
Chapter 2

When Kyle saw the information, he softens his expression as he observes the information, then questions himself why he transported here? What happened to his other body? He tried to recall the information about the game then recalled that everyone in the game has a seed within our soul, in order to break to the next rank most gamers would kill monsters to acquired Growth Points. Growth points are similar to experience. The growth point is used like water to propagate the maturity of the seed within the individual soul. A player can store the growth points to decide whether to increase the citizen maturity, to choose skills or increase the potency of some skills.

Health, Mana and Stamina points and Regen will increase based on the attributes:

Strength = Stamina max

Constitution = Health max

Intelligence = Mana max

Will = Mana Regen max

Dexterity = Stamina Regen max

Agility = Health Regen max

Attributes are also used to give an additional bonus in some weapons armors' attributes. The general use of health points is to shield the person from physical or magical damage. It act as a barrier to one's body. If by chance one's health fall to zero, one is vulnerable to the damages that might kill them instantly or have bodily damage. Mana points generally use in spell casting while the stamina points are for physical skills. Although in higher maturity most of these attributes have other usages.

Players in the game will have class to choose upon. Kyle was sure that the maturity naming is the same in all the people in this world, he was not just sure on how they ranked up.

For the status, it refers to the general condition of the player. On the other hand, resistance is not based on attribute but based on once experience. It is similar to immunity. For example if one has measles or was vaccinated, there is less chance of contracting it in the future.

In order to increase maturity grade one must increase the class corresponding to its maximum points. For example, the commoner class has max of 100 then that is a conversion rate for increasing one grade. Every player in the game has a limited slot for each maturity level. The skill of the copper maturity can only be learned and in the same maturity. Basically and unranked skills can't be slotted to another level but its own.

When a player upgrade to the next maturity, player can learn additional choices of abilities that will be shown in an unlock areas after reaching copper maturity. The higher the maturity the higher the usage of growth points, which one must consider. Every pre-existing skills, ranking up maturity or grade requires growth points. The only difference is the converting ratio of each.

Rarity and Citizen maturity based on the game is divided into several parts shown in ascending order.

• Unranked

• Copper

• Brass

• Bronze

• Iron

• Silver

• Gold

• Platinum

• Iridium

• Aurichalcum

Each maturity level has its corresponding class of choices and each class has its own skills to choose upon but it needs growth points to view it.

He stand up from meditative form and thought that he need to get stronger or he will die. Kyle looks at his surroundings and saw several slimes on the grass area. Too bad he does not have any verification skills but he could only depend on his experience as a gamer.

The slime general the most common monster in the world, they are born out from pure mana. Once the mana congregate in one place, it will form a nest. The nest will regularly suction the mana in the surrounding, so when the surrounding is energy is abundant with plants energy then it will form a green slime or in the volcano area, then it will form a red slime. This nest function is like a factory for slimes or any other monsters that is created by pure mana which will form its core. The nest production per day varies for each monster and maturity of the nests. Once the core is formed it will absorb water from the atmosphere and will form a gel-like consistency around the core. The core color is masked by the color of the gel. The shape of the core is varies to each monster even in the same species or family. When the body of the slime is form, the core will start to function and will create the internal organ of the slime. All slimes don't have anus but have small intestines. The end of the small intestine is connected to the core. Slime can also evolve, mutate or rank up. Slime can slowly auto-generate as long as the core still exists. Majority of slimes is invulnerable to all physical attack, unless the physical attack is strong enough to break the core. That is why the majority are killed by magic opposite to what type of slime it is. For the green slime, they are weak in fire magic. Since he don't have magic skills, he pondered a bit and recalled that there is one physical attacks that works and that is piercing attack. Gamers called if fishing because literally one must pierce the core to forcefully pull it out from the body.

Kyle smile and tried that idea, he grab the sword and was surprised that the sword he has is the river-cut sword. The river cut sword according the description of the game is the downgrade replica of the sword used by the first king in the kingdom of Lacusta. It is the symbol of calmness and rage, just like water. Rarity is in copper, grade 5, with 10% of its attack is converted to water damage.

Kyle walks towards the solitary green slime, when he is about 10 inches away from the slime he squinted his eyes and when he saw an egg shape like floating inside the slime's body. Even though it masked by the fluid inside, it float around and distort the fluid inside while the slime is wiggling thus Kyle lunge his sword and pierce it. He slash upward and saw the green slime core at the tip of the river-cut. Kyle removes the core from the tip of the sword and places it in his mouth. It tastes like nothing with a texture like an egg. In the game there are some profession which allow making food base on the monster core and additional ingredients to increase the growth point value. Maybe he will choose cooking as his profession next time.

