus.


Sitting in a booth by myself, drinking coffee and eating a banana muffin, I go back to what Emily was talking about earlier. Logan liking me? Impossible! I just can't get that image in my head. Not that I'm against it, heck I will even admit I had some feelings for him when we were younger but well now.... I'm not sure.

Without thought I unconsciously go to grab the necklace around my neck. It's chain made from real gold and hanging in the middle, a tiny see through locket that has a blade of grass, a rose petal, and a tiny leaf in it. You might be wondering, why would Logan, or anyone who is even remotely sane, gift someone a golden chain with a locket that has such weird things in it? Well like everything that exist in this world, it has a deeper meaning, a story, behind it.


This is the shortest part I may ever do. Also I may add some Italian into the story but for sure I will have some Spanish. So if you want a translation then feel free to ask. The next part will be Mia's flashback/explanation over the necklace. Then after that it's Logan's p.o.v. Happy reading 😊

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