
Whats to come

Amora walked Oneiroi out of the ballroom and to the front door. Feeling a little shy and unsure what should happen next.

"Thank you for the dance and the company tonight, its nice to have someone to share with" she says with a slight blush and shy smile.

"The pleasure was all mine, thank you for spending time with me" he says as he takes her hand and leans down and kisses it. He turns and leaves not sure what to make of the emotions that fill his being. He rushes off home as he expended to much magic tonight. Amora stands there a little shocked at what just happened. She turns and heads to her room in a daze as to who this man from Argos is. Once in her room she sits and starts to undo her hair and brush it out.

"I wonder if I will ever see him again?" She asks herself while mindlessly brushing her hair. Once she finishes she gets ready for bed and dreams about this mysterious man and the kingdom he comes from. Being only 16 there are still 2 years before she can even think of marriage at all. But sweet dreams can last that long for sure right?

Oneiroi reached home just in time his magic had fallen apart and he took his true form. It has been centuries since he used his magic like that and so much. He had forgotten just how out of practice he was. He headed straight to bed the memories he had tonight of holding her in his arms. Made him determined to practice for the next two years then he could take her away from there. They seem to not want her anyways, he wasn't sure if it was her parents or just the staff. There was just something in the air that she was truly unwanted and forgotten.

The king and queen where meeting with the duke and duchess of the maiden Helios had chosen to be his bride. They had lots of planning to do. As the talk when on Helios and the maiden stood there listening and adding in info when needed. The Date was set three months from now. The wedding would take place in the castle gardens, the staff would cook and set up. All Helios and his bride to be needed to do was get her a dress and ring.

While everything else was going on Hesperus walked his new found love through the garden. He almost thought it was a dream and he didn't want wake up from it. Also he really didn't want to send her home yet. Their time this night was almost up. He headed to the front of the castle to help her in her carriage. As that arrived he opened the carriage door for her and offered his hand to help her in. When she place her hand in his his gave it a sweet small kiss. He looked up at her and smiled she blushed.

"Your blush is so attractive my dear, you have just stolen my heart" he said when he saw her blush scarlet red. She giggled softly and got in the carriage. She waved goodbye out the window as her coachman headed away towards home. Hesperus watched until she was out of sight. He almost skipped to his room like a twitterpated teenager. In his room he striped down and headed to his bathroom. He drew himself a nice hot bath and daydreamed about this girl who has stolen his heart.

The talk of the upcoming marriage was over and the king and queen where saying goodbye to the duke and duchess. Helio was walking his bride to be to the carriage.

"Would you like me to come see you tomorrow so we can find you a dress?" He asked his love.

"That sounds wonderful" she says giving him a light kiss on the cheek. Helios helped her into the carriage. They said their goodbyes the king and queen headed off to bed. They were very pleased with how things had turned out. Helios headed off to bed he went almost right to sleep wanting to get an early start to his day tomorrow.

Amora was sound asleep and dreaming. In her dream she was loved by all everyone wanted her around. She was never forgotten in her dream. She was dancing with every handsome prince that asked. Everything was like a dream come true. There was no way for her to ever be forgotten. She had never felt so loved in all her life. Then her dream took a strange and dark turn. All of a sudden there was a dark figure with those eyes she saw in the forest. At first she wasn't afraid but felt drawn in. Then this dark figured tried to drag her away into the darkness. At that point she felt fear and struggled to get away. In the end the dark figure was stronger and faster then she was and had grabbed hold. Amora was tossing and turning in her sleep trying to get away from the figure in her dream. Her heart was racing as she tossed and turned. She sat bolt upright dripping with sweat. Amora was afraid and wasn't sure if her dream was just a dream or a warning of some kind. She sat there trying to calm her racing heart. She had never been so frightened by a dream before. It felt so real, but it was just a dream. She thought to herself trying to calm everything down. Her mind and heart where racing like crazy. Who could she even talk to about this?

"With one brother getting married mom would be to busy and the staff hate me. I guess I truly am alone and forgotten." She said to herself as she got up to splash some water on her face in the bathroom. When she looked in the mirror she nearly screamed as she thought she saw the figure with those eyes in the mirror.

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