Five days have passed. Kyle was killing green slime and received a total of 605 Growth points. He allocated 500 points to the commoner class converted its grade five-times. Since he is already in the middle of the grade, a person can now view and select skills by allocating 100 growth points. According to the forum, skills selection are random. Basically, every time one reaches 5th grade and above, as long as the person will pay the corresponding amount one can view a selection with different choices every after the person pay. After paying 100 points, 4 skill choices appeared:

• False Death

• Unyielding

• Pebble Throw

• Hair Needle

False death is useful if the opponent is an animal who attack base on an instinct and not yet hungry. Pebble throw makes anything soft and the size of a pebble will be thrown as hard as a pebble. Hair needle uses hair strands as a weapon. Kyle selected the Unyielding skill. This skill is useful when the enemy landed a huge damage on the player or in brink death, the unyielding skill will activate which allowed increasing its health by 10% of its maximum. Unyielding will only activate every 24 hours after its last usage.

Kyle decided to walk towards the small village of Lacusta I, while killing some green slimes along the way. He arrives at dawn after walking for 2 days then he saw the village gate. The wall of the gate is made up of a tree trunk with a diameter of 40cm and a length of 4 meters. The edge of its wood facing the sky is sharpened like a pencil so if a person is looking from afar, it looks like sharp teeth. Before he approached the gate he wrapped the sword with a coarse dirty white cloth.

He approaches the south gate of the village and it was open. He was about to enter the village but an unranked guard approached him which just exited from one of the buildings. He greeted him a good morning and asked him what was he doing this hour. Jake responded, "I was lost when my parents was attack by a 5 foot bear along the way" The guard showed pitiful expression to him and sigh, "I am sorry" then he look at the sword on his back. Kyle traces the guards line of vision, with a sad voice, " The sword was a gift from my parent. They said to protect me…..but I was…" The guard sigh again and said, "Okay, my wife is the owner of an inn. I will assume that you don't have money? You can use the stable at the back of the inn. There is one vacant since one of my two Trihorse died two days ago." Kyle nodded pretend to sniff and the guard guides him at the back of the inn. "You can rest here. It seems that you are tired. I will just tell my wife about you." The guard was about to leave when he stopped, " Just don't go to the northern part of the village, especially near the village head's house. We have some problems as of the moment." Kyle bow his head and heard the Guard murmured, "poor kid…"

When he was alone he checked his status again and saw he gained 250 points along the way so he allocates it directly to the commoner which raises his grade to 7. Jake was about to lay down but the empty stable floor is filled with foul black fluid. He looks around and saw that the trihorse, which looks like a triceratops that is like a size of a horse was resting on the other stable. The trihorse just glances at him then closes its eyes. Kyle lie down beside the trihorse and uses its belly as a pillow.

Kyle did not know how many hours since he falls asleep. The horse besides him is already awake but did not move. Kyle stand up and pat the trihorse belly and its produce a "ngeee" sound, then it stand up and went to the feeding bowl.

Kyle looks up the sky and the sun or whatever they called it in here is already up. He saw the back door of the inn and went inside but no one is inside. The guard from yesterday just blurted out from the back of the inn and saw him. "I am glad that you are fine!" The guard was gasping some air. Kyle narrowed his eyebrows and asked, " Is there something wrong?" The guard gave a big sigh and said, "Just stay here. I will be back later." Then he ran towards the back door.

Kyle was already waiting for about an hour so he walks outside and saw that all the houses and buildings are locked. He continue to walk towards the northern part and saw several people died with huge bite marks on its neck. Several common soldier or soldier which is an unranked citizen with grade of 1-10 that is according to the description of the people in this world but the games system ignores the label common soldier but label them as a whole called unranked citizen.

In front of the northern gate there are at least 70 paled, cyanotic skin people with slow and dragging movement. Kyle recalled those things, they are called zombies. In this world there are two type of undead. The first one is Incorporeal Spirits and the other one is the Living Corpses, the zombie which in front of him classified on the latter part. Almost all zombies have copper maturity except in some variants which may attain higher than usual.

In order to make a zombie, one must have class that have the ability to raise a dead. The only maturity that have a selection of class with the ability to raise a dead is the Brass Maturity. I think that class is called the animator. The animator class is the successor of the Dark Whisperer from the copper maturity. Although there are some rituals that can risen from the dead the most well-raised dead will have 70% of its appearance is still intact raised by the Animator class and above. Unlike other rituals, they usually have runes embedded on parts of the body or messy zombie appearance. A zombie's attributes is based on 10%-70% when the zombie was still alive.

Out of 20 common soldier, only 8 was left including the guard who help him. He also saw several villager corpses on the ground; some of their face was eaten by the zombies.

