
Can We Talk? //

<Pearl pov>

{Hey, can we talk?} Arthur asked.

"What about?" I asked as I sat up straight and looked to my side.

{About David. Just meet me tomorrow at my company.} Arthur said.

"Okay, I guess. Bye." I said and cut the call.

I turned to my side again. David wasn't there.

Getting out of bed, I walked out of the room and went to the study.

The door was open by a crack. I took a small peek to see that David was sitting at the table with a file in his hands.

Sighing, I went back to the room and went back to sleep.


Waking up, I looked to my side to see that David was sleeping soundly.

Getting out of bed, I Went over to the bathroom and washed up.

After washing up, I went to get changed. Standing in front of the mirror a couple of minutes later, I checked my messages to see that June had sent me a photo.

Vanessa and June were standing together with their faces as red as tomatoes, probably went drinking yesterday after I left.

Walking out of the room, I went downstairs and hurriedly ate my breakfast.

Taking my keys, I went to the garage and started the car.

Before driving out, I sent David a message that I was gonna be at Arthurs.

Driving onto the highway, I drove to Arthur's company and parked the car in the garage.

Getting off, I went inside to the reception.

"Can I help you, Madam?" The receptionist asked as she kept typing on her computer.

"I'm here to see Mr. Hayes." I said as I glanced around at the huge interior of the place.

"Can I have your name, Miss." The receptionist asked.

"Pearl Myers." I answered as I faced her.

"Yes, please give me a minute." The receptionist said and made a call.

About a minute later, an assistant came down and guided me upstairs to the office.

"So, what did you wanna talk about?" I asked as I stood next to the door after the assistant left.

"Uhmm, how do I explain this... First, come and sit down." Arhtur said as he sat down in his chair behind the table.

I went ahead and sat down in front of him.

"So?" I asked with a brow raised.

"Pearl, David lied." Arthur blurted out of nowhere.

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