There is a 25-year-old woman wearing a copper-like leather armor fighting in front of the remaining common soldiers. She uses two short swords. It seems that she wants to be a blade dancer. She ran towards the zombies and slashed its head, then to the other but the zombie keeps on getting up even if the head is already cut. The woman shouted her soldier to surround the zombies while keeping distance. Two of the common soldier was lifting a trunk with pointed side which they directly ram towards 4 zombies impaling them on the wall of the wooden house but the zombie keeps on squirming even if they are already impaled. Half of their bodies fell on the ground, the upper extremities keep on crawling while the other lower extremities are walking towards the 2 soldiers. The eyes of the soldiers are filled with horrors. The walk back and two of them accidentally fell down. When the zombies saw this, all of them slowly walks towards the downed soldier. The woman dash in front of the soldier and slapped him on his face and firmly said, " If you don't want to be a snack with this corpses better fix yourself." The soldier was still shaking while standing up. The guard that Kyle meets up earlier helps the soldier stand and they hurriedly walk backward.

Kyle saw one of the windows open with an old woman looking. He slowly went towards its direction and said, "Do you have any oil and torch that I can borrow?" The old woman was shocked for a bit but still handed him the torch with fire and jar of oil. Kyle hurriedly went to the direction to where the fight is. The woman saw Kyle walking hurriedly and shouted, " Hey! What the shit! are you doing! Back off if you want to live!" The guard saw Kyle and approached the woman, " I am sorry!" the guard bow several times and continue, " he is my guest! I will take responsibility!" The woman face became red with anger, " Shut! Up! Let him die if he wants to die! Focus on the corpses!"

Kyle rolled his eyes and murmured, " What violent woman." He continues to walk towards the lower extremities which still is walking. He poured the oil in generous amount and lights it up with fire, the fire immediately spread till the lower extremity was charred. Unlike, most of the living corpse that have elemental embedded, the usual zombie specifically is weak in fire and light magic at least 200. Kyle smile towards the angry woman and the woman with a surprised expression shouted, "Get all oils and torch! And burn them! Immediately several brave citizens near the fighting area open their window and handed the item to the remaining soldiers. Half of the soldiers are impaling the zombies using the pointed trunk while the others are responsible for burning them when the zombies are impaled.

The woman remains its distance to the remaining zombies. She sheaths the sword on her left hand and replaces it with a torch. She dash towards the zombies direction cuts its head or legs, once it was incapacitated she pour the oil and light it with the torch on the other hand. Kyle now pointed his sword forward using his right hands, with the feet still in the 'L' position, the knees is bent significantly, and the weapon arm held out about one hand's width apart from his body, with the elbow bent such that the blade is facing slightly upwards. His other hand is positioned behind his body and the elbow of his rear arm is bent and slightly below his shoulder level. He never thought that his hobby in fencing and kendo will be used in real life.

The woman's excessive usage of her skill makes her stamina decrease considerably. Even her basic slashing and piercing is filled with opening that some of the zombies' scratches her and rips her leather armor. Kyle continues to walk forward with the stance that he makes and slowly beheaded and burnt the zombies. When the woman was slightly rested she dashes again toward the zombies and killed the remaining.

Kyle pours some oil on the river-cut and lit it with his torch to burn the remnant filth of the zombies then he grab the cloth and wrap the sword again. The woman whispers and the guard was whispering while they occasionally glance to him. The other common soldiers were burning the remaining filth, so the woman and the guard approached him. The woman sized him up and sigh, "Anyway, I would like to thanks for the demonstration earlier. That was a big help." The woman glances the guard and continues, " Rode, already filled me in and I am sorry for your parent's loss." The woman was staring on the wrapped sword on his hands then she paused for a bit and walk towards her village head building she pointed at him to follow her inside the building and told Rode to approached her later when he has the damage report.

Kyle followed the woman inside the building. The inside seems a mess. It seems that the house that was impaled was the village head's building. The building was just small with 8 square meters. Most of what inside is made up of woods. The woman sit on the desk table and gesture to sit on one of the chair in front of her. The woman sigh and said, " I will be direct to the point, where did you get that weapon?" Kyle controls his breathing pattern and thought, if he going to lie then at least let her hear near to the truth, " I got it from the armored guy when I was walking towards this direction. " The woman knitted her eyebrows and said, " Describe them to me." Kyle mind was as clear as the sky and said, "I am not sure but it looks like it was made up of brass" The woman impatiently asked, "Is there anything else?" Kyle laughs in his though, this woman is sharp and said, " I saw four corpses, some of them are eaten by the looks of it, it must be a bear. I even saw bear that is 5 meter tall." When the woman heard about it she closes her eyes and said, " You see….that sword that you carried is called river-cut. River-was given by the king our kingdom once a citizen reached Brass Maturity. It would be better to throw it away or you will be accused of killing them. As of the moment the Empire is unstable…. you will be used as a scapegoat to those clowns living in the castle" Kyle nodded and was about to go out when the woman talk, "What is your name?" He responded, " Name is Kyle Xian" The woman nodded and it said, " Talk to Rode, he will help with your sword. By the way, I am Risha the village chief. You may go now."

When kyle was out, Rode was already outside waiting, "Sorry…I overheard…" Kyle smiled and said, " you mean eavesdrop… Anyway, can you help me with this?" Kyle handed the sword to Rode. Rode unwrapped the sword and smile, " So, this is the river-cut…" I am still a disciple blacksmith but I can change the color of this sword. " Kyle nodded and said, " The river-cut color is light blue is very eye catcher, so can you make it deeper maybe dark blue? " Rode nodded, " Let us go back to the inn. Chief Risha paid your entire stay for one month. She said it is the reward for helping the village." Kyle smile and thought, this village was already burnt in the game….it seems that I changed the history a little bit.

Along the way, Kyle saw and heard several families crying over the dead bodies that was killed earlier. One can see that all the remaining common soldiers showed strong expression while burying their comrades on the ground.

Kyle continues to walk towards the inn and saw a slim fair woman looking towards the window with a bandana that covered till its earlobe. The woman's height is around 5'5 and has a dark green iris. The woman walks towards Rode then kisses and hugged him tightly. Kyle fake cough and the two of them shyly separated from their warm embrace. Kyle sat down on one of the chairs facing the entrance. The woman went to the kitchen to get some warm water and gave it to Kyle. Kyle keeps on glancing this woman in front of him. It seems that Rode noticed it and laugh, " I am sorry, this is my wife Ghilanna." The woman smile toward Kyle. Kyle pondered a bit and asked, " Which branch of the tree?" Ghilanna smile disappear and Rode hurriedly went to the entrance and lock it. He unsheaths his sword and release a skill called Binding Stare, this ability can only be acquired as a passive ability in Brass maturity in people who wield spears. Kyle immediately bit his lips and slight drop of blood can be observed. Rode was surprised when he saw his action because a person must feel pain at least a pain scale of 2-3 in order to decrease the potency of the skill effect. Ghilanna sigh and unwrapped her bandana which revealed her shoulder level dark green hair and pointy ears. Kyle blurted out, "Third Branch….Wood Elf." Ghilanna stared at him. Kyle just sips the warm water, " I don't know what you guys doing in this Empire, this empire is racist to your kind." Ghilanna did not say anything. Rode sheath his sword and sat beside Ghilanna, "She…she was bartered by his father for a few female humans." Kyle remembered that there was one woman who almost reaches the pinnacle Geomancy and Hydromancy named Ghillana but she died due to his father interference. The population of the Elven race is dwindling due to the fact that they don't know their own ovulatory phase and age. In the game, it is stated that the King of all elves trades human female women for a plaything by human aristocrat since they will not get pregnant while a human female is used as birthing machine in the elven region. In natural cases, the product of two races should produce a human and elf hybrids but the elves have elven spells to make the children of those couples be a pure one. What they did not know is that the puberty of elven is different from human female. Humans will reach puberty at the age as young as 9 years old while the puberty of elves starts as young as 25 years old. All the races in this world has similar lifespan which around 110-150 years old. Unlike humans, Elves ages slowly in terms of physical appearance, that is why majority of them are transported to the human Kingdome or Empire to be their mistress or if the elves are lucky they might be married to a good husband.

Kyle knitted his eyebrow and thought, a princess being battered by few human? There must be more about it. If it is just a common female elves then I understand. I just don't want to pry on their past as it is not important as of the moment. Kyle sigh and said, " You don't have to worry. I have no intention of revealing who you are for I have no reason why." Rode slowly smile and said, " Thank you."

Kyle asked if the zombies occurrence are common in this village but Rode said no. Rode mentioned that it started after the two cavalries visited the village. Ghillana also mentioned that the shorter cavalry seems to dabble with dark magic, she said, " I think she is an animator. We elves are sensitive in our surrounding mana."

Kyle thought, so they are the one who is responsible for bringing shit In this village. He could clearly guess who that person is. "What happened when they visited this place?" Ghillana and Robe staring with each other and Ghillana responded, "They requested something weird" Kyle knitted his eyebrows and thought, I hope not those things....

Name: Kyle Xian

Age: 15 years old

Sex: Male

Race: Human

Citizen Maturity: Unranked = Commoner

Citizen Maturity Grade: 7/10

Growth Points: 0

Health Points: 24

Mana Points: 24

Stamina Points: 24

Health Regen: 1.7/hr

Mana Regen: 1.7/hr

Stamina Regen: 1.7/hr


• Strength = 0.8

• Constitution = 0.8

• Intelligence = 0.8

• Will = 0.8

• Dexterity = 0.8

• Agility = 0.8



Profession Bonus:


• Locked: Unlock upon reaching copper maturity


• Unranked = Commoner 55/100

Skills Slot

• Commoner Skills = unyielding MAX